chapter 17

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Chapter seventeen:

    Italia sat in Germany’s bedroom, practicing some crude writing of the ABC’s, while Germany mainly focused on doing his paper work. Eventually, though, Italia got to thinking. Italia began thinking about her Ludwig’s childhood. She had never heard him say much about it, except that she reminded him of himself as a child, which made her wonder how much she was like him, how she was different.

    “Ludwig?”She asked slowly, her blue eyes looking up at him. Ludwig paused in his paperwork, and looked at her.

    “Ja? What is it?”He asked, looking back at his paperwork, and writing something’s down. Italia nervously picked at the floor.

    “What were you like as a kid?”She asked very softly, never taking her eyes off the floor except for when she heard him stop writing, and she noticed him looking at her.

    “Why do you want to know?”He asked as he went back to writing. Italia shrugged, and looked at him with a hard expression.

    “Well, you always say I remind you of yourself as a child so I was curious. What were you like as a child because you never talk about it?” She said softly. Germany again looked at her, and sighed. He never liked talking about his childhood for a reason. Why should he start now?

    “Well, I haven’t changed much. I was serious, liked cleaning, though I did smile and laugh more, but don’t all kids? I also had my first love when I was very young.”He answered the last part rather quietly. Italia tilted her head.

    “Who was the person? What happened to her?” Italia asked. Ludwig shook his head, and sighed heavily.

    “Italia, I think it’s time that you go, and find Mein Bruder. He likes answering your questions.”Italia shook her head stubbornly.

    “But I want to be with you Ludwig, not Uncle Prussia.”

    “Yeah, well, I’m rather busy. Why don’t you go find him? I think he might be in his room.”Italia sighed, and nodded as she stood.

    “Yes sir.”She said with a pout, walking out of the room. Germany sighed heavily as he watched her leave, and then went back to doing his paperwork in silence, the way he preferred it…

        Prussia was found in the living room, watching tv. He smiled at Italia as she came into the room.

        “Hey Lil’ Awesome! What’s with the long face?” Italia shrugged, and looked at the television. Italia looked back at him.

        “What is this a variety show?”She asked, getting up on the couch. Prussia nodded, and moved a little to give her room.

        “Do you want to watch something else?”He asked, gesturing his hand to the remote. Italia looked at his hand, and then away. She sighed a bit saldy, and then shook her head.

        “Uncle Prussia, I think I made Ludwig mad.”She said soflty. Prussia smiled amusedly.

        “West doesn’t have the heart to be mad at you no matter what you do. But, indulge me, what did you do?”

        “I aksed him about his childhood because he’s always comparing me to himself as a child, so I asked him because he got me curious. Then, he said when he was little he fell in love for the first time, and when I asked about who she was and what happened to her, he didn’t want to talk to me anymore, and sent me to you.”Prussia sighed, and looked at the television. He had told West before that something like that was bound to happen sooner or later, but he didn’t think Ludwig was still so sensitive about his lost love…

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