14 || Bitten

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-Elizabeth's P.O.V-

"So wanna tell me what was that thing about" i told Klaus standing beside him. He smirked. "You cant keep yourself away from me for so long huh" he said very cocky.

I scoffed. "Please, you really think too much of yourself, hun" i told him taking a sip of the champagne. "Whats this thing with the hun?" he asked moving his hands.

I shrugged. "Nothing it's just something i tell everybody, what ya like it" i flirted. "Oh don't think too much of yourself love" he said.

After i told him not to call me love he still doss anyways. My head snapped over to the stairs where some men came down playing some bongos and other instruments all dressed in white.

"Happy Fet de Venediccion," the middle one said stopping the instrument playing. "We have a message for all of you...from Marcel Gerard" he said and i frowned.

"Wasn't he exiled?" i asked. "He is" growled Klaus. They took out blades and cut their veins. "Control yourselves, we do not violate our agreement" Elijah tried speaking this out.

It wasn't good enough as vampires started to show their faces. Out of nowhere the lights went out and i started hearing screams.

I felt someone grab my arm and then my neck. I winced when i felt fangs bite into my neck. "Ah!" i screamed feeling so vulnerable and disgusted.

When they grabbed me and i couldn't let go for a moment made me panic.

Then they were taken off me and i felt someone else grab my arm. I looked up to see Klaus and just in that moment the lights went on again.

I looked around to see people dead. I touched my neck and saw the blood coming out. I gulped. Never has a vampire bitten me and i was angry.

"Are you ok love?" he asked and i couldn't even answer i already felt my wolf wanting to come out of anger. "I'm fine" i growled and ran out as far as i could and then turned into my wolf form.

Being bitten by vampires wasn't the whole problem but the way it grabbed me. How i could free myself because i was so panicked.

I shook my head and ran in my four paws.


Running through the woods i passed blurred trees do to the speed i was going at. It felt good how the breeze ran through my fur and it chilled but it wasn't bad.

The events of tonight replayed in my mind. From when the men walked down the stairs and played the bongos. To when the slit their wrists without a flint.

Finally feeling my chest heat up do to me in need of a stop. I slowed down my pace and stopped between the trees of the woods.

I let my self change back to normal. I didn't care i had no clothes i could just sneak to the Bayou in my wolf form and grab some clothes.

Pulling my knees to my chest i gulped trying to forget of how i was bit today. Never was i gotten bitten but there was another reason i refused to think about.

If i did, it would break me. And i don't need to cry for something i should have gotten over with but still get hunted about it.

"Stop" i held onto my head shutting my eyes close. I tried to clear it while running but it didn't seem to work. That's when i started hearing voices in the distance. In a swift move i changed back to my wolf form and walked over.

My eyes saw a group of friends camping out. How stupid. Why would they come and camp in the middle of the woods where nobody but the supernaturals come into.

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