20 || He Will Find Her

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-3rd person's P.O.V-

Horrible pain was all Hayley could feel just like Elizabeth as she fought to break down the barrier that seemed impossible to penetrate.

She was weak and weak indeed. It was like all of her energy was being drained. All at once.

She was scared, but not for her. No, she would never be, but for what's going to happen to her sister and niece.

She screamed for someone to let her out but nobody seemed to want too. Threats dropped out of her mouth as she punched the barrier looking at the witches that were guarding her right in the eyes.

Elizabeth didn't know what else to do. She just hoped Klaus was there in time to save her blood.


Hayley screamed in pain begging for them to stop yet the baby was surely one its way. Klaus yelled threats at them to let his baby girl go and the mother.

He needed back up. He was stuck up in a wall by the witches' magic. But neither Elijah or Elizabeth seemed to appear.

"No please!" Hayley pleaded.

It was like a relieving pain when finally the pain was out. Hayley breathed out exhausted and in pain. She didn't know how much pain is felt to give birth. And now she understood the pain of it. Why she screamed.

Genevieve carries the baby. "You have a beautiful baby daughter" she said looking at them. Klaus couldn't believe his eyes. His flesh and blood was finally born.

"We must start the sacrifice as soon as the moons set in the morning sky"

"Please," they turned to Hayley. "Please, can I hold her?"

It was life-changing what some little human can do to you. Now Hayley understood.

Klaus looked at her as they locked eyes. Their daughter was finally born.

Although the moment didn't last long before Monique pulled Hayley's hair revealing her neck and slashing it open with a knife.

Klaus screamed in pain at seeing her slowly die.


Elizabeth has fallen unconscious until she weakly woke up again. It was just in time for her because the witches had walked in all in white and Genevieve was carrying something.

"Where are they?" she didn't wait to growl at them.

They turned over. "Dead" was all Monique bluntly told her and she gasped her eyes widen in tears and they dropped.

It was like she was knocked over by a truck.

Her sister was gone.

"Where's the baby?"

Genevieve turned to her and showed her the baby wrapped up in a blanket.

Her eyes widen seeing the beautiful baby girl. "Oh my God" her heart melted at the sight of such small human being.

It made her cry even more.

"Please don't do this, you killed my sister the only thing she'll have left is me, please" she begged. If Hayley was gone the baby's only thing that had left beside her father was her.

She would never turn her back on a baby.

"I'm sorry but this sacrifice must be done-" Genevieve was cut off.

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