02 || New Orleans

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-Elizabeth's P.O.V-

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After hours of driving, i finally got to New Orleans

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After hours of driving, i finally got to New Orleans. Parking outside of an apartment i'll be staying while I'm here. Once i got the key to the room i went over to the elevator.

The partment wasn't all bad when i walked in, i mean it was better then what i used to live in. I opened the door to the bedroom and started unpacking my one luggage.

I dont pack heavy, i mean i am constantly moving, never stay too long in one place.


It was dark alredy and I had decided to go and check the French quarter is how they call this place and see if i see any suspicious signs. I have seen witches all around and some vampires too.

While i was walking i saw three men standing in the side walk. I kept on walking not really scared of them, but i did hope they ignored me too keep a low profile.

"Hey girl, or should we say wolf girl" said the one with blonde hair flashing in front of me.

'Great vampires'

"How brave of yours to come here" one with curly brown hair flashed behind me. "I wonder what Marcel will say when he hears there's another werewolf in the quarter"

I didn't really understand what they were talking about, so i ignored them and pushed past them.

But once again i was stopped when one stood in my way. "Get out of my way" i growled not in the mood for their games. Vampires always thought that because they were fast and strong and had the baility to control ones mind. They were allowed to do what ever they wanted.

But take their daylight rings and 'poof' ash.

"Well it looks like we got a tough one, what are you doing here wolf you know the rules" said the curly haired boy.

What the heck is he talking about? what rules? i dont even follow rules.

"Go back to the Bayou before you regret ever stepping this quarter" he told me again. Since the others were a little behind him, i got that this one was the somehow leader.

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