chapter 26

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Chapter Twenty-six:

        Italia was mostly queit the whole plane ride. Britian tried to start a convosation with her several times, but she would shrug off his attempts, and look out the window.

        "I've never been to England, much less London."Italia mused, smiling slightly. Athur looked at her, and smiled with a nod.

        "Well, you'll like it. It's very pretty."Italia nodded slightly.

        "I heard so."Britan looked at her in surpirse.

        "Form who?"He didn't think that Germany would have told her about England's place. Italia smiled slightly, and shrugged.

        "Mutti told me about your place. She said it was very nice, and she liked being there. She says she still visits you off and on."SHe glanced at Britian, who had finally registered who she was talking about.

        "Yes, well....Bella is a very...Nice girl..Woman."Itaila nodded slightly, and then looked back at the window with some ecitment as the plane started to land in the run way. She looked around with curoius green eyes, and smiled widley. It was indeed as beautiful as Belguim had told her it was there....

        "Man, if I could live in a place like this everyday, I would."She smiled, and then grabbed her bags, and stood up."Ok! Let's get going!!"She smiled widely, and then looked at Britian as he took a few bags from her.

        "Here, let me help you with those."Itala shrugged, even if she was annoyed. She was use to being treated like some delicate flower by Germany, and Prussia...Espically by Prussia..Well, it was mostly Prussia, though Ludwig was prone to treating her like a delicate flower that would break at the lightest of touches.

        'Well...Ludwig did say to be nice.' Italia thought, and then followed the short man off the plane. He looked at her, and smiled slightly.

        'She seems much more...Calmer now than before we got on the plane. Hopefully she stays like this.'Britan thought as he popped the trunk to his car, and sat Italia's things in the back. He then smiled at her.

        "Right-o then! Let's get going." Italia nodded, and opened the door, getting in the seat next to Britan, and quickly fell asleep when he began driving. He looked at her a few times, smiling softly.

        'Poor thing, she looks so tired. Well, duuh! Of course she's tired! That's why she fell asleep so quickly!' He looked at her, smiling gently as he heard a gentle snoo, snoo coming from her slightly parted, o-shaped, pink lips.'She sounds like a newborn snoring.'He thought, frowing slightly as they came into the rough driveway. Italia graoned, the bumps waking her from her peaceful slumber, and looked around in a daze, rubbing her eyes to wake her up fatser.

        "We're here? ALready?"SHe said through a yawn.

        "You slpet for three hours."Britan said amusidly, opening the door for herself, and then himself. Italia looked at the door, and then shook her head, getting out, and following him as he got her bags. Again, she didn't object.

            She looked at the spacious yard filled with flowers, and trees. SHe smiled to herself, ad then followed Britian as they walked up stairs that looked like they belonged to some rich, and famous persons house. However, the house was styled that way. It was a huge manison set in this beautiful scenery.

            'Guess it won't be all that bad here. It's beautful. More pretty than I thought it was going to be.'She thought as she contuined to follow Britian up stairs. Fancy. It was like this whole house was desinged to make the person feel both comfortable, but remind them that they were in a rich persons home. Maybe even royalty home.

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