chapter 14

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Chapter fourteen:

During the course of the next month, Germany did everything he could to prepare Italia for the meeting. He told her about all the countries he thought would show up, well, about the ones she hardly knew, and then he would tell her what he expected of her as far as behavior goes. He also explained how he would run the meetings, and what would happen. However, it was not enough time to prepare her completely. Nor was he himself prepared to face the nation that had left him alone not too long ago...

    So, on the day of the meeting, Germany was freaking out trying to make sure Italia looked her best. Her blonde hair, which was being difficult, was perfectly done; her clothes were pressed, and were neat and clean. He made sure she was clean as well. She had a habit lately of running around too much outside, and getting dirty.

        "Ok, I think I'm ready. You can stop fussing with me now."She said grumpily, moving away from Germany’s fussing hands. Germany sighed, and shook his head softly. He was slightly disappointed that her hair was changing. It was becoming more like a certain nation's hair; even the hue matched it, which confirmed his suspicion all the more. Italia scowled, and fixed her hair."Ok, let's go Germany!"She yelled out as she ran out the door. Germany sighed heavily, and shook his head. She was just a rowdy child lately. It was as if someone had turned up her energy meter! That made him wonder what was going on with her. Especially that day. That day, she was giving him hell. Talking back, giving him attitude, and being not like herself. It was all so frustrating to the rather serious nation.

        However, for Italia, she was just excited to get to the meetings. She knew she would Venezaino there, and that would be her time to get him alone to talk to him. It had been three years, after all, and she wanted to talk to him so much. Which is why she was acting up today. She knew her Ludwig was worried about making her look good enough for meetings, and she wanted to look nice, but he was going overboard. It was getting annoying.

        "Be careful Italia! You're going to get dirty! It's muddy out there!"He yelled running after her. It had been raining lately, and he had told her not to run when she got outside. Italia rolled her eyes. She knew it was muddy. He didn't have to tell her something she already knew!

        "Whatever you say Vatti!"She called out as she reached the car. She looked at the door excitedly, wanting to rip it open, and drive herself to the meeting. She was so excited to see Venezaino. Germany got there a moment after her, and looked at her, and shook his head. She only called him Vatti when she was being smart. Why in hell was she being so difficult today?

        "Don't get smart with me. In the car." He said in a hard voice as he dug in his pocket for the keys. Italia sighed, and looked at the door. She could almost hear the mental ticking of the clock in her mind.

        "It's locked. What am I going to do? Magically transport myself in the car?"Germany rolled his eyes. That same attitude she had also reminded him of her suspected dad...

        "If you'll be patient, I'll unlock the door in a moment."Italia sighed, and tapped her foot on the ground as Germany fumbled with the keys.

        "You know, I'm not getting any younger here."

        "Italia, cool your attitude now."Germany warned, looking at her as he continued to fumble with the keys. Italia sighed, and rolled her light colored eyes.

        "I'm just saying that meeting is today. It's not going to wait for us."

        "Don't talk to me in that tone of voice."Germany again warned. Italia rolled her eyes, and looked at the graying sky.

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