10 || Curious

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-Elizabeth's P.O.V-

I walked inside the compound confidently as i saw people around

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I walked inside the compound confidently as i saw people around. Looking around i was quite surprised they pulled out a somehow good party.

"Well it looks you did come" i turned to the side to see Klaus. I grinned. "Told you party obsessed bitch girl" i told him. I noticed him looked at me up and down.

"Well perhaps there could be a date before the your eyes ripping my clothes off with your mind" i told him. He seemed to be caught off guard and chuckled.

"You love are a very confident woman" he said and i put my heart on my chest. "Aw thanks, i like to think of myself somehow confident" i told him.

"Oh i like confident" he said and grabbed a champagne from the waitress giving it to me. "Ooh thanks, but I'm pretty sure that the witch bitch over there is about to rip my head of because I'm talking to you right now" i told him pointed at that Genevieve witch who was glaring at me.

He turned and chuckled. "Something you have to know love is that i don't belong to any women less her she's just an entertainment" he told me and i now raised my eyebrows.

"Well its not what its seems like right now so when you have that fly off your shoulders...give me a call, i sure like talking to you Klaus" i said walking away feeling him stare.


Looking at the treats i picked a weird thing that tasted good. "Oh don't even try Davina, you cant even do magic, never the less get a man like him" i heard a girl tell a black haired girl to that girl Davina i had once heard about.

Davina seemed sad and none combacking her. "Well then at least shes not as much as a bitch as you are" i told her and they turned to me.

"Excuse me" the mean girl said putting up the attitude. "You heard me, now leave the poor girl alone" i said. "How dare you I'm a harvest girl-" "And I'm someone with the strength to rip your head if in seconds and not regret it so make yourself a favor and get out of my sight" i snapped showing her my blue eyes.

She took a step back scared and walked away with her other friend. I turned t the girl Davina. "Thank you" she said and i smiled. "Want an advice?" she nodded. "Just because people want to make you feel less, doesn't mean you are, so if it happens again prove them wrong" i told her.

"Thanks, I'm Davina" she stuck out her hand. "Elizabeth" i told her. "Oh you're Hayley's sister?" she questioned. I groaned. "People really need to stop knowing because of that, but yeah I'm Hayley's sister, sadly" i said. She looked confused. "Not every siblings get along" i said and she nodded.

"I gotta go, but it was nice meeting you Elizabeth" she said. "Nice meeting you too Davina" i smiled and she walked away. She kind reminded me of me, fragile and confused. But before anything of the bad things happened.

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