03 || Sisters Reunited

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-Elizabeth's P.O.V-

I growled one more time at her seeing as she was moving closer. The dirty-blonde man and the suited one stood in front of he.

'Wow sis you can't even defend yourself'

"Ok, please turn back into your human form and llets do this like civilized people" said the man in the suit. I rolled my eyes, but did it. I walked behind some boxes and turned back.

As i stood up the boxes covering me.

"Hello sister"

Waving sweetly at her i smirked. "So, is anyone going to give me something to cover with, or you dont mind seeing me?" i said raising my hands. I glanced at the man with dirty-blonde hair and i could see he had a smirk on his face.

"Here" said the man in a suit handing me his coat and putting it around my shoulders and buttoning it up so it would cover something of me.

"How did you-" started Hayley, but i cut her off. "How did i find you? well sis you are quite famous in the Mystic Falls town, oh and lets not forget not everybody carries the baby of the hybrid" i said and gestured to her belly.

"You know" she said putting a hand ontop of the belly. "Yeah and may i say that's low" i said raising my eyebrows and fake smiling.

"Ok, why dont we go and get you some clothes first then we can talk" said the man in the suit serious. "Ok, lets go to my apartment" i said and started to walk since i didn't actually get that far we got there fast.


Once we got to my apartment i had to invite the vampires in since they dont trust me with my own sister and niece. I told them to wait in the living room so i could go and change. Since it was night and i was too lazy to put on tight clothes i put on my pj's then my uggs.

 Since it was night and i was too lazy to put on tight clothes i put on my pj's then my uggs

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Once i walked into the kitchen they stopped talking and looked at me

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Once i walked into the kitchen they stopped talking and looked at me. "What?" i asked looking at then with raised eyebrows.

"Are you wearing pj's while you're talking with us?" asked Hayley surprised probably because before she left me i would always be emberessed to be in pjs in front of other people.

"No im wearing an armour" i sarcastically rolled my eyes. "Yes, it's night time and im not wearing tight clothes just because you are here so...." i said crossing my arms. "So you wanted to talk, then, talk" i said gesturing for them to talk.

The man in the suit started. "How come you're Hayley's sister we never knew she had one" he said glaring a little bit at me. "You sure dont like to talk about me do you?" i mocked hurt.

"I did it in oreder to protect you" she said sad, but for me this was just shit. "Hayley i've been on my own for a long time, i dont need you to protect me, ok, i may be younger than you, but i can protect myself, in fact that's what i've been doing for years" i said glaring at her.

She sighed and looked down. "So love we never heard your name" said the man with sexy british accent, yes i did say that get over it.

"Well first stop calling me 'love' because im not and second im Elizabeth" i said looking at him annoyed.

"Well love im Niklaus but please call me Klaus and this is my brother Elijah" he said smirking since he called me love again. "Nice to meet you Klaus and Elijah" i said smirking at him.

"Ok, Elizabeth who told you where i was?" asked Hayley looking at me. "Uh a boy who used to be your frined, well thats what he told me, his name was um Tay-T, i dont remember sorry, yeah, he told me you were here" i said not remembering the boys name.

"Tyler" she growled. "Oh you do know him, let me tell you total hottie" i said bitting my bottom lip. You could say im a bitch and i wont care.

"Why were you looking fo her?" asked Elijah getting protective over my sister. "Well i dont know, maybe because she's my sister" i said in a 'duh' tone and rolled my eyes.

"Excuse me do you know who you're even talking with" he snapped at my lack of respect. So this is why they call him the noble, he's so old fashioned.

"Yes i do, im talking with a to old fashioned man, a too cocky and full of himself man and a little bitch who with a little bit of alcohol got knocked up" i said looked at Elijah, Klaus then Hayley.

Next thing i know i'm pushed into a wall by Elijah. "Dont you talk about her like that" he growled at me with veins popping out.

I chuckeld at him seeing what was going on. I grab his arm and twist it until i hear a crack statisfied with the sound i let him go and pushed him towards my sister. She immidietly went to him.

"What's wrong with you" she said putting back in place his bone. Klaus was looking at me amused. "What's wrong with me you really want to know" i said breathing heavily and talking a step towards her.

She nodded in answer. "You are my problem, because of you i went through hell all this time, because while you were doing hell knows what, i was trying to survive, spent months in my wolf form to survive, i had to do things to in order to keep myself alive, while you were, what? oh yes looking for our real family who probably dont even give a crap about us and in my times i needed my sister you weren't there it was only me alone" i said now standing in front of her and my eyes glowing it ice blue.

"Liz im-" i cut her off. "No dont call me Elle, you were supposed to be my older sister, forever sister, but no you had to think for youself and only you and you know what get out im not in the mood to talk to you anymore so just leave" she spat and opened the door for them to leave.

Klaus and Elijah walked out, but Hayley stopped before going out. "I am really, really sorry and believe me that if i could go back in time i would take you" she said and walked out.

I slammed the door shut and ran to my room. I sat on my bed before grabbing the nearest thing that was my bag and threw it across the room.

(A/N) Hello peeps!!

I wait you liked this chapter and don't worry there will be some Klaus and Elizabeth's moments more in the future.

Remember to comment!!



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