chapter 21

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chapter twenty one

    Italia stayed awhile a longer at Belgium's place before she packed Italia up, and sent her home. Italia put the talk in the back of her head, and didn't think much about it. She got back into her regular schedual of things, and soon enough the whole puberty talk slipped back in the back of her mind as she contuined on with her studies. However, there remained one issuse from that day. That's right. The issues was the bra she had brought with Belgium. SHe had shoved it into her underwear drawer, thinking she'd never have to wear it ever, but one day, she opened her drawer, and it just fell out. Italia sighed, and picked it up.
        "Well,they said it was important to wear it."Italia mused as she lightly pondered how to put it on. She figured to learn on her own. So, that's what she did. She fumbled with the piece fo underwear for a good twenty mintues, before she figured out how to put it on correctly. She looked at herself in her full lenght mirror, and turned as she mused how it looked on her. "It's not so bad when it's on.It's actually kinda comfortable."Italia mused again, and then slipped her usual white tang top on, which was really just a type of under shirt since she also slipped her regualrly worn white whit over it. She then slipped on her pants, and quickly brushed through her long hair, and placing the regular head band i before walking out of her room. Germany looked at her as she walked into the room.
        "Well, you took longer than usual to get ready."Italia blushed slightly, and shrugged.
        "I...I didn't hear my alarm clock go off, so I woke up late."She lied, but Germnay seemed to buy it.
        "Ok...You ready to strat?"Italia nodded slightly, and sat down as her usual day of learning went by.
        However, the lesson day was cut short. Italia looked at him confused when he called it quits early.
        "Why? We usually don't stop unless it's lunch, or until it's like four in the afternoon. It's bearly ten in the morning."
        "Well, I have some things to get done before the meeting in a few days. I have to catch a plane, so I need to make sure I got'm ready, and have everything."Germany said as if that fixed everything. Italia nodded slightly. She didn't mind havingthe day off. In fact, she rather enjoyed it. It wasn't often she got days off like this.
        "So when will you be leaving?"She aksed, looking at him as he stood up, and began walkingout. He looked at her for a moment, his expression was unreadable, which unnerved the girl slightly, but she didn't let it show.
        "Don't you mean when we'll be leaving?"He asked simply, putting emphaize on the word we'll.
        "Hah?"Italia was slightly confused, Germnay could tell by the way she tilted her head. She had a habit of doing that when she was confused about something. He smiled slightly, which made Italia feel a bit more uneasy. She hardly ever saw her Ludwig smile about anything. In fact, she couldn't remember seeing him smile the way he was smiling now.
        "Well, I was just thinking I'd bring you along...If you wanted."Italia felt some clearity, though she was still confused. He hadn't bought he to a world meeting since....Well, since she ran out, and hid in Italy's car. Which ended with her being at his house.
        "Umm, yeah sure."Italia said, still a bit unsure of exactly the meaning behind this. Germany nodded slightly, and then walked out of the room. Italia watched him leave before looking back at her book. "Well...That was...Strange."She said to herself. Then, she shook her head, and closed it, leaving it on the table, before leaving for her own room. Well, she minus well relax while she could. She remembered how the last meeting was when she went. Whould it be the same way again?
            Italia awoke early the next day feeling as if she had been depraved of her oxygen while she slpet. She looked over at her alarm clock. 5:30 A.M., the clock blinked annoyingly in her eyes. She graoned, and threw the covers over her face. It was a full two hours before she knew Ludwig would come to wake her up so that she could be packed, and ready for the meeting, which would be held in New York city in America.  'Greeat! Just where I wanna go. To that idoit's place.' Italia thought grumpily as she slammed her hand violently down on the off button before she threw her alarm clock out the window. She knew Ludwig wouldn't be happy about her throwing anything out the window.
