chapter 11

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Chapter Eleven:

    Italia peered a bit over the edge to get a closer look at the three unfamiliar men. She sort of recognized the one that stood on the far left of the group.

 Actually, this man was standing closer to the door, looking like he really didn’t want to be there at all as his chocolate eyes looked around the living room. His long, chest-nut hair was tied into a ponytail, and he wore something that looked like Japan would wear, only different. The sleeves were so long that they covered his hands. The shirt was a dark green color. He wasn’t all that tall, nor was he big in anyway. He actually looked rather slim. He looked like a girl, but Italia could tell, sort of, that it was a guy. He just looked like a girl.

Near the couch, almost in the center of the room, was another guy, but he looked different. He had a scowl on his face, as he looked directly at Italia’s care givers. His green eyes were looking at them as if they had already done something wrong. He had blonde hair that was spiked, and above his eyes were huge eyebrows that looked like two caterpillars stuck on his face. He wore a green suit with a brown tie. He wasn’t all that tall either, but he still had some height.

Then, there was the third man that stood almost in the center of the room. He, to Italia, almost gave off the impression that he thought he was the boss of everything. He wore glasses over his blue eyes, and his dirty blonde hair had a slight cowlick. He was tall, broad-shouldered, and wore a brown jacket over a white shirt, and lightly colored pants. Italia blushed slightly looking at him, and then turned her attention to what was going on with the whole room in general.

Prussia sat in the center of the couch, on his left was Italy, and on his right was his little brother. Prussia had his arms crossed over his chest, glaring slightly at the three men in the room. Italy looked nervous, and Ludwig kept his cool poker face, but a few times looked over to Italia’s door.

    “Dudes! Like where the hell have you been? It’s not cool to miss five meetings in a row!” Italia bit her lip slightly as she was a bit confused. Germany and Italy had missed a meeting? A meeting for what?

    "Sorry, but we've been very busy lately.” Prussia answered with a bit of venom. The man in glasses stared at Prussia as if he wanted to say something, but then changed his mind as he shook his head. The man with spiky blonde hair furrowed his eyebrows as if he were unpleased with the Prussia’s tone of voice.

    “What the bloody hell have you three been so busy with that you miss so many meetings in a row?” The man’s eyes drift to Germany’s stone face, and sighed heavily.” Especially you Germany. That’s not like you at all.” Italia furrowed her eyebrows as the man spoke. She was still confused about the whole thing. What meetings had they missed?

    “We just got caught up in some other things. That’s all.” Germany said in a clam voice. Prussia’s eyes glanced at Italia’s door, which made her heart pound slightly. She didn’t want to be caught disobeying what they had told her to do. Britain noticed where Prussia’s eyes had gone off to, something he noticed Germany doing as well, and slit his eyes slightly at the three nations in front of him. He knew they were hiding something. But what could these three be hiding?

    Italia’s heart pounded slightly, and her breathing was getting shallow. She had a feeling the man knew something was up.

    “Well, just don’t miss anymore dudes.”

    “We’ll be on our way now.” The girly-looking man said as he stood up.

    “Hmm, yes.” Britain said with caution as he began filing out with the other two men. Three nations, and Italia let out a breath of relief as the men left.

    “Ve~ they didn’t seem to suspect anything, so that was good.” Italy announced with a shaky breath. Germany nodded slightly.

    “Yes, it’s a very good thing.” Germany agreed. Prussia shook his head, and looked at the others.

    “Hey, I’m going to check on the little one.” He announced as he got up, and began walking to Italia’s room. She ran back to her room, and got back in bed just as Prussia entered the room. He smiled at Italia.

    “You ok?” He asked as he sat on the chair beside her crib. She nodded slightly.” You usually freak out when you wake up alone.” He noted. Italia shrugged slightly.

    “I heared woices outbide, so I didn’t want be awone.“ She stated in a sleepy tone. Prussia smirked slightly.

    Meanwhile, Germany and Italy still stared intensely out the window. Britain was talking to America and China, occasionally taking glances at the house. Ludwig felt some kind of need to protect Italia, but he wasn’t sure why he felt that way. After all, they didn’t seem to suspect anything. So why was he feeling like this? Why was he feeling the need to go to Italia’s room, and hide her?

    Italy was just glad to have Britain gone. He was especially nervous. However, both nations jumped when Italia let out a high-pitched yell. Germany’s eyes glanced to the window. All three nation’s outside looked back to the house, their eyes slit in suspicion. Germany again felt the need to protect to Italia. Italia let out another yell, showing signs of a temper tantrum. Germany looked back to the window, and saw the three nations outside walk back to the house.

Germany knew that if they weren’t suspicious before, they were now. And they were coming to inspect what the hell was going on. Germany again felt the need to protect Italia as they walked closer to the house, but he found his legs couldn’t work.

    “No!!” Italia yelled out, and ran out to Germany just as China, America, and Britain walked back into the house. Germany and Italy froze. Now they knew the reason they had missed so many meetings. Italia looked at the men with wide eyes as Germany picked her up, and held her protectively. What would happen to them now?

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