chapter six

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Chapter six:

            Seeing Italia had made Japan very interested in the situation, so he tried to come as often as he could to watch, and see how she was coming along. He never had a boring moment visiting his allies with the child either. Something was always going on that entertained Japan. Like, for example, the time that he came over, and arrived just in time to see Germany attempting to feed the child. Attempting being the key word there....

            It was a sunny day, and rather warm, as was common in Italy, when Japan had arrived at the house. He politely knocked on the door, and stepped back waiting for someone to answer the door. He had to wait a few moments before anyone did answer, and when they did he was a bit surprised to see Italy ushering him inside. Normally, around this time, Italy was busy feeding the child. Though, he had no idea why today was different than any other day, he didn't question, and instead came right in. The first thing he did was look around at the place. Prussia was in his usual spot on the couch, asleep though the TV was drooining on. Some kind of game show was on. Italy went to turn off the television, but Japan couldn't see either Italia nor Germany.

            "Where Germany?" Japan asked, looking at Italy who had stopped messing with the coffee table, which Prussia had messed up because he decided to rest his feet on it, criss-crossed.

            "Oh, he's feeding the baby. If you want to talk to him, you should go in there. Besides, I think Italia will be happy to see ya, yeah?" Japan nodded, and went into the kitchen.

            Upon entering the room, he was rather amused at the sight of the annoyed Germany, with a mashed banana in his hand, and a giggling child who had banana everywhere. There was banana in her hair, around her pudgy mouth, in her hands, all over the high chair, the floor, and even some on Germany himself.

            "Now, we're going to try this again. I'm going to feed you a piece, but this time nicht mit dem Essen spielen(1), do you got it?" Germany said, not even paying attention to the other man who had entered the room. Italia looked at Kiku, smiled, and waved. Germany looked over, and nodded to his friend."Guten tag(2) Japan."

            "Hai, Conichwa(3) Germany." Japan said taking a seat next to him."Please, contuine feeding her. I won't bother you." Ludwig nodded slightly, and leaned closer to the child as he handed her a piece of the much abused fruit. Italia looked at it for a moment, and before he had time to pull away, she attempted to smush it in his hair. However, Germany reacted in time, and held her hands away from his head gently.

            "Nicht in mir haare(4). Now eat." He cautiously let go of the child's hands, but she was being a bit rebellious today. She attempted to rub it in his hair again. Germany grunted in annoyance, and again held the child's hands gently away from his hair."Ich sagte nein(5)." He repermented, and let go of her hands and moved away before she could rub it in his hair. He was begining to remember why he didn't like kids much at all. All they seemed to know how to do best was make messes.

         Italia looked at the now mush in her hands, and giggled. She put her hand over the railing of her hi-chair, and shook her hand, which splattered the bannana everywhere. Luckily, Japan moved far enough away in time that none of the bannana smush got on his clothing. Ludwig sighed in annoyance, and then cleaned up what little he could at the moment. He smiled apologatically at Japan.

        "Sorry about all this mess Japan. She wasn't acting up ealier when I fed her." Japan nodded slightly, and shrugged.

            "It's ok Germany. Really it is. She is just a kid after all."Japan said, smiling at the child. She laughed, and waved at the Island nation as he looked at her. He smiled slightly, and nodded. He felt himself, like he was sure the others were begining to feel, having a growing attachment to the child.

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