18 || Army Stones

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-Elizabeth's P.O.V-

"What Hayley?" I growled as my sister called me while I was helping Davina aid Josh.

"I need you to come to the compound, I was talking with Elijah and there was an explosion"

"And in need in..."

"Genevieve is here, I have a bad feeling and with the bombs, I think I'd need help find the guys"

I rolled my eyes. "On my way" I said and hung up.

"I need to go, Hayley called and needs my help" I said to them. "Wait what about Josh?" Davina asked. "Yeah what about me?" he asked too.

"I'll bring Klaus I promise" I stated. "Elizabeth thanks for defending us" Davina thanked me. "Welcome" I smiled. "You're like the big sister I never had" I laughed at her. "And you're like the little sister I never had" I said and waved goodbye before going to the compound.


"I'm here, what's the ruckus" I said stepping into the compound. "Oh thank god, let's go" said Hayley and went to leave but Elijah and Jackson appeared and Hayley ran over.

"Thank God you're alive" Hayley sighed in relief hugging Jackson.

Elijah looked at them hug and I knew he had to be jealous about it. "You know what I worry about you, I'm happy you're alive" I said patting Elijah's shoulder.

"Really?" He asked.

"Eh" I shrugged laughing trying to lighten the mood.

"I'm fine too, thanks for asking" Klaus voices walking in and pouring himself a drink. "Nah" I shook my head taking his drink and gulping the alcohol down then passing it to him.

I love bothering Klaus, he's so funny when he gets angry.

"What about the stones?" Hayley asked. "Scattered all over the Mississippi River, I imagine" said Elijah who was dirty from the explosion.

"Plus he's no fool, he knows how an empowered werewolf army would be the en of vampires in New Orleans, the explosions is his way of saying he means to prevent that for all the good it'll do him" Klaus said.

"Well that worked pretty damn well didn't it" Hayley said.

"This is my fault," groaned Jackson. "I will find a way to fix it"

"No Jack you're hurt and no ones blaming you" Hayley comforted him. Oh, are these two getting cozy? "Well, I'm blaming you," we all turned to Klaus who was being none optimistic as always. "Those stones will be hard to replace, fortunately, I always have a backup plan" I frowned at his say.

'What is he talking about?'


"Come on love" I scoffed at Klaus calling me. "I'm not your bitch Klaus" I told him and Jackson chuckled.

"Yes, but you're my moral support so would please" he said and I shook my head. I'm his moral support? please, he has no morals at all.

He left looking annoyed leaving me with Jackson. "What's with you and Klaus?" he asked me and I shrugged. "Mostly sex nights, and just loving to annoy each other" he looked disgusted.

"Him? Really?" he looked at me in disbelief. "Yes, now get over it, and you can't get mad, me ain't from your pack" I said and stood up following the others.

Hey, I wasn't going because Klaus asked me too. But I do wanna know the gossip of who got the other stones.

"Fellas meet Mr. Mikaelson" said Francesca and I rolled my eyes not really believing he called her for this. I hated her and it was something almost everyone in this compound did. She did like she had money and was the true leader of the human faction.

Well, she's a total bitch.

"Please call me Klaus, all my friends do" he said. "Or how about the devil" I mumbled and Hayley muffled a laugh.

"I'm not sure we're friends, but if you and Marcel are planning on having a little throw down, I'd prefer my family to be on the same side as the inevitable victor" she took out a small bag black colored and I could hear small rock clash with each other as she moved it.

"Then you have what I asked for?" Klaus said very civilized more than how he usually is. "Not enough for an army at such short notice," she passed it to him. "But it's a start"

"Strange I wasn't aware she was familiar with our plan" said Elijah. "My price for doing business is full disclosure, your brother complied" she said and I scoffed.

"And why would the human faction want expected benefit from all of this?" questioned Elijah suspiciously. "I only wanted to solidify our allegiance to the ruling class, its good for business" i rolled my eyes at her.

"Of only everyone shared your capacity for a reason" Klaus cant be serious. There is no reason for this woman.

"Sadly they don't, Marcel is being especially vindictive. I'm worried he might come after me or my family just for meeting with you. It might be in our best interest if we combine our reference" Francesca said.

"So be it. The more bodies we have to defend the compound the better. Let's get started shall we" Klaus agreed.

This time i got in between. "You can't be serious" they turned to look at me. "We barely know this woman and now you want an allegiance?"

"Bigger army, love, catch up" i glared at Klaus. "They're humans people who will forever want to get away from any kind of business with the supernatural. Do you not find this the slightest suspicious?" I had to do something.

"I assure you, Miss Marshall, my intentions are in the form of protecting my family and winning doing so" Francesca said and i scoffed.

"Ok fine, but i see one slightly weird thing, you're screwed" i turned around and left upstairs. This cant be. I mean i have this weird vibe about her and nobody or more like Klaus thinks of it the same.

(A/N) Hello peeps!!

Yay, i updated and I'm currently writing the next chapter although no promises it'll be up too soon. The Originals aren't on Netflix anymore so it takes time to watch it on whatever website i find.

But hope you liked this chapter. Short i know but its what i got.

Sorry for any misspellings :)

Comment what you think!



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