chapter four

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Chapter Four:

    The whole Germany and Italy were at the meeting, Ludwig couldn't help but worry over the child he had found and left in his brother's care while the nations had to be the world meeting. He cringed mentally at the mess he imagined he would walk into the moment he crossed the threshold of his home. It didn't exactly help his nerves in any way at all fighting that was going on during the "meeting". Sometimes, he wondered if it was truly a meeting. Sometimes, it just seemed to Germany more like a screaming match. With no one being the victor. Nothing was ever resolved at these meetings. Of course, as usual, Germany had to be the mediator, but of course it was still of no use. By the time everyone calmed down, the meeting was over.

        On the other hand, while Germany was busy juggling being the mediator of the meeting, keeping his sanity, and imaging the mess his home would be in, his weak ally was busy thinking about Italia. He was thinking about what she would be like when she was older, what she would be like when she grew up, things he'd teach her. Well, thinking about things he would teach her as Italia grew older got him distracted even more. He began to think about things like teaching her to draw, paint, and how to make pasta, and having fun, and how to dress real pretty. Then, because he knew how women swooned over babies, he thought that she'd be the perfect "wingman" type of child. She could attract all the pretty women that Italy could flirt with. It didn't even cross his mind once about the condition of the house when he and Germany got home. He was far too busy thinking about Italia to really care about anything else that was going.

        So, when the meeting was over, both of the allied nations rushed out of meeting room, and into the car that they had taken to the meeting. Germany was sweating over what he'd find once he got home, while Italy was just wanting to bond with Italia more. Though, once Germany opened the door to his home, he couldn't help but feel suspicious. Prussia was sitting on the couch, the baby beside him, acting as if nothing had happened. Ludwig's eyes scanned around the house, or at least what he could see, for anything out of the ordinary but couldn't find a damn thing.

            "So, was everything....Ok? No problems?" Germany asked as he stepped inside. Italy merely stepped around Germany, and went to Italia.

            "Nope. None at all. Just relax, West."Prussia smiled, and handed the squirming child to the awaiting Italian. The general glanced at Italy as he took her to the bathroom.  He sighed, and hoped he wouldn’t have to take care of another problem."Why don't you just rest a bit West? Take a load off, and relax for once." Prussia said with his usual smirk. Germany sighed heavily, took one last look in the direction Italy had gone in, and then sat beside his older brother.

            Meanwhile, Italy was singing, and cooing to the child as he turned on the water, adjusting the water's tempture so that it was neither too hot nor too cold.

            "Nice, warm bath for the pretty baby." Italy said in a sing-song voice as he undressed the giggling child, and gently sat her in the very shallow water. Italia squealed happily, and began to splash around in the water. Italy chuckled slightly, and began to wet her hair. As if this had been rehearsed many times over, Italia immediately stopped squealing, and playing, and looked at Italy curiously. Her blue-green eyes darkened slightly as she jutted out her bottom lip."Vee~ what’s wrong Italia, I'm just trying to clean your hair."Italy said in the same sing-song voice, as he got the some shampoo, and began to lather it into her wet hair. Italia squirmed, and grunted unhappily."Vee~ Stop it Italia! You should love your bath time!"He whined as he attempted to rein her back in so he could wash the soap out of her hair. She looked at him then, blue hazel eyes meeting amber eyes. Her eyes looked into his as if to ask:

            "What are you doing? Stop touching me! I don't like it!" Then, figuring now was his time to act; Italy began to gently wash out the soap in her hair. Italia squirmed again, and then began to cry.

            When she began crying, Italy stopped in his tracks, and began to have his own mini panic attack he got when she started crying.

            "Oh no! Stop crying! We just gotta wash your hair don't you wanna look pretty?! Please stop crying!" Though once he had stopped trying to wash her hair, Italia was back to her usual self. Italy sighed, and shook his head.

            "What's going on here? What's happening?"Germany said as he entered the room. Italy looked at him, and then at the child.

            "Vee~~She won't let me wash her hair! And it's all dirty!"Italy whined. Germany sighed in annoyance, and then looked at the smiling, giggling infant.

            "Well, she looks fine now. I'll stand here while you give her a bath. Maybe then if she at least sees me, she won't misbehave."Germany offered as he leaned up against the doorframe of the bathroom. Italy smiled in what looked like relief, but he shook his head.

            "Nah that’s ok Germany. I can handle her. After all I'm Italian, and everyone knows Italians are good with kids."Italy smiled widely as he turned his attention back to the child.

            "Well, Ok. Just yell if you need any help with anything."Germany said, and then left the bathroom. Venezaino looked at the child, and smiled widely."I bet you're going to be all sorts of pretty when you're all grown up."Italy smiled remained as he again tied to put water through the child's hair. She looked at him with a confused expression, and then began to cry again. Italy tensed up, and sighed."Please stop crying every time I put water on your head. It needs to cleaned. Don't you wanna be cleaned, and look and smell pretty?"Italy said as he held down the child gently in his hand, and washed through her hair. Italia jutted out her lip, and let out another cry. Italy felt the beginnings of a panic attack starting to settle in."Oh no! Stop crying! Please stop crying!"He said in his usual panicked tone. Though the child stopped crying when he set the cup down as he finished getting the soap from her hair. Italia once again went back to be the giggling child she was. Italy's mini episode died down, and he shrugged his shoulders slightly."At least the soap is out of your pretty hair."The German child looked at him, and smiled widely."What? Why are you looking at me like that?"Italy asked in a confused tone, but was slightly amused by her expression. With yet another giggle, she threw what amount of water her small, pudgy hands could take, and threw at Italy, who was in a close enough range. Italy jumped back slightly by the contact of the luke-warm water, and looked down at his expensive, blue shirt, which had a dark spot right down the middle when the water had hit him. There was even small trickles of water on his expensive, black pants. Though he was slightly annoyed by the water he was sure would ruin his clothes, he shrugged it off."That's ok. I needed to change anyway."He said as he took off his shirt, and threw it by the door. He then grabbed a small, soft towel, and used it to lift the German child out of the tub."Ve~Let's go get changed, yeah?"Italy smiled again as he turned, and began to walk to her room.

        No sooner had he walked into her room, and sat her on the changing station, did Germany knock on the closed door.

"Vee~Come in!!"Italy called out, as he looked at the diaper, trying to figured out how to put it on correctly. A split second later, Germany opened the door, and immediately he blushed slightly at the half naked Italian in the room.

            "What the hell are you shirtless?!"Germany yelled out half embarrassed.

            "Huh?"Italy looked down, and then shrugged slightly. It was as if he had forgotten that he had taken off his shirt."Oh, Italia got my shirt wet, so I took it off."He answered simply, but was half afraid of his friend’s reaction to his words. Germany looked at his ally, but immediately let the subject drop. Italy, he could never figure this guy out.

            "Well, what are you doing now?"Germany asked after clearing his throat, and walking over to Italy. Italy looked at him, and then at Italia.

            "Hey Germany! You're smart, can you figure out how to put her diaper on? I gotta go change."Without waiting for a response, Italy left the room. Germany watched him leave with slight annoyance, and then looked back at Italia.

            "I don't get him at all. Why the hell does he think I'd be able to put on your diaper?"Germany shook his head, and then looked at the child's diaper. He sighed, and then tired a couple of different ways before finally choosing one he thought looked half decent."Well, it looks fine. Efficient enough. It'll get the job done."Germany said with a nod as he picked up the baby. Italia giggled, cooed, and ten gripped onto the front of his shirt. Germany smiled down at the babbling child."Well, maybe you won't be so bad to have around."Germany said softly, cuddling the child closer to him.

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