11 || Meuse

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-Elizabeth's P.O.V-

I groaned feeling the sun light in my face. Opening my eyes getting them to adjust i frowned when i looked i wasn't in my apartments room.

That was until i looked up and saw Klaus there painting. "What are you doing up so early ugh" i whined laying back down.

He chuckled. "Morning sun brings the best light, so love hold still I'm almost done" he said turning to me and i raised my eyebrows.

"Are you painting me?" i questioned pretty amused. "Well love the light reflected perfect i got inspiration and well you're a heavy sleeper" he told me and i laughed actually feeling appreciated by that.

"Well you wanted me to be your Meuse the i would've gotten in a better position" i told him winking.

I'm not someone ashamed to show my body, many men have seen me why shy away now with him.

"Well i wouldn't like you to feel uncomfortable" he told me and i giggled wrapping the blanket around me. "Oh honey you wouldn't be the first man that has tried painting me asleep, anyways we did have sex last night" i got off the bed and over but he took the painting away so i could see it.

I raised my eyebrows. "Aren't you showing me?" i questioned. He smirked. "Well the painting is a gift, and so id like it to be a surprise" he told me and i rolled my eyes.

"Oh come on, don't tell me you did my nose wrong and not showing me" i joked. "Not exactly i couldn't get a feature of your perfection bad at all" he told me.

Although i enjoyed the flirting we had i still found it suspicious. "You're a flirt, there's something behind it" i said walking closer to him.

"Love not everything of my actions have to have something behind it" he wronged me. "You're Klaus Mikaelson everything you do is for a purpose and your own benefits, so i do think its not just because you got bored of that redhead bitch of a witch, but more to it" i said and he seemed a little amused about my analysis.

I've been around and alone for too long, knowing when someone wants something is not new to me. "I simply wish to know the sister to the mother of my child" he shrugged.

"And to do that you take me to bed," i smiled. "Klaus although we have just met not long ago, i do have to say I've heard stories about you and i do thank for the pleasurable night i hadn't had one in ages, but I'm not stupid people always want something especially when it comes to someone like me, so don't fool someone who has already played all the tricks" i whispered giving him a light kiss on the lips.

He gave me a look of amusement but smirked. Something he is always doing. I walked to the bathroom feeling the looks he was giving me behind.

Like I've said I'm new here, but I've had a past where tricks i have played very good. So Klaus Mikaelson may be someone very charming, but he is knows to be the devil.

So i know his actions with me aren't just simple attraction.


I put on one of Klaus's jackets since i didn't have one and had to borrow one of Rebekah's pair of clothes she had left behind after Klaus practically exiled her from New Orleans.

Sighing and ready to go i walked down the stairs to Elijah and Klaus talking with that red head witch. I know she has a name but i hate witches.

Except that girl Davina she was a nice innocent girl who didn't seem confident with her position. She was nice.

"Ah look who finally came out of the shower" Klaus said and i rolled my eyes. "I'm sorry but i had to admire that big of a shower you got, you were welcome to join" i told him and Genevieve turned glaring at me.

"Wait she slept here?" she looked amused. "I think the question you would like to ask is if i slept with Klaus and...yes i did" she scoffed seeming like she didn't care.

Klaus walked over with a drink and handed me one. "Oh don't get offended love, you're will remain my favorite" he said and it was my turn to scoff.

Although i knew he was lying. "Uh yes that's not what it seemed like last night" I told Klaus which made miss I'm perfect more angry.

Elijah seemed to see this as a joke and tried to cover his laugh. "Love don't exaggerate, you were the one to yell my name last night" he said and at that i did feel my cheeks warm up.

I hated that as Klaus knew he had gotten to me. "I'm sorry about this Genevieve but you were saying..." Elijah interrupted and Klaus gave me a wink to which i bit my lip.

"Right, our coven hasn't been able to celebrate feast days in the opens since Marcel restricted the use of magic, now with the new peace, id like that to change" oh great now witches want to expose us supernatural to the world.

"Am it to assume you have a feast day in mind?" Elijah said. "La Fet de Venediccion" she said and i frowned. "The what?" i laughed completely confused.

She glared at me when Klaus and Elijah chuckled. "The feast of the blessing, in the past members of the community offered witches gifts in exchange for blessings, wed liked to use it as a form to introducing our young harvest girls to society" she said.

Why would you want a witches blessing. They are witches i mean come one Elijah you cant possibly say yes.

"So you're covering up time to destroy our family, and you your self have my siblings an unspeakable torment," Elijah seemed amused. "And you would like a party for the witches"

Klaus chuckled and i suppressed one too. "I made my amends with your brother, specifically in bed," i put my hands up in surrender but sort of glared at her. "Why don't you think it over" she said and left.

​​​​​​I looked between Elijah and Klaus. "You two are certainly not agreeing to this feast or festival whatever it is" i told them. Their thinking faces told me otherwise.

​​​​​"Oh come one love you said you loved parties" Klaus said. I turned to him. "Yes Klaus, parties aka none in celebration to witches, i know i have no say in this but these are witches we're talking about they may had done nothing to me, but there's a reason why their nature name rhymes with bitches" i trued reasoning.

​When none of them answered i sighed. "Whatever have fun-" i frowned when my phone vibrated.

Hayley: Come over to the Bayou please!

I sighed rolling my eyes. Being nice for some seconds and siding with her, now she thinks I'm back to being happy sister with her. Well nope, but then i don't have anything to do so why not.

"Well you two do as you please I'm leaving" i said. "Elizabeth i certainly wait you don't do anything against this witches, we signed and alliance" Elijah said and i rolled my eyes.

"Elijah I'm 18, you barely know me other then being Hayley's sister, so ill tell you a fun fact about me, i do as i please" i turned around but Klaus stopped me. "You're wicked love but we need control in order to keep my child your family safe" he said.

Ok he thinks we have sex one night and he already has me wrapped around his fingers. Excuse me but they truly don't know me...really they don't.

"We'll see, bye huns" i said walking out of the compound.

(A/N) Hello peeps!!

Damn I'm updating in a row. So i love how Genevieve was all jealous and Elizabeth was beside Klaus. The festival is the next chapter ooh things are getting wow.

Comment what you think!!



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