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        More time had passed since the day that Italia had kissed Nicolai after the meeting. Neither would admit to it for the longest time, but they had feelings for each other. After all, they were friends. Best friends, and were always with each other doing something.

        It had taken some time, but Italia had repaired her old relationship with Germany and Italy, and soon enough she was around them a lot as well. She even got close to Analise. As time went on, Italia noticed that Analise was a lot like her Uncle Prussia, personality wise, but looked like Italy, the one who had given birth to her. She just had Germany’s eyes. It was a weird comfort to Italia to have Analise around. It was like having all her family around her in one person.

        Speaking of Analise, a few years after Analise was born, other nations started having kids. Whether they actual did something or not, the blood tests all proved that the kids were theirs biologically. Italia made friends with most of them, with the expectation of a few.

        Italia had figured out a lot about her country, and even though she wished to remain closed off from the world, she had to comply with what her people, and what her boss wanted. So, it took about 100 or so years, but she was finally letting others into her country. She traded goods with Germany, Italy, Nicolai, Spain, and many other countries. However, before that, she had gotten sick a lot. There were civil wars going on non stop in her country, she had gotten bankrupt many times. Not to mention many unfriendly nations liked to attack her, which would evoke a reaction from many of the nations that Italia was close to her. She told them to stay out of it, and they did. However, for a long period of time, Italia continuously  sick. Her money was getting worthless by the day, and soon enough  there wasn’t enough food for everyone. People got sick, and were dying in her country. It got to the point to where everyone honestly believed she would die.

        So what stopped her from being wiped out of existence? It all started because of Nicolai, who suggested that everyone should help Italia out. Everyone agreed. America sent in soldiers to stop all the riots, Britain, China, Japan, Germany, and both Italy’s sent in care packages filled with food, Spain and some other nations also set up programs to establish jobs, and such at Italia’s place, and Germany sent in some workers to build homes, plumbing, and other things. Soon enough, about twenty or so years, Italia’s country was up, and running. Soon enough, she was on the verge of becoming a world super power, which is when everyone in her country pushed for the Cultural Enlightenment.  However, Italia began to have special feelings for her friend she never thought she’d have before.

        The young nation could still remember a period in her life when Germany had once teased her about having feelings for her best friend. She could remember making a face at Ludwig, and telling him that was most nasty thing anyone had ever told her. The two chuckled after that, and then went on to talk about other things. But it wasn’t just Germany that had noticed the growing relationship between the two. Spain, the obvious nation, and America, also a quiet oblivious nation, Belgium, England, and many other nations noticed the romance that started between the two. They noticed it after that meeting where Italia had walked out.

        However, it was some time before the two got together. Eventually the two went to a school with many of the other nations kids. Nicolai flirted with many of the female students that went there, which made Italia extremely jealous. She would never admit it though. Strangely enough, it was France’s kid that had helped the two get together.

        They had went on a blind date with each other, and to say the least it was awkward. Italia was mad at France’s kid for doing this to her, and Nicolai couldn’t stop looking at her. She looked so beautiful that night. Then, after a while of avoiding each other,  Nicolai took the first step, and asked her out. Italia blushed, and of course agreed. So, that night was their real first date.

    After that first date, the two dated for awhile. It was a happy time. After they had dated for a long time, Italia had the urge to do something with her.. Boyfriend that she had never considered doing in her life before that moment. She decided that she would sleep with him. However, she was unsure for the longest time. After all, how could she be sure this was the person she wanted to be with forever? If something happened between the two of them, they could never go back to how they use to be. They would know too much about each other.

        But, then, a thought crossed her mind. They were already so close. What would be doing this thing with him matter? It would be the same as anything else. And besides, she trusted Nicolai. He was the only nation that knew all her secrets, all her desires, save for this one, the one who knew everything about her, and still cared about her. He knew how she worked better than anyone else. He was her best friend, and her lover. This is something you do with someone you love very much right? And she knew she loved Nicolai most in the entire world, but how could she be sure that’s how he felt about her? She didn’t want to do something so serious, if she wasn’t sure he loved her the way she loved him. She didn’t want to regret doing this with him later on in her life.

        However time went on, not too much time, and she soon knew that Nicolai truly did love her. So, with a blushing face, she came out to him, and told him what she wanted. Turns out, he had wanted the same thing for the longest time, even before they had started dating, so it wasn’t long after that that they made love for the first time.

        Italia wasn’t sure what she was expecting her first time, but Nicolai made sure to that it was pleasurable enough for her. She was surprised by just how gentle, and caring, and loving he was that night.

        She didn’t regret it, like she thought she would, and they made love most nights after that first time. Then, something changed that surprised both of them.

        It all started when Italia was at a meeting, but had to leave several times because she had to throw up. It continued like that for a few weeks. When it hit a month and a half, Italia had Nicolai take her to the local doctor, since she was his place during that time.

        The doctor told them some happy news. Italia was pregnant. Italia froze when the doctor told her that, unsure of how she should feel, but Nicolai was ecstatic. When they got home, Nicolai called his parents to tell them the wonderful news. To say the least, it was exactly what you’d expect. Spain was excited, while Romano was a little less than happy about it. He liked Italia, somewhat, he just didn’t like the idea of his first grandchild coming from her.

        Nicolai announced the happy news at the next world meeting, and all the nations had different reactions, but were over all happy for the two.

        Everyone did something different for the two parents, and they both accepted the gifts graciously.

        Italia had some trouble with the pregnancy, she was still rather weak from her troubled beginning, but over all there was nothing really bad about her pregnancy. It was the birth that Italia dreaded.

        But the birth of her child was not so bad. It only lasted four hours, and soon enough, her child was screaming it’s arrival to the world.

        It was a boy. He looked a lot like Spain with his hair color, and the way his eyes were colored as well.

        “What will we name him?” Nicolai asked softly, kissing the top of her head. Italia smiled.

        “Let’s name him…” She whispered the name into his ear. He smiled, and kissed her lips.

        “Beautiful.. Just like you.” Italia looked at her palm, and smiled widely, noticing the diamond ring he had placed there.” say you’ll marry me?” He whispered softly. Italia smiled. Can you guess what her answer was?

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