chapter 15

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Chapter fifteen:

Italia awoke the next day with a feeling of depression. She didn’t want to leave Italy’s place, but she knew she had no choice to leave either. She laid in bed for an hour, she knew the Italia brothers would still be asleep, before she finally got bored, and decided to take a shower, and dress herself before her Uncle Prussia came to pick her up. Still, there was time left, and so she decided to look around the house.

    Nothing had really changed about the house since she was last here, but still it looked so different to her. Maybe it was simply different because she was older now. Things were bound to look different to her.

    “Hey, you.”Italia blushed slightly, and turned to look at Italy’s elder brother.

    “Umm, hi?” She laughed a bit nervously, and then looked back at the painting.

    “It’s good, isn’t it?”Italia nodded a bit uncomfortably.

    “I suppose so. It’s too bad I won’t be able to do anything this good ever. Maybe I could do what Japan does; you know the whole anime thing.” Romano nodded.

    “Umm, look, I-I’m not good at these sort of things so bear with me, ok.”Italia glanced at Romano, and nodded.


    “I…I want you to know that you actually made Venezaino smile. I haven’t seen him smile like the way he was smiling yesterday in a long time. I know, that the Potato Bastard probably won’t let you see my brother again for a long time, but I…I want you to know that it’s not completely bad having you around. If you ever want to come back, and Venezaino can’t go and get you, you call me ok? And I’ll go and get you. Just tell my brother that you want to come, and tell him to tell me, and I’ll go and get you. It doesn’t matter what time of the day or night it is.” Italia smiled, and blushed slightly.

    “Well, thanks Romano. That’s very nice. I’ll remember that.”Romano nodded, and then gestured towards the door.

    “Well, that damned Prussia is here. You better not keep him waiting.”Italia nodded, and hugged Romano quickly before leaving.

    “Tell Italy I said good bye.”Romano nodded, and went back into his room. Italia hesitated, and then went out to meet Prussia with slow steps. She seriously didn’t want to go back…

    The car ride to Germany’s was mostly quiet. Italia would glance at Prussia, to gage his feelings, but his face was smooth. It showed no emotion. That scared Italia more than anything. It was never a good thing when her uncle Gilbert was quiet. Though he did say something when they were close to getting back to her Ludwig’s home.

    “That was a very stupid stunt you pulled, Italia. I hope you know that.”Prussia said, glancing at the child. He sighed, and shook his head.”I don’t think I’ve seen West that worked up in a long time. You scared him when you disappeared.. Or should I say snuck off to see Italy. Why did you do that?”

    “I wanted to see Venezaino, and I knew Ludwig wouldn’t let me go, and talk to him. I had to do it.”

    “No, you didn’t have to do that. You know why he won’t let you see Italy, and he specifically told you to stay away from him. You knew that, and yet you still disobeyed, and scared us all. Lucky for you, the person West wanted to introduce you to decided to stick around until she spoke with you, so West won’t give you too bad a talking to. One piece of advice Italia, don’t you ever do something so stupid again. You had us all worried. You’re just lucky Italy had enough sense to call West, and tell him you were there.”Italia looked out the window, and sighed.

    “I wish I didn’t have to leave.”She mumbled, but it was loud and clear enough that Prussia heard her. He looked at her, shocked, and then turned his attention back to the driveway.

    “Yeah, well, don’t tell West that. He’ll get angry.”Italia nodded, and then got out as Prussia stopped the car.

    Italia stared at the woman in front of her. She tilted her head slightly, trying to get a better look at her. Belgium merely smiled at the child before her.

    “Wow, you’re such a mooie jonge meisje(1). Even more so than Mr. Germany had let on.” Italia nodded. She had no idea what the last part she said meant, but she pretended to know what she was talking about.

    “Well, umm thanks.”Italia laughed uncomfortably, and then looked at her Ludwig, who was merely looking at the two.

    Finally, Ludwig cleared his throat, and looked at Beligum.

    “So, is what we told you about her true?” Beligum looked at the child, and back to Ludwig, and then back to the child again before she looked back at Germany to answer him.

    “Wel, het ziet er als het aan mij, maar het is echt moeilijk te zeggen. Ik weet nauwelijks van het kind at all. Misschien als ik meer tijd alleen met haar dat ik kan u vertellen of ze is echt mijn dochter of niet, Mr.Germany.(2)” Germany nodded slightly, and sighed as he looked back at Italia. Italia, her eyes now a light blue, looked at her caretaker with some confusion. She had no idea what they were saying.

“Well, perhaps sometime alone with Italia would be nice, Ja?”Belguim smiled, and nodded. She looked at Italia.

“Well, that’s only if you want to come with me of course.”Italia looked between the two, and sighed.

“Well, I don’t see why not. Yeah, sure.”Beligum grinned.

“Good!”Italia smiled, and looked as Belguim hugged Germany, and the two went off to speak to each to each other. Italia couldn’t help but notice that that woman was very similiar to her own self. That left Italia to wonder if there was something else going on that nobody was telling her about. What was so important about her meeting this Belguim? It was then that Italia remembered the series of dreams she had had before. The ones that would wake her up in the middle of the night. It was also the memory of these dreams, that Italia made the connection between the woman in those dreams, and Beligum. Belguim was the same woman from thsoe dreams that Italia had. So, was this meeting more than Prussia and Ludwig had let on? Was Italia meeting someone more than just another country? Italia hoped that with her time with Belguim, those questions, and more would be answered.....


So, I figured out that the official language of Belgium is Dutch, so when she speaks it will be Dutch.

(1)-This means pretty young girl

(2)-this one’s long so bear with me, but all this means: well, it sure looks like it to me, but it's really hard to say. I hardly know the child at all. maybe if I get more time alone with her I can tell you if she's really my daughter or not, Mr.Germany.

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