12 || People Person

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-Elizabeth's P.O.V-

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You know i was never a people person

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You know i was never a people person. I always preferred to be alone and i hated it. But it was better then to trust someone who you didn't know.

So after going to my apartment to change and come to the Bayou to i see a lot of people...i got immediately annoyed.

"Excuse me, Jesus, excuse me-move!" i told aggravated to people who stood around the Bayou's cabin. I breathed in and sigh when i was finally out of the crowd.

I walked over to Hayley and Eve with my annoyed look. "What is all these people about?" i asked showing my discomfort.

"Same thing i ask myself" Hayley looked at Eve. "They've come from all over, all the pack" Eve said making me confused.

"Why? to see a baby that's isn't even born yet?" Hayley said looking annoyed too. "Forget the baby, the freaks, they came here to see you," Oliver came out of the cabin. "And you" he pointed at me.

"Me, why me?" i was now confused. "You know given the place your parents tell an entire pack VIDEO, then maybe they think you're gonna be the long lost werwolf mesiry" he sounded annoyed too.

"Again, why me?" i asked. "They wanted to meet the wolf that turned at will" he said and i rolled my eyes.

Now this is why long ago before i was left alone. I hated turning not only because i was scared to become a monster, but because i didn't want to feel too excluded for not being common like the rest of the wolves.

That's why I'm not a people person.

"Great no pressure or anything" sighed Hayley. A phone ringed and i saw Oliver walk away to answer. I didn't get much time as i only heard the last part of Oliver's conversation.

"Alright I'm on it" he said and i walk over crossing my arms standing behind him. He jumped a little when he turned around. "You're on what exactly?" i asked.

I could see how annoyed he looked.

"Nothing, yeah nothing" i could see his eyes not realy looking at mine. "Mhm," i stepped closer. "If there's anything that i need to know about anything Oliver, you tell me, ok hun" i threatened in a sweet way.

This was too suspicious and not only that but his nervousness gave it a little away.

"Yeah right" he scoffed. "You know i can make your head turn 360° right" i smiled. Now he did look a little scared now. "Ok Elizabeth ok" he nodded and walked past me.


"You seriously agreed, wow" i sarcastically told Elijah as he had just told us...well them about the witches festival.

"Thanks, but no thanks!" laughed Hayley and smiled seeing she thought it wasn't a good idea either.

"Lets hear the man out" suggested Oliver which i glared at.

"The witches are the ones that cursed your pack and they've been nothing but crap to me since i came to town, no" Hayley said looking incredulous.

"You see Elijah this is the worst idea ever that you have ever agreed too...and i just met you" i joked. Joking sometimes loosens the mood and right now the mood was tense.

"We're not going" Hayley denied. "Ha told ya" i laughed. "Its a new day in the quarter Hayley, i agree with Oliver," Jackson intervened. Great. "If we're gonna coach this then we have to play ball, ill send a representative with a gift"

"And we're screwed" that was me.

Then i thought of how much they hate the witches and vampires and how Jackson and Oliver hate them and agreed so fast.

"You two are hidding something" i told them and they looked at me. "Sorry?" asked Jackson. "You heard me hun, you're hidding something and it is not that good, but ill find out" i smiled and walked away leaving them completely worried.

Their faces showed it all.


I stood behind the walls of the cabin inside as i heard in the conversation of Jackson and Oliver.

Results Klaus is making moonlight ring fir werewolves. So that's why Klaus was out of no where so interested in me.

"What are you doing?" asked Hayley coming over. I 'shh' her and motioned outside. She got the hint and walked out.

"What is, high school?" she questioned as they both shut up when we walked out. "Secrets and secrets you see i told you i'd find out" i smirked.

"Why don't you take a hint and mind your own business" snapped Oliver and i scoffed. He went to leave. I looked at Hayley ans nodded and she grabbed Oliver pushing up against the wall with his arm behind his back as he kept groaning.

"This is my pack, that makes it my business" she twisted more the arm. A little more and she snaps it.

"No need to get all riled up Hayley" Jackson warned. "I have tried to play nice, part oft he pregnancy is all hormones a mood swings," I've heard about that. "So unless you want me to snap your arm like a twig, I suggest you to tell me what is going on" she threatened.

"Ooh Oliver even my sister wins you" i mocked. "You can go to hell" cursed Oliver. "Knock if off, there's no reason to keep it from her" said Jackson.

"Oh i could think of something" Oliver answered. "Uh i just found out, results you two are not at good of whisperers, either i tell her or you do?" i asked.

"Tell an immortal and where are the pockets of a scarf-" Hayley slammed him again against the wall. "Ah wow, Hayley you're one of us, you deserve to know, now come on" Jackson agreed with me.

She looked at Jackson and let go of Oliver. "We made an alliance, that's gonna change everything for the wolves" he started dramatically. "Ooh but tell her with who did you make that alliance" i patted his back.

"With Klaus" Hayley glared. "Tell me everything" she stated.

(A/N) Hello peeps!!

Did you guys now get the interest Klaus got on Elizabeth or do you think it is more then just that. I mean anything could happen, but then it's Elizabeth we are talking about.

I love how she just makes a very a not serious comment in a serious situation.

Comment what you think!!



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