        With a deep sigh, she threw back the covers to her bed, and switched on her bedside lamp. She groaned in pain as the light made her head hurt worse, but the pain moved behind her eyes. It was so bad, the pressure behind her eyes, and the paniful pulsing in her head, that it bought tears to her eyes. She tried standing, only to find that her heart rate went up dramitcally, she began to get dizzy, and her vision blurred, and eventually she saw nothing ut black with tiny, little stra-like things. SHe closed her eyes, and sat back on her bed as she put her hand over her heart, and waited for her vison to come back fully before she stood up shakily, unsure of what would happen next, and then slowly made her way down the still dark hallways. She rested before taking the corner that lead into the kitchen, and tried her best to keep queit as she got herself a very cold glass of water. She had enough headaches to know that chuging down an ice cold drink would make it go away, though the other symptoms were a new thing. She didn't think about it much. It was something new that would happen to her every now and again, but she never told anyone about it. She was sure it would go away on it's own, just like her random headaches would come and go on their own.
        Italia drank the water quickly, and then put her hands on the counter for support as her ealrier problem came back. Her chest felt painful, and she could almost feel, and hear her own heartbeat. She sighed in relif when, about five mintues later, whatever was going on with her went away, and she able to function without much problem. She went on to her room again, turing on the light, and squinting at the brightness that threatened to bring back her headache, and went to her closet. SHe dug around for a few clothes, and the grabbed her suitcase. She neatly folded her clothes, includingher dress up clothes for the meeting, and then chose some other things that would keep her busy on the way there, during the meeting, and back again. She was done within an hour, so she chose her clothes for the day, and then walked to the bathroom, which she was glad wasn't very far from her room. SHe took a shower as always.
        Italia was very relaxed in the shower. She had no rush. She still had time. She sighed with a bit of disappointment when the water ran cold, and she forced to shut it off. She wrapped a towel around her thin frame, and walked back to her room, not really caring that she was dripping water onto the floor beanth her feet. Once back in her room, she did the usal thing. Dried off her body, and hair, before slipping into her clothes, bra included, and she wrpaaed the towle around her long hair like some kind of turbin so that it could dry a little before she brushed it out. She drew a bit more while she waited for her hair to dry out, and once she took out the towle, making sure to feel her hair so she knew it was acceptably dry, and then went over to her vainty set, and began brushing out her ever growing hair.
        About thirty mintues after Italia began drying out her hair, she heard a knock on her door.
        "You up?"She smiled at hearing the slight yawn in Ludwig's voice.
        "Yeah..D-did you just get up?"She stuttered, trying to hide back her laughter, though she did let out one, small snicker. Though she couldn't see it, Ludwig rolled his eyes at her comment. He knew she was laughing at his tone.
        "Yes, now are you ready?" Italia sighed, and sat down her brush.
        "Yes...Does Uncle Prussia know---------------------"
        "Yeah, I left him some money for food, and the usual. Now, come on. You don't want to miss the plane do, ya?"
        "Coming!"Italia rolled her eyes, and picked up her two bags, and walked akwardly to the door."Can you open it? My hands are full."Beofre Italia could even finish her last word, the door opened. Ludwig looked at her, and sighed.
        "You didn't need so much. Here gimme those."He siad, as knelt over, and gently took the bags from her. Italia felt some relif from having the bags taken from her, but her pride arose again, and she scolwed.
        "I could've carried them."She said a it irritaly, crossing her arms. Ludwig chuckled, and looked at her.
        "Well, do you want to carry them?"Italia made a face, and sighed in defeat.
        "Noo."She whineed softly. Ludwig again laughed, making her blush slightly.
        Italia held the trunk open while Ludwig heaved her bags in the trunk, having to rearrange his own. Then, they drove off to the airport. Once there, they did the usual check in thing,and then went on to the plane with little security checking. Italia was allowed one carry on, which was bag filled with things that would keep her company on the 18 hour flight to their final destination. She looked over at Ludwig, noticing he was already asleep. She smiled to herself, and got out her sketch book, where she worked on a drawing she had been working on.
        The flight was long, and Italia wasn't sure why, but she had the deep fear that the plane would run out of fuel or something, and crash into the waters below them. She gulped audily at the thought, and looked out the window tentivly to the waters for the first time since getting on the place. 'Oh....Mein...Gott....Dies ist verdammt zu hoch fur mein trost(1)!' Italia thought, feeling some nausea. She always tended to think, or say something in German when she felt particuallry distressed, upset, scared, you know feelings to that affect. It was wrose if the feelings were strong as they were now, and it was hard to tell exactly how she feeling. Italia quickly looked away, hoping to make her anixety go away, but it didn't help. She felt her heart race, and her breathing became shallow as she felt  full on painc attack rush over her. 'Ok, ok, Italia beruhigen, das ist nichts. Es ist nichts beruhiugen. Das ist nichts. Entspannene. Entspannen. Tiefe Atemzuge, tiefe stemzuge.Sie wissen, was sie tun, Nichts passieren wird beruhigen. Berugien.(2).' Italia tried to calm herself by doing exactly what her thougths were telling her. She took deep breaths, trying to relax as she took her sketch book with shaky hands, and tried to draw to distract herslef.
