13 || The Gift

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-Elizabeth's P.O.V-

For me witches are complete bitches

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For me witches are complete bitches. Its something I've always said. They are people who say that want to create peace with the earth, but they in reality hide things like the sacrifices.

Or at least that's what i was told the Harvest girls were treated. They were fooled and then sacrificed.

That's why i was at the compound where i was drinking whole Klaus's Bourbon.

Although i was dressed for the occasion, i didn't feel like going. That was until i heard some steps.

I got up and walked out of the room and leaned over the balcony to see a man grabbing a hold of a book that looked a little too special for the way he was looking at it.

"Looking for something hun?" i questioned and his head snapped up. "Who are you?" he questioned and i smiled walking down the stairs.

"Someone, no one..." i giggled walking over to him. When i was close to him he gulped. "So i pretty sure Klaus has no friends, you're not a vampire and definitely not a werewolf which leads to a witch," i smiled. "And i know witches for sure love writing their disgusting spells on books which makes this," i pointed to the book. "A grimoire" i whispered.

He went to run but i stopped him grabbing him and pushing him backwards. "Didn't your parents show you no too touch other peoples things" i joked and i glowed my eyes going at him but stopped when he started chanting giving me a big headache.

"Ah!" i cried falling to my knees. Now id really hate someone seeing me lose a fight. I felt like my was melting, which i think it was.

But luckily Klaus came out of nowhere and ripped the mans hands off his arm and then his heart out.

He turned to me. "Well I'm sure there's a good excuse for this" he said and held out his hand for me. I smiled and took hold of it.

"I'll tell ya who it is but then you'll call me jealous which I'm totally not" i told him already knowing it was Genevieve's plan.

"Oh love i do love a good guess" he said and i rolled my eyes. I got up and he pushed me close to him. I could tell you my breathing didn't hitch for a mare second but i would be lying.

"You look stunning" he complemented. I smiled. "You don't look so bad yourself" i nodded. He did look hot in that whole black suit.

"So may i ask what were you doing in my home?" he said all dramatic putting the hands in a present box. That's disgusting.

"Uh yeah i didn't have Bourbon at home, then i thought how you have a lot so i came over" i shrugged. "Are you not going to the festival?" he asked closing the box.

"Ok one: that's disgusting like why? and two: I hate witches" i told him. "Well perhaps i could make you go if id tell you there's more alcohol in the party" he held his arm out.

I sighed looking at it. I mean if i go i know something for sure is going to happen. But then there's that little girl Davina who was nice and obviously alcohol.

"Fine," i hooped my arm through his. "But only for alcohol" he nodded and we went to leave. "Wait i need a present!" i said forgetting you supposedly need to give a gift.

"Oh don't worry live i got it for us" he motioned to the box and i scoffed. "Yeah no way I'm giving real hands as a gift, although it would be fun, but now" i told him.

Maybe i could stop somewhere. "We're stopping midway to buy something" i told him linking arms again. "Love i'd don't follow what people tell me" he said and i laughed. "Oh me neither, but we're stopping" i pulled him with me.


I had to say the place was pretty organized and it was big. It was funny to see the tourists thinking this was all fake when in reality it was all real.

As i looked around i saw people were giving gifts to the harvest girls. I frowned when i saw only Monique and the other blonde girl.

I frowned seeing the sad face of Davina and how embarrassed she looked.

Walking over i got in front of the line and smiled at Davina. I was about to put the gift to her when a women stopped me. "The other two please" she said and i glared showing her my blue eyes.

 "The other two please" she said and i glared showing her my blue eyes

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She backed away and i smirked. "Thank you" she whispered i nodded giving her a small smile.

Genevieve glared at me and i just smirked walking beside Hayley.

"You came?" she looked amused. "Yeah whatever" i told her.


As i was taking a cup of champagne i turned to see Klaus stand on the stairs. "Ladies and gentlemen, may i have your attention, please," well at least he said please. "We are gathered here today, to pay homage to our beloved witches" he smiled.

I rolled my eyes. "But one very special witch, has been actually ignored, of course except by one person," he grinned at me. "That seems a little unfair to me" he then handed Davina a small box.

"No," she shook her head. "I don't want your gift"

"I understand...why would you reject me given our past," he looked offended. "In truth many of us here today has been wronged in the conflict, which my brothers treaty ended" Klaus said.

What is he doing now.

"Your friend Josh, was involved in. A plot to kill me, it would be well within my right," the boy Josh looked scared. "To execute him, here and now...but in the spirit of solidarity, and for your favor Davina, i here by pardon him"

Ok now I'm definitely lost. What is he even playing.

"Josh, from this day forward you have nothing to fear from me," he then turned to Davina. "Please" handing her the box once again, this time she did accept.

Now what is Klaus up to...again.

(A/N) Hello peeps!!

I love how they both fight and annoy each other. I wait you liked this chapter, just as much as i did. Next chapter I'm working on it.

Comment what you think!!



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