19 || Let War Begin

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-3rd person's P.O.V-

As Genevieve prepared for the spell Klaus walked in impatiently. "I trust you're ready"

"The last ingredient is personal as the spell is designed to control the transformation i need the blood of a werewolf that doesn't turn on a full moon," Klaus raised his eyebrows. "My first thought was Hayley because of the pregnancy-"

"Out of the question, i just assumed limit the mother of my unborn child to the side effects of your witchery" Klaus was not letting his child be linked to some spell neither the mother.

"Then i thought of Elizabeth, she turns at will without having to be a hybrid, so..." Genevieve tried again.

Klaus chuckled at her. "Elizabeth's stubborn with a big hatred towards witches i doubt she would give you her blood, anyways shes out of the question too," he was not letting Elizabeth do it either which caused Genevieve to ask herself why? "I'm half-wolf, i control my form, us my blood"

The red-head grabbed the knife. "You know Klaus, I'm beginning to think you have catch feeling for that werewolf, sister of the mother of your unborn child"

Klaus grabbed her arm gripping it tightly yet not hard enough to break it. "That's just mere care for anyone related by blood to my child," the hybrid growled at her. "If you fail to uphold your ends of the deal, the consequences for you will be apocalyptic" he threatened not really caring for her if not for just this spell.

She nervously smiled but masked it. "You say the most romantic things"


Elizabeth crossed her arms as she looked around the room standing beside her sister. She had finally changed into some of her clothes and put her hair in a ponytail.

Since she didn't trust either Genevieve or Francesca she wanted to be part of the Stones making.

Since she didn't trust either Genevieve or Francesca she wanted to be part of the Stones making

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But was starting to get annoyed from the spell mumbling Genevieve was doing.

"My people say Marcel's on the move and he's bringing friends" Francesca walked in. Klaus stood up straight looking at Elijah.

"Get Hayley to saftey" he stated and Elinah nodded going to her but Hayley stood her ground.

"Come with me"

"No," she denied. "Someone needs to watch her" she motioned to Genevieve.

"You should help Klaus, my brothers and their security detail won't be much against Vampire," Elijah wasn't sure. "I'll stay with Hayley"

Elizabeth glared at her. So she decided to give more reassurance to the original. "I'll stay with Hayley, trust me Elijah"

"Go Elijah, and don't hold back" Hayley said.

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