        It was werid for her. Feeling this way becuase she had never felt that way. She wasn't afaird of heights, hell she loved them! But this was her first time on an actual plane. She, for some reason, had no intrest in ever getting in a plane for anything. She always had a strange fear for planes, and she wasn't exactly sure why.
        'Maybe it's a past life thing.' Italia thought sacrastically, rolling her eyes. SHe wasn't sure exactly how she felt about the theory of past lives. Nicolai occasinly mentioned it, but didn't say much about it. Italia shook her head, and felt some of her aniexty go awya.'Just don't look out the fucking window.' She thought sourly, and sourly focused on her drawing.
        Italia felt major relif when they stepped off the plane, and into the nosiy, and busy airport located in America. Italia looked around with wonder, and exictment at everything that was going on. They spoke not only English, but other languages too. She heard a few people speaking Japanese, a few even spaking somethingthat sounded similiar to Japanese, but she didn't know what they were speaking, Spainsh was another she heard, and even French,a nd some other languages she had never heard before.
        "Woow.."Italia said soflty, following after Ludwig, while still keeping her eye on her new surroundings. Her eyes never rested on one thing, or one person for veyr long. She noticed every sign, and random person. Sometimes, her eyes would rest on a particualr sign, even if she couldn't read it. She wasn't learningto read and write in English.
        Once she was outside, she found even more for her eyes to see. The streets were littered with people, who would smile, and wave at her and Ludwig. They would poiltely wave or smile back. Signs were everywhere, and she couldn't understand them, but she looked at the brillent colors. She loved the buildings she saw, which were much diffrent than the ones back home or nay place she'd ever been. There were more cars, and roads, and building of every kind just everywhere.
        Ludwig looked at his daughter, who hadn't said anything, and smiled slightly as he noticed the wide grin on her face.
        "We're going to check our hotel that America booked for us ahead of time. Then, we'll rest before the meeting begins tommorw."Italia nodded slightly, bearly hearing him above her own thoughts, and the noise. Germany smiled to himself, and then finally they came to their hotel.
        Once they were checked in, Italia and Germany walked into a elevator. Italia smiled, and closed her eyes to the typical elevator music, and smiled at where they stopped. It was long, expensive looking hallway. A bellhop took their things from them.
        "Follow me, please."He siad kindly, bowing slightly, and then turned on his heel. Italia looked at Ludwig, who had montined with his head to follow 
            Finally, they came to the building where the meeting was being held. They wlaked through the door, and into a very spacious room. There were a few nations already there, some busying themselves fixing themselves up, or going through papers, while a few others would stand around talking amongst each other. There were some nations that Italia recgoinzed, but there were a few that Italia didn't recgoinze. Italia smiled, and followed after the man carrying their things. Ludwig smiled,and quickly followed them. Itaila gasped soflty at the room they walked into. It was plush. Very extravagent. There was white capreting that she sure felt just as soft as if felt. There was a sitting area. There was a couch, a very small coffee table with coasters, and a lamp. There was huge window thing on the very end of the room, which she could bearly see herself. There were two doors, which she assumed lead to another room and a bathroom.
        Ludwig closed his eyes, and took a deep breath in satisfaction.
        "Well, welcome to the world of American extravangance. I belive this what they would call a PentHouse Suit. SOmething resevered for rich people. Over there would be a bedroom."He pointed to one door."That would have it's own connecting bathroom. The other door is also a bedroom with it's own bedroom. This would be a waiting room."He sia din their native tongue as the man who had followed them sat their things down.
