07 || Autumn Labonair

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-Elizabeth's P.O.V-

I sat in the log while we waited for Hayley to come back. She had tried and get closer where Elijah went and wait for him to come back. Well if he did came back.

I was humming until i got annoyed at the looks Eve and the wolfs were giving me. "What, spit it out, you lot a creeping me out with the stares" i snapped and looked at them.

"You look just like him" said Eve and i raised my eyebrows. "Who?" i asked. "Your father, you look like him, he had your hair and eyes, I'm surprised i didn't notice it when you came" she said and i crossed my arms.

"Well if i recall my father was blonde with green eyes" i said pursing my lips. "No, not your adopting father, you real father" she said and i tensed.

I actually never thought alot about my father. Yes sometime i thought about family but that was when i was little. Now i didn't really care, i mean why think about people who left you.

"Yeah, well i don't care and a father doesn't leave their daughters, and trust me that happened twice" i utter passing my hand through my hair

"We don't know how it happened but we did try looking for you both, you are the princess while you sister is the queen of the pack" she said and i scoffed.

"You know what i don't care about this, in fact how are you so sure I'm from your pack when i can turn at will" i said and she shook her head.

"When you were born we had heard that this baby was diffrent from the rest of the wolfs in the world, saying she was born with electric blue glowing eyes that changed before anyone else could see them, we knew she was special" she said and i huffed.

"Special please, I'm just a more evolutionist wolf" i said smiling. I heard foot steps and turned to see Hayley. "He gave it back, all we have to do now is wait for the next full moon" she said smiling.

"Great" i mumbled.


Night had fallen and Hayley had begged me to stay since she wanted to talk. I was sitting out in the border of the river when i saw Eve walk over.

"You know, when i first met you, you were this little baby who would laugh at anything she would see" she said and i sighed. "Yeah well that baby has been long gone, for years" i said looking at the moon.

"You know what this is?" she asked and raised an old looking book up. "Am i suppose to know?" i said raising my eyebrows. "Here, why don't you read it, especially the last page" she said and handed me the book.

At first i hesitated in grabbing it, but gave in. She left and i opened the book. They were all names and dates. My guess this was when a new memeber of the pack was born. I turned to the last page, it wasn't complete. It ended with a name.

'Autumn Labonair'

'December 24, 1993'

"So, Eve gave you the album" said Hayley sitting beside me. "Mhm, and my name doesn't really go with me, really Autumn, you know i was born in Christmas eve" i said and she laughed.

"I would've loved to meet our parents" she said. I closed the book. "I don't really care, they did give us away" i said and she sighed.

"Why don't you want to actually meet them, Elizabeth we have a family, why not want them?" she asked and i turned to her my face hard. "Family isn't really my thing, and you know it" i said and her eyes widen.

"You mean what happened 3 years ago" she said and i gulped. "Dont. Ever. Mention. It. Again. Hayley, never" i spat and she nodded. Something happened 3 years ago and its not something i would like to talk about. I've been trying to forget about it but each time i go to sleep and close my eyes, it always reminds me of it.

"Sorry, should've remembered" she said and i nodded. "You would've if you had simply not left and leave me behind, but hey what are sisters for" i said and stood up.

"Where are you going?" she asked standing up too. "Home, i prefer a real bed then one that's stuck with hay thanks," i turned but stopped. "Oh and Hayley, don't think because i talked to you does not mean i have forgiven you" i uttered and walked away.

(A/N) Hello peeps!!

I wait you liked this chapter. I know it was short and everything, but its still a chapter. Anyways it was late when i did it. So do you like Elizabeth's birth name? and i thought it would be fun to put her birthday in Christmas eve.

Remember to comment!!



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