09 || Reputation

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-Elizabeth's P.O.V-

Hayley and i entered the church and walked in to Elijah talking. "Are you serious?" questioned Hayley. Ok that was a better entrance then mine.

"You're dividing up the city and the werewolves don't even get a say?" they all turned shocked and i stood beside my sister smirking arms crossed.

"What the hell is she doing here?" exclaimed the vampire Diego. "Getting our rights hun, so sit your ass down" i snapped. He showed me his vampire eyes and i showed him my icy blue ones back.

They seemed very much shocked which is exactly what i wanted. The boy sat down and i smirked feeling myself superior.

"We're not dividing the city, we're establishing boun-" "No Elijah," Hayley cut Elijah. "There is not gonna be peace if the werewolves are excluded, they want a sit at the table"

Elijah looked amused. "In other words if us werwolves don't get one, well blood party i say" i threatened. People scoffed and started arguing again.


I sat on one of the chairs hearing Elijah and Hayley argue. "Do you have any idea what it took just to get those people in one room together" stated Elijah.

"Uh...a call" i mocked. "Elizabeth not the time" my sister gave me a look and i just smiled back. Sarcasm is the one thing i do best, so you cant judge me for only talking in that way.

"And no actually i don't, because i didn't even know what you're doing out here until someone else told me" snapped Hayley. "Tell me something Elijah, did you leave the werewolves out because of me?"

I looked at Elijah who had an annoyed look. "I excluded them because they no longer reside in the French Quarter, my immediate concern is to end the mountain conflict here," he walked over to Hayley. "Now i can assure you once this treaty is solidified it will expand to include your people" he explained.

I scoffed seeing it was completely unfair. "And until then i should tell them what, sit, stay, roll over" she ironically said. Which made me think i should tell Oliver that.

He is a douche, but damn is he hot.

"I would prefer that you would remove yourself from the process altogether!" he yelled and my eyes widen. "Ok one: you don't have to yell and two: i get it you want my sister safe blah, blah, blah, but we werewolves have been excluded from this kind of stuff for what centuries and even though i just walked into it, i know that they will not be happy about this so Elijah dear, would you mind for once thinking at how logical can it be to have peace with every single faction here" i told him.

I mean what? just cause they haven't been civilized for years that doesn't mean they cant be included for this.

"This is not about that," he told me and i raised my eyebrows. "Now Hayley I'm certain you should return to the compound" what now?

Hayley scoffed. "Do you think the baby belongs there, you think that's where she'll be safe" Hayley incredulously told him.

"Is the Bayou any better?" he questioned. Now i Kind of felt out of place since it was certain these two felt something but are just too stubborn.

"The wolves deserve a voice, give them one...you know it's the right thing to do" she told him before walking away.

Elijah sighed and smirked. "Yes Elizabeth?" he asked turning to me. I shrugged walking over. "You Elijah, need to know something about my sister, she may be a total bitch trust me, although no more then me," he grinned a little. "But when it comes to the wolves, you cant reason with her unless it benefits the lycans kind" i told him.

"I don't know what you're talking about" he told me and i huffed. "Oh boy, just think about it, see ya" i waved goodbye.


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The next day i decided to go to the compound to see if there has been any reason into Elijah's head

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The next day i decided to go to the compound to see if there has been any reason into Elijah's head.

When i walked up the stairs i heard them talking. "Are you suggesting that i throw a party?" i heard Elijah and i made myself noticed.

"Oh yeah a party is always a good way of making allies, not only the purpose but the alcohol too" i said and they turned to me.

"Elizabeth, may i ask what are you doing here?" Elijah asked me. "Hm nothing really came to see if some sense knocked into your head and i think it has" i said walking over to them.

I felt Klaus look at me a smirk on his face. "Ah you're Hayley's sister haven't seen you much" he said and i smirked. "Please do not call me Hayley's sister, my reputation comes from my own personality not known by someone else" i told him taking a step close to him.

He looked at me up and down. I gotta say my sister did make a jackpot with having a kid with this man. Ruthless but hot.

"And what reputation is that?" he questioned taking a sip of his drink. "The party obsessed bitch girl in town" i took his cup and he looked amused.

Drinking all the liquid, i gave it back to him which he grabbed looking still amused. "And where is she now?" he asked and i chuckled getting closer to his ear.

"Oh you'll see" i whispered turning around to leave. I guess my work here is done. "See you tonight Elizabeth" said Elijah and i turned winking at them more specifically Klaus.

(A/N) Hello peeps!!

So did ya like this chapter? Finally Klaus and Elizabeth have some interaction with each other. I know you're thinking Elizabeth is just playing games and everything. Well thats how she is and remember she came here for a reason.

Remember to comment!!



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