        "If there is anything you guys need, or if you guys need to make a call to someone, please use our compalmentray phone."The man pointed to a phone on a table next to one the walls."If you need to call out locally, press 8, international calls, press 3, and if it's a call not locally press 5. If you want something brought up to you, or you need to contact the managaer press 1 and waited for the recopinst to direct you. Dinner will be served in two hours. Is there anything in particualr you'd like for dinner?" Italia looked up at Ludwig, who seemed to be in thought. Italia looked back at the man with an ovverbearing smile. He was obviously trying too hard to be poleit. Italia decied to answer at least for herslef.
        "Well, what is being served?"She asked, almost cringing at how thick her accent was. The man looked at her, and smiled overly poilet again.
        "Well, Miss, tonight's house specialty is our specail salad for an appeteizer. For the main course, a steak cerved any way you wnat with a drink, and a side dish of your chosing as long as we have it, and ofr desert a sundae."Italia nodded, and then thought. SHe wasn't use to something so...Well, that! Ludwig looked at the man, and nodded.
        "That sounds good. I would like that for dinner."The man nodded, and looked at Germany.
        "How do you like your steak done, sir?"
        "Well done."
        "And for the side?"
        "Surprise me." The man nodded, and looked at the child. SHe shrugged.
        "Something simple. Suprise me."The man nodded.
        "Dinner will be served two hours. Until then, please enjoy what we have to offer, and don't feel shy about using our pool either. It's located outback."Italia smiled as the man left, and then looked around.
        "Everyhting's so wonderful."She said enviously. Ludwig looked at her slightly as she looked at everything, and then nodded slightly.
        "I'm going to get some sleep in before dinner is served. Are you going to do the same?" Italia shook her head.
        "Nah, I think I'll take a look around here, and see what exactly is in this room."Ludwig nodded slightly, and yawned.
        "Well, if you go outside this room, let me know, ok?"Italia nodded.
        "Ok."With that said, leaving their bags in the room where Italia stood, Ludwig went into one of the rooms, closing the door behind him. Italia sighedm and looked around. "I wonder if there's a record player, or a radio."Italia mused, walking to another corner, and sure enough there was a radio. Italia smiled, and turned it on."Let's see what's playing."She said, tuning the radio until she found something that spiked her intrest slightly.
        "Now, let's play the current record that got's all the loverbird's out there singing out their love." Italia rolled her eyes, and was about to change it when the song began to play. She liked the beat, and soon enough she was swaying to the beat itself, closing her eyes, and listening as the song played." Earth angel~ Earth angel~ Wil you be mine~? My darling dear~Love you al the time~. I'm just a fool~. A fool in love in with you~." Italia listened to the song all the way through before leaving it on that station, and getting her bags. She picked them up, and carried them into the room that Ludwig hadn't taken. She laid her things down on the floor, and then turned on a light.
The room was very spaicous, and very beautfiul. Everyhting was right, and there was a huge window wall on one edn of the room that over  looked the city. In the center was a huge bed with many fluffy looking pillow, and a comfortable sheetings, and several blankets. Italia smiled, and sat on the bed. There was also a radio in this room, and another door that she assumed lead to the bathroom. Italia walked over to that door, and opened the door.
Even the bathroom was luxiours. Everthing was white, like the rest of suit, and lined with gold. The light fixtures looked like they belonged in an old mansion rather than a luxious hotel. The bathtub was spacious, and looked like it could fit four people in it. Italia shut off the light, and walked out of the bathroom.
    Dinner that night was very tasty. Italia loved every morsel of it, but by the time desert came about, she was full. She wasn't use to eating this much. After dinner was served, and the plates taken away, Italia and Ludwig had sometime to themselves. They spoke a little, but he mostly watched as she drew. By the time ten at night came, they were both in bed.
        (1): Well, Italia is obviously thinking in German here, and she's having a bit of a potty mouth in this senteceXD or should I say potty mind? Cuz she's thinking. Anyways, it means oh my god! this is fucking too high up for my comfort.
        (2) Italia here is obviously about to have a panic attack or something. Here she is trying to calm herself down. Anyways, it means this: Ok, Italia, ok. calm down, this is nothing. It's nothing. Clam down. Relax. Relax. Deep breaths, deep breaths. They know what they're doing. Nothing's going to happen. Clam down. Calm down.

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