chapter 20

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Chapter twenty:

        It's not like Italia exactly expected her Ludwig to let her see Italy again, but she still hoped. She held onto it, and didn't let it go, but they days turned into weeks. The weeks turned into months, and before Italia knew it, it had been three whole years since the whole bus station thing. Ludwig seemed more himself, and more relaxed. Italia eventually delt with her conflicting feelings about staying with Ludwig, and eventually the two fell into their old realtionship.

        Italia's previous rapid growth slowed a bit, but she still entered a stage in her life that he wished he could just build a time machiene, and skip all togehter.

        It started simply really. Italia would occasionaly take the day off because she said her chest hurt, and she was tired. Then, it went from chest pains and being tired to having her chest itch. Germany had no idea what was going on until he talked to Prussia, who had also been a bit concerned about the new "phase" that Italia was going through. So, Prussia decied to talk to Hungray about it. He figured that it was surely a girl thing, and maybe she could explain it.

        "Oh, your little Itaila isn't so little anymore."She said after she laughed a bit. Prussia looked at her, unsure if he actually wnated to know what she meant, though, somewhere in the back of his mind, he already knew what she was talking about.

        "Uhh...Stupid question, what do you mean?"Hungray looked at her frined with blantant amusement in her eyes. SHe smiled, and shook her head.

        "Oh, I think you know exactly what I'm talking about. It's just something everyone goes through. Girls just statr at an ealrier age than boys."Prussia looked at his friend, and sighed heavily. He knew West would not be looking foreward to this "stage" in her life. And neither would he.


        "No, no, no, no, no! That's my answer! I'm so not going to shop with Ms. Hungray for those things!"Italia yelled, blushing slightly. Germany sighed heavily, shaking his head. Prussia was merely silent, smirking slightly as he watched the enertaining scen of his brother trying to convince Italia to go buy training bras with Hungray.

        "It's a normal part of growing up. I...We...You should think it's important to waer one."Ludwig fumbled with his words, trying to find a way to explain it all. This is why he wished Italia was a boy. At least then, this wouldn't be akward at all.

        "Well, if it's important, why don't you waer one?"Italia asked, her face growing another shade of pink. Prussia had to hold in his laughter at the comment. Germany looked at his brother, and glared.

        "Don't make me make you go back in the basement Gilbert."He threatened.

        "Ha!"Italia laughed, pointing at Prussia, who merely laughed with her. Gemrnay looked back at his daughter, who merely blushed again, and sat back in the couch.

        "Ha!"Prussia laughed, pointing at her, in mock gesture to what she had to done to him. Italia merely crossed her arms, and glared, making Prussia laugh again. Gemrnay sighed, ignoring the strange fight between the two.

        "Seriously, you should go out, and buy one. It's perfectly normal." Italia sighed, and shook her head.

        "Nein, I don't want to. Can't I wait until waaay later to go out, and wear one?" Italia begged, her face again growing red. Germany sighed, and shook his head.

        "People will start to notice."He baited hoping, she'd give in.

        "Neine, I don't want to."Italia said stubbornly again. Germany sighed, and then thought a moment.

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