baby mine

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Chapter one:

The German's heavy boots crunched against the gravel as he walked down the empty streets of his hometown. Many of the buildings were being re-built since the Allies had started bombing his country. His lone marching momentarily ceased when his ears pricked at the sound of a muffled, yet sharp cry of an infant. Curious, Ludwig followed the sound of the cry.

Germany's search lead him to an empty building. He walked through the building, stepping over fallen beams, papers, and other office things, as he continued to follow the cry. He soon found the source of the cry in between two fallen beams. He stepped closer slowly, as if any sudden movement would send the beams crashing down on the tiny infant's body. He gently knelt in front of the child, and picked it up by the white blanket it was carefully wrapped in. He quickly inspected the child, finding no obvious signs of harm. The only thing wrong with the child was that it was scuffed up a bit, and dirty. He bounced the child in his arms, trying to calm it as he looked around for any signs of the baby's mother or father. He found none. With a sigh, he looked back at the child, who had finally calmed itself.

He took a closer look at the child, and found the infant rather pretty. It had clear hazel-blue eyes, and blonde hair that was slightly curly. The child cooed, and stared playing with his Iron Cross badge. He smiled, and shook his head.

"That's a badge, not a toy." He chastised as if it understood what he said." Where are your parents?" He questioned, taking one last look around the room, but still finding no sign of life other than this baby. With a sigh, he looked back at the child. "Does this mean I have to take you back to my house now?" The child cooed, and played with his badge again. He sighed, and then walked out of building. He had no idea how he was going to raise this child, he had no experience with children, but maybe Italy could help him. After all, Italy was practically a child himself, and since he was living with Ludwig, he minus well make himself useful.

Back at Germany's house, he set the child on his bed, and stepped back as if he were getting prepared to inspect a troop. The infant frowned, and held its arms out to Germany as if to say, "Pick me back up!"

"First thing's first. Are you a boy or girl?" He really hoped it was a boy. At least then, he could draw upon his own childhood for how to raise it. He groaned at its gender, and cursed his own luck. It was a girl. He had no experience with children and this on top of it."Like I said, maybe Italy can help. He's kinda like a girl himself." He chuckled, and picked up the child as he walked to the guest room he kept for Italy.

The German general cleared his throat as he reached Italy's room, and knocked on the door.

"Hey, Italy? I-I need your help with something. Open the door." Within seconds, the door flung open, and there stood a naked Italy. Germany groaned at his nakedness, and shifted the child in his arms, as if trying to shield her from Italy's nudity.

"Vee~ what is it Germany?" Venezaino said a bit excitedly. Germany turned red a bit, and cleared his throat again.

"I need your help with this child."He gestured towards the baby."But first, get dressed." Italy saluted, and then closed the door behind him as he got dressed. Germany sighed as he walked to the living room."I'll never understand why he always sleeps naked."He said as he sat on the couch. The child cooed happily, and played with his cross that hung on his neck. Ludwig looked at the child, attempting to say something, but stopped himself. As long as she didn't try to eat it, he figured it was fine if she tried to mess with it.

About twenty minutes later, Italy finally re-emerged fully dressed in uniform. Italy sat next to him. He smiled as he looked at the baby.

"Aww~ she's cute Germany! Where did you find her?" Germany cleared his throat, and handed her to Italy.

"I have no experience with children. Perhaps, you can help me raise her since she seems to be orphaned." He looked back at Italy, who had seemed not to have heard Ludwig. Italy was busy fawning over the child, and speaking Italian to her. He felt some irritation at being ignored, but felt a little something of pride for the Italian beside him. Then again, what did Germany expect? Italians were known for their love of kids as well as all the rest…

"Where did you find such a bella bambina piccola (1)?"Italy's own hazel eyes looked up brightly at Germany's blue eyes. The German shrugged.

"She was left in a building."He stated simply as he scooted closer to Italy, who had went back to fawning over the child. He had to admit, he found this little scene with Italy and the child rather adorable.

After a few more minutes of doting on the child, Italy looked back at Germany.

"Germany, what are we going to name her?" This made Germany stop everything going on in his mind. He had never thought about a name for the child. He looked at her, the smiling child, and bit the inside of his lips while he thought. Nothing came to his mind.

"Uhh, you chose one." He said in fast-like tone, handing the responbilty to his ally.

"Vee~really! Ok! Hmm..." Venezaino looked at the child, and Ludwig could almost see the wheels turning in the Italian's mind as he thought of a name. Germany hoped this thinking, something he honestly didn't believe Italy did often enough, wouldn't break Italy's mind."Perfecto(2)! Her name will be Italia(3)!" Germany almost smiled at Italy's excitement, though it quickly dropped when Italia began to cry."Vee? Oh no! She's crying! Make it stop Germany! I don't know how to make it stop! Make it stop! Germany, why is she crying! Make it stop! Germany help!" Germany sighed in annoyance as Italy almost cried himself, and then looked at the screaming child. He quickly grabbed her, and began rocking her.

"Italy, why don't you go out, and buy some baby things? I'm sure she's jut hungry?" Germany offered, trying to calm the other. Italy looked at him, and smiled.

"Why don’t I make some pasta then? Everyone loves pasta, and it's so yummy~!" Germany shook his head. Of course Italy would want to feed a baby Italy would do something like that.

"She's a baby Italy. She can't eat pasta." Germany stated simply. Italy nodded.

"So go out and buy baby things right? I can do that! I know exactly what babies need!" Germany looked at his naive friend, unsure if he actually knew what babies needed.

"Well, then go. I'll stay here with Italia." Germany stated as Italy rushed out the door with barely good-bye. Germany sighed, and looked back at the now cooing child in his arms."You better not take after him." He said as if chastising the child for already taking after the feeble nation. Italia cooed, and then played with his shirt. He smiled slightly."Well, maybe you won't be too bad." He stated softly, nuzzling the child. She giggled.

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