chapter 10

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Chapter ten:

        "Ok, so first you gotta knead the dough like this."Italy said as he began kneading the squishy dough in his hands. Italia looked intensely at how he worked his fingers through the white dough. "The, you gotta pat it out. Pat, pat, pat."He began patting it out, sending white flour everywhere. Italia giggled, and moved away from the white, puffy cloud. Italy smiled at her."Then once it's all patted out, we add sauce like this."Italy began sprinkling some red sauce over the dough."Then some cheese."He added some cheese to the sauce."Then, some pepperoni, and that's it~! Then, once all that is done, we put it in the oven to bake."That being said, he stuck the pizza in the oven, and then walked back to the kid, picking her up.

            "What now, Itawy?"She questioned, looking at him. Italy though for a moment, and then shrugged.

            "Well, let’s go see what Prussia's doing."Italy said softly, nuzzling the child. He would never get over the fact how fast she was developing.

            "He watching TV."Italia whined. She didn't want to see Prussia at the moment. Italy sighed, and rubbed against Italia's head.

            "Well, let's go take a siesta."Italy offered, leading the child to his bedroom.

            The two always took Italy's regular daily nap together. So, Italy had planned no different that same day. However, it seemed, Italia had other plans. She couldn't sleep, and was intent on making sure that Italy got no sleep either.

            "Up, Itawy, up!"She squealed out happily as she attempted to pull him up by the collar of his white shirt. Italy groaned, and threw an arm over his eyes.

            "Ve~~ aren't you tired?"He asked tiredly as he yawned. Italia frowned, and shook her head, making her ringlets slap against her face.

            "No, Itawy. Up, Up."She whined, pulling him up again. Venezaino yawned, and opened his eyes, and looked at Italia through sleepy irises.

            "No, Italia, no up. It's time for a nap."As if to add empathize he yawned, and closed his eyes again. Italia frowned, and let go of his collar, and crossed her arms.

            "No fun Itawy."She whined, pouting."You wazy."She said with a smile, poking his nose. Italy scrunched up his nose, which made Italia giggle again."Oh, Itawy wazy!"She giggled, poking his nose again. Italy had the same reaction as before, and turned over on his side, his arm was around Italia so she didn't fall over, and hurt herself. Italia frowned, but didn't say anything as she heard Italy softly snoring."I wove you Itawy."She said softly, hugging him gently, and kissing his check before walking out of the door, and into the hallway.

            Once in the hallway, she looked around a bit confusedly, and then turned to the right, and walked into the living room. She walked to the couch, and looked up at Prussia, who had his head hung to one side, and his eyes closed in sleep. Italia frowned unhappily. Was everyone being lazy, and sleeping? She whined, and putting her hands on the sofa, trying to pull her way up, and watch TV. Gilbert stirred, and shook his head as he awoke from his slumber. He looked at the struggling child.

            "You want up?"He questioned, raising an eyebrow. Italia nodded, making little grunts as she struggled to get up. Prussia smirked, and bent over to help her up."Aright, there."Prussia looked up at the screen, and then back at her. Italia's blue-green eyes were fixed on the moving mouse as he flew a plane. The former nation smiled, and settled himself into the couch."You like Mickey Mouse Lil Awesome? Good, I'll make a note of that for later."He closed his eyes as he spoke sleepily, his head thumped against the armrest. Italia glanced, and at him, and smiled. She scooted closer to him, and snuggled against his side. She took his hand, and gently began rubbing it as she sucked on the tip of her thumb lightly, and laid down as she watched the black and white screen. Prussia cracked open an eye, and smiled proudly at the child before falling back asleep.

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