chapter 27

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Chapter Twenty-seven:

        So, it was awhile, but Italia did manage to come out of her shell a bit on her third day of being with Britain.  She had figured that they, at least her and Britain, should be on good terms considering all the facts she had about him. So the next day, she made a vow to try to be nice....Well as nice as she could be towards a stranger’s for America, who had stayed over for those few days, she wasn't sure how to feel about him. So, she tried to keep her distance the best she could.
        "Well, it's good to have you not be so......"Britain paused, searching for the words he wanted to use. Italia giggled slightly, and nodded.
        "Yeah, I know.” She said simply, picking at the food that Britain had cooked her.
        'I really should have gotten up when Mr. America awoke me so that I could have cooked my breakfast.' She thought as she held her breath, and started chewing. She didn't taste the food, and rather just chewed fast, and swallowed with out saying much.
        "Well, today's a nice day." America commented, looking out the window. Italia smiled, happy for good weather.
        "It's a nice day. We should spend it outside.” Italia said with a smile.
        "Well, what do you want to do?" Britain asked. Italia glanced at him, then America, and then out the window again.
        'I want to go home.’ Italia thought, and then sighed.
        "How about a” Italia had learned that's what Americans call footbol, but she wasn't sure why. Their football had nothing to do with their feet.
        "Sounds totally awesome dude! C'mon! Let's go!” America yelled excitedly, jumping up from the chair, and hurriedly walking out of the room. Italia sighed, and shook her head.
            'Hard to believe Mr. England raised an idiot.' Italia thought, and then got up, and followed behind America.
            An hour later, England was sitting by a window, watching in amusement as the child continually beat America in soccer. Alfred hated losing at anything, so it amused the Brit to watch these two play a game that could have a winner, loser, or, Americas' greatest irritancy, no winner or loser at all. After another hour of watching them, he went to go make some lunch. He knew she'd be hungry when she got back.
            About thirty minutes later the door slammed open. Britain jumped slightly, and then smiled as he heard stomping, and Italia giggling.
        "What's wrong America?" Britain teased as he walked in, trailed by a smirking Italia.
        "I bet America four times.” Italia laughed slightly, and then nudged America. America glanced at the child, and sat in a chair, sulking. Italia smirked just a bit wider, and sat in a chair next to him.
        "It wasn't four times. It was three times, and the last one doesn't count.” He mumbled. Italia glared.
        "Well if you hadn't cheated-------------------"
        "I didn't cheat!” America argued. The two glared at each other before Britain broke up the staring contest by setting some food in front of Italia. Italia looked at him, and then at the food. Surprisingly enough, it wasn't burnt or anything. America looked from the child to Britain. "Dude, you have anymore? I'm totally starvin." Italia rolled her eyes, and dug into the food, tuning the other two men out. She was surprised that the food didn't taste all the bad, probably because it wasn't burnt like she expected it to be.
        "Well, you're eating much better than I thought you would.” Italia glanced at Britain, and then shrugged.
        "Well..." 'Don't be insulting, don't be insulting, don't be insulting.' Italia chanted in her mind.” Well...I'm hungry.” Italia answered quickly, taking another bite. America looked at her, smiling slightly. He knew what she was really thinking.   
        'Nice save kid.' He thought, and pushed his plate as he finished eating. Italia, almost a second later, pushed her plate back, and then looked between the two men, who were looking at each other. After a moment, Britain looked back towards the child smiling slightly.
        'Gott, it's like they were having a mental convosation with each other.’ Italia thought, rolling her eyes.
        "Italia, I did promise you to tell you some stories when I saw you again. Would you like to hear some?” Italia immedtaly perked up, and smiled widely.
        "Yeah." She said excitedly, raising, and followed the two men out into Britain’s spacious living room.
        Italia sat on the ground, sitting criss-crossed style as she listened to both Britain and America tell exciting tales. America told of his cowboy days, and of his life during the Roaring Twenties, which Italia particularly liked, while Britain mostly told of his pirate days, which Italia also liked quiet a bit.     
Eventually, though, Italia yawned, and she rubbed her eyes to get the sleepiness from her eyes. She didn't want to go to bed yet.
        "Come on, we should get you to bed. You seem tired." Britain commented. Italia shook her head.
        "No, I'm fine.” She yawned, and then blushed slightly when she noticed Britain raising an eyebrow at her.” But....Ok, I'll go to bed.” Italia said walking pas the Brit, and into her bedroom.
