05 || Fun

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-Elizabeth's P.O.V-

"For about a century, i've wondered how father found us, what foolish mistake that we have made, the stray of how for once we have found a place that we could finally call home, do you know i even blamed myself, for a time Marcellus" said Elijah looking mad.

So it resulted that Marcel and Rebekah had summoned a call to Mikael apparently The Mikaelson's father who hates them mostly Klaus to death. So Marcel and Rebekah called him to kill Klaus so they could finally be together. Yeah i would totally feel betrayed if my sister would do that, oh wait...she did. Well in the betraying part.

In a flash Elijah had Marcel against the wall. He grunted as his back collide with the wall. How does it feel now hm. Hayley ran over. "Elijah" she said trying to calm him down.

"I treated you like a son, Rebekah-" "I loved her" cut Marcel through grit teeth. "I still love her, all i ever wanted was to be together, but as long as Klaus was around that was never gonna happen, but hey i guess you wouldn't know anything about that huh" Marcel said.

Elijah let him go and looked at him. "If Niklaus lives, the truth will be known and edge his rage and will not let my sister suffer for that wrath" threaten Elijah.

"Then we need to get to then before learns the truth" Marcel said looking strong but i could see the slight fear behind his eyes. They went to leave and i followed.

"Where are you going?" asked Hayley stopping me. I rolled my eyes. "Well the party ain't coming here ,so I'm going to it" i said in a 'duh' tone.

"No you're staying, i don't think Klaus would have mercy on you if something happens and I'm not letting my little sister die" she said and i rolled my eyes again.

"Well Hayley you're not my mother to tell me what to do" i said and she sighed. "She's right my brother is unpredictable and if he already knows the truth i don't think it would be good for you to go, i also need someone to keep Hayley safe just in case Celeste decides to pay a visit and although trusting you is a bad descision, it's better then her alone" said Elijah and i looked at him with a frown.

"Uh you guys cant tell me what to do" i said looking at them both. "Elizabeth don't go, please" begged my older sister. I rolled my eyes and huffed. "Fine, but its not because im listening but because i dont want to die" i said sitting with a huff on the couch.

Once Elijah and Marcel left Hayley sat on the couch opposite from me. "So, ho-" i cut her off. "Look Hayley I'm not here for a little coffee and chatting, and i promise if something happens here i'll leave and if i save you it's for the good of my unborn niece" i said shutting her up.

She really thinks i'll forgive her for leaving me with nothing. Sibling don't do that not even close.


After about 20 minutes Hayley stood up. "Uh where are you going, your boyfriend told you to stay here" i said looking up from my phone to her. "Look i know you hate me to guts right now-" she said looking at me. "True" i said and smirked. "But i cant have Celeste get away with what she did, so I'm going over to the Sanatorium" she said looking determined.

"Well then lets go" i said standing up. "Wait you're really coming?" she asked amused. "Mhm, like i said I'm going to the party and where there's some fun i'll go, so lead the way Hay-Hay" i said using her old nickname that she hates.

"You still remember that name" she said giving me a small smile. "Yup, and since you hate it, why not use it" i said and walked passed her and to my car.


Once we reached the Sanatorium Hayley and i got out of the car and walked over to Celeste who was walking out with an evil smirk. She turned her back to us and Hayley quickly picked up a bit stick and hit Celeste in the head knocking her out.

Nice hit.

"Hey there witch bitch, you and i are gonna have a little chat" said Hayley looking pissed. "Let the fun begin" i said and smirked at Hayley.

(A/N) Hello peeps!!

Please don't kill for this one being short. I wait you're liking it and thanks for reading i really appreciate it.

Comment what you think!!



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