chapter three

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Chapter three:

Romano remained on the couch, staring at the sleeping child. His eyes never left the child's sleeping figure. He didn't dare let his eyes travel from the child. What if she somehow got away? He sure as hell didn't want to deal with his idiot brother's crying, or the potatoes bastard's yelling if something happened to Italia because he looked away from one frigging moment.

        "Ve~~ Fratello, is Italia still sleeping? Her room's ready."Romano jumped slightly at hearing his brother's soft whisper in his ear. After all, he had been so concentrated on keeping his eye almost literally on the child, that he wasn't really paying attention to much else going on around him. He quickly regained his composer though, and scowled slightly at his kid brother. 'Bout time!!He thought with a sigh.

        "Yeah, yeah. She asleep. Can I go now?"He voiced lowly, glancing from the child to the door, and back again.

        "But we need you to babysit Italia while we go to the world meeting! It'll just be for a few more hours!"Italy smiled widely to his brother, pleading with his for his brother to say yes. No, no, no! I will Not stay here and watch this brat while you and that Potatoes Bastard go to some stupid meeting!! Romano thought as he scowled even more at the thought of having to stay in the house for any longer period of time than he already had to.

        "Doesn't the Potatoes Bastard have someone else that could watch this brat that isn't me?" He questioned, avoiding his brother puppy dog eyes. Romano glanced at his brother, who was frowning slightly.

        "Ve~~I guess he does!"Italy said, trying to get his usual pep back, but Romano could hear the disappointment in it.

        "Good."Romano said as he quickly stood up, and walked out of the house with more speed than what was necessary to use.

        Italy watched as his fratello left the house, looking like he was ready to break into a fast-paced run back home. He watched until he disappeared. Sure, Venezaino was a bit disappointed that his brother didn't stay, but like everything else, he quickly shoved it away as he gently picked up Italia, and walked her to her room.

        "Ve~~ it's kinda boring now, Italia, but when I have the time, I'll paint it all kinds of pretty colors."He thought for a moment before contuing."Maybe I can get Japan to come, and paint some those anime pictures or something that he's so very good at, and then Germany can hang up some his badges, since ya like them so much. Then, you'll have a little bit of all the Axis Powers around ya!"Italy cooed to the baby as she slept while he walked them to her room.

        When Italy entered the room, Ludwig had just finished putting the changing station together. He looked at Italy as he entered the room with the baby. He looked at the baby for a brief moment, and then looked at Venezaino.

        "So...Is your brother going to watch her?"Ludwig questioned though he already knew the answer. Italy took a moment before he answered.

        "Vee~ maybe you should call Prussia to watch Italia. Fratello wasn't feeling good so he went home."Ludwig nodded, and then looked at the child he had found again. Maybe, he pondered for a moment, I should just take her with us. Prussia isn't too god with kids... He shivered slightly, thinking about all the mischief his older brother would cause in his own home rather than look after the child.

        "Ja, I'll be right on that."He groaned as he stood up, but not from his aching muscles, but at the thought of his irresponsible brother watching after the child. But, not wanting the chaos of the meeting to bug Italia, he figured that Prussia watching after the child was second best.

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