        Britain and America stood at the bottom of the stairs, watching the child as she made her way up the stairs.
        "She seems to like history.. Especially when it comes from you, Britain.” America  smiled at his once Big Brother. Britan smirked, and nodded.
        “Well…I am her father. O f course she wants to hear about me.”He said with a slight cock of his head..
        Italia didn’t sleep that night. She was restless. Her mind raced with everything that Britian, and America had shared with her. Italia began to wonder about the things her country would go through. What kind of things she would have to share with younger nations that would surely arise in her lifetime.
        She dreamed about the day she would get away from the control of everyone, and be on her own for once in her life. What kind of government would she have? She mulled it over in her mind.
        She could be a democratic society, like Mr.America, or she could have a system similar to England. The congress is the real power, the king/queen just enforce it. Or she could do something similar to what Japan had before ww1. A monarchy. The more she thought of having a king/Queen have absolute rule over her country, the more she liked it. She had the belief that regular people should have no say in what the government does. That should be left only to those who are smart enough to know what they’re talking about….
        Italia also thought seriously, for the first time ever, other things about her country. She thought about things that would be allowed in her country, and things that would be banned. She knew that she would ban drinking. She hated being around drunks. Though, she also thought about other things.
        She thought about her currency. She knew that since she was use to the German currency, then that would be her currency in her country. But one thing stood. She knew she would remain shut off from the world, and would not import or export to any other countries. She just didn’t want to owe anything to anybody for anything.
        She also thought about other things that weren’t related at all to her country. She thought about her family, her ever expanding family. She missed her Ludwig greatly, in more ways than one. She thought about the way he use to be, the w ay he was with her before the war ended, and before Italy had left him the first time. She missed that Ludwig. She wanted that Ludwig back more than anything.
        Italia also thought about Venezaion. He was back. How could she feel about that? What if he left again? If he left again, she feared what that would do to her Ludwig. She knew how he felt about him. They were very good friends. She didn’t want her Ludwig getting hurt again. She also thought about the other countries that she was involved with. She thought about Hungary, Austria, France, Spain, Nicolai, America, England, and her mother Belgium.
        The more she thought about those people, the more she began to question her descion on being closed off from the world. What about all those people? Could she really just not talk to them? Leave them behind like she didn’t care about them? There was nothing she could do about Prussia. He would bust down her front door, and force her to talk to him. She wanted to still talk to Germany. He would nothing against her. But she couldn’t bring herself to actually accept that she would eventually need him.  She knew that, but Italia wouldn’t go to him, or anybody for anything. She already decided that.
    Night passed, and she fell asleep somewhere around midnight. America awoke her some hours later, and she deiced to make breakfast for herself, and America, and Britain. Maybe then he could see that she was perfectly fine about cooking. When Britain awoke, he was surprised to see America up. He wasn’t surprised about Italia. He knew she was an early riser. But America? He was always up by noon, if England was lucky.
        Then, the smell hit the old nation. The wonderful smell. It smelt like Belgium’s cooking. Then, he watched as the child went over to the stove.
        “Please, sit down. Breakfast is almost done.” Arthur blinked for a moment, and then sat down o a chair. He looked at America, silently asking the question. America shrugged.
        “he likes cooking.” He mouthed. Arthur nodded, and then smiled as Italia sat food in front both of the older nations. England smiled, and dug into it, as did America. England immediately smiled. It was amazing!! He smiled at her.
        “This is amazing!!”He complemented, looking at her. Italia blushed at Arthur’s complement
        “Thanks.” She said, turning away. She busied herself with preparing a plate.
        Suddenly, Britain’s phone rang. Italia jumped slightly, and then looked at said nation as he pulled it out. He stared talking, but Italia tuned him out. He looked at Italia, and nodded, shutting the phone.
        “Italia, pack. You’re leaving today. Spain and Romano are on their way to get you.” Italia looked at Brittan.
        “Why?” She asked softly.
        “Something’s happened to Prussia.” Italia gasped, and dropped the plate. It clashed onto the floor.

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