17 || Second Night With Him

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-3rd person's P.O.V-

I groaned as I woke up with a headache. I instantly went to my eyes as I slowly opened them getting up quickly. Flashes of what had happened to me and why it happened came to mind and I sat up too fast for my still dizzy eyes.

"Careful, you took a lot of pain"

My eyes looked to the side and saw Hayley sitting on a chair beside the bed's bottom. I laughed. "Yeah, haven't really done it since, forever" I said getting off the bed this time slower and was happy to see I was stable.

"Hey, I still think you should lay down-"

"Hayley, I'm fine, I heal quickly remember" I stopped her from acting as she cares. "And stop pretending as you care"

I grabbed my jacket that I guess they took off and put it on. I had to leave it was late and I couldn't stand walking around with these nightmares I keep getting.

"I'm not pretending if anything I think you're the one pretending to not care" I scoffed At Hayley's assumptions. "I don't care" I stated.

"Then why take away my pain while Mikael attacked me" my eyes widen. "Mikael attacked you?" I heard stories of Mikael not pretty.

"Yes, but why did you do it Eli" I growled at the nickname. "Do not call me that. And I didn't do it for you, I did it for the baby girl you're holding inside" I snapped. Why can't I do something to help and be expected to be changed at heart.

She looked at me sadly and seemed to have taken it in.

"My sister, died when she abandoned me in a house alone, at the time I most needed and you know it, Hayley just because I'm here, because I helped you does not mean I forgive you, I can't when you promised forever sisters, do you even know how hard it was for me to go on at my own at 16, how many people try to take advantage of you, I was 15 when I trigger the curse and you instead of helping just left me. I'm sorry but I can't just look past that" I said and left the room.

It was a nightmare to be only 15 and broke the curse and 16 when you were left alone to fight on your own. I hated those times cause it was when I didn't know what to do. The only good that came out of them was that it made me look at life in it's true colors.

Dark and be careful with who you trust. Because even your family can stab you in the back at the worst moments.

As I walked out of the compound I stopped when I heard Klaus call me. "You're leaving?" he said and I nodded. "Yeah, I feel like sleeping early" I shrugged. He walked towards me and I teamed a little when he brought his hand up and to my cheek. I looked at him confused until his thumbs brushed against my cheek and I felt a small air run over my what seemed to be wet.

"You're crying" he whispered to me while seeming very confused. "Yeah it's normal" I shrugged taking a step back. I had no idea what he was doing. "But not for you" he told me.

I breathed out a laugh. "Well I cry when I'm angry" I said. Sometimes I do cry when I'm angry it just helps me calm down and it just happens.

"I didn't mean to intrude but you were a little loud, I heard what you and Hayley talked about, is it true?" he asked me and I huffed. "I'll tell you something, next time you eavesdrop I'll make sure to snap your neck," I smugly smiled. "And to your question, sometimes those who seemed to not care to have the deepest scars and I Klaus am someone with many who seem to never close"

My tongue seems to work on its own as I told him this. I don't trust people but for some reason, I felt he'd know what it felt. Living for a thousand years I think he'll understand.

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