21 || Stay

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-3rd person's P.O.V-

As Klaus carried Elizabeth into the compound Hayley quickly ran over to see her sister. She seemed to be very tired and in need of sleep.

Hayley had already drank a drop of blood from her baby and was now a hybrid.

"Is she ok?" was the first thing she asked. Klaus smiled at her nodding. "Nothing a good night of rest won't do" he told her and put her down softly on the couch.

"I can't believe not only did my baby get into this mess but her too" Hayley's eyes water bending down and sitting beside her sister while holding her hand.

"She's strong love, she'll get better" Klaus said not knowing why was this a matter of tears neither did Elijah.

The oldest Marshall shook her head. "You don't understand, Elizabeth has gone through a lot more then you could ever think, probably even worse than us lately, she hates because I left her after she needed me than most, I was selfish enough to make my own sister hate me," she let out a sob. "I thought she wouldn't mind, but I was just a shit of a sister, I would hate myself too"

Klaus and Elijah sat down looking as she cried. "What do you mean by has been worse for her?" Elijah asked. He didn't want to intrude but he was curious.

Hayley looked at them smiling sadly. "That's not for me to tell," Klaus knew that it wasn't no something good. "And if she's already hated me I have no doubt she will hate me now for this, and I'm sure she'll leave"

Elizabeth stirred groaning as she opened her eyes. Her eyes tried to adjust to the light and to the face in front of her.

Her brown eyes widen when she saw her older sister. Quickly she sat up and hugged her. Hayley didn't expect this at all. At first, she didn't know what to do but soon hugged her sister back.

"Hayley-h-how?" she asked her pulling from the hug. Hayley didn't know what to say. She was shocked Elizabeth showed affection towards her. She was always cold.

"You don't hate me?"

Elizabeth rolled her eyes. "Hay-Hay I thought you died..." she saw her heart eyes. She looked over at Klaus and Elijah who nodded. "When you left me I was just sixteen. It hurt and I had built so much anger, revenge for it but I always knew that I could never hate my own blood, Hayley you're my sister and I could never hate you even after leaving me, yes it was totally crappy, but you're my only family left, and after hearing that you had died I felt like I was ripped away from the only thing I had from family"

Hayley let out a sob while Elizabeth smiled and hugged her again. "I could never hate you Hayley" she hugged her tightly.

"Oh thank God" Hayley breathed out. Elizabeth pulled away standing up and whipped her tears.

"So I guess this means you'll stay?" Klaus asked her and she turned to him with small bags under her eyes.

"You can't get rid of me that easily"

They laughed and suddenly there was a baby's cry coming from the next room. Elizabeth's heart skipped a beat looking at them shocked.

"Is that?"

"Yes, she's safe and sound I'll go get her" Hayley smiled going to get her daughter.

Elijah took a step forward hugging Elizabeth. "Wow what's this for?" she asked him.

"Believe it or not Elizabeth, you're already part of the family, the moment you tried to protect Hope" he told her sincerely.

She raised her eyebrows but her eyes teared up.

𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙎𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙨 ¹ {Klaus Mikaelson love story}Where stories live. Discover now