chapter 29

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chapter 29:

    So, time went on, and Italia’s life went on. She eventually moved out from Germany’s home when she found it getting too lonely. A few years after Gilbert died, Germany had a child with Italy, though nobody was surprised with that, and surprisingly enough the child looked like a good mix between the two. She had Germany’s beautiful sky blue eyes, but Italy’s beautiful brown hair that was curly, and even had his curl. The had named her Analisa. Italia felt too lonely as most of the attention was away from her, and to the child. She wasn’t jealous of the child or anything. She just felt that they’d be better off without her around, and she left, much to their protest.
    Italia did see Nicolai, and all the rest of the countries a few times, off an on, but she saw Nicolai the most. She wasn’t kidding when she had told him how much he looked like his daddy, Romano. He hated that fact, and would pout to no end until she said that she liked him better though. Even though he looked like Romano he acted nothing like him, unless he was nervous. He rarely lost his temper, but a quick way to make him lose his temper was pick on Italia, and he always had a smile on his face. It didn’t matter what the jell the guy was doing, he was always smiling. He had that type of smile too, that made the whole room brighten up. He was always the life of the party. He made jokes, and took jokes at him with a smile, and a laugh. However, as much as he talked,, he also listened. When you spoke to him, he ws genially interested in the covosation. He made it seem as if what you had to say was the most important thing ever. He was trustworthy, and honest. Everybody loved him.
    He was artistic, and loved making food. He was also a flirt as well. Though, that surprised nobody. After all, Romano was from the land of lovers, and Spain was called the land of Passion. Their son had to be the most flirtiest of all the vertan nations, France Included. Italia wouldn’t admit it, but she loved the guy. He was her best friend. Her brother, almost.
        So, anyways, it had been sometime when another meeting came along. It was the first meeting she was actually going to where every single one there recognized her as her own, independent nation. She was excited, to say the least. She hadn’t seen Germany, Italy, Nicolai, or many of the nations she had friended over the years for sometime. In fact, she last saw Germany and Italy over two years ago, and that’s only because she passed them by when she was going back home, and she  had to stop in Germany for food, and gas. Even then, they didn’t talk much. She last saw Nicolai, before that time, three months prior when he attempted, again, to ask her out, but she turned him down saying she had other things to do.
        So, there she sat at the meeting, a sixteen year old nation, at her most important meeting because everyone there saw her as a fellow nation, completely independent form anyone else’s rule. She enjoyed that fact.
    However, she was seated next to Nicolai, who looked like he was nursing a bad hang over. She giggled, and looked at him.
        “What’s wrong?” She asked him in English, her Germany accent coming out very strong since she hadn’t spoken English in three years. Nicolai looked at her, and groaned. She giggled. He had two, count em, two black eyes! “Whose wife did you hit on this time?” She teased. He blushed, and glared at her. It was only then she noticed he also was nursing a bad broken nose, and a broken arm.
        “This is war, Italia! They messed up my perfect nose!” She giggled, and shook her head.       
        “So. Did you kick his ass or did you beg for mercy like you always do?” She teased. He blushed, and looked away. Italia looked at him. “What was the girl’s name?” She asked, smiling teasingly.
        “I..I didn’t know it wasn’t a girl…”He confessed. Italia held in a laugh.
        “You flirted…With a guy?” He looked at her, and glared.
        “OH LIKE YOU’VE NEVER DONE IT!” He shouted. Italia blushed.
        “So…Who was it?” She asked. He looked down, and mumbled the name.” Speak up!”She shouted. He looked at her, and then sighed heavily.
        “I…Flirted with. Don’t laugh…He was in disguise…It was Halloween…”
        “Just say who it was.” Italia nudged him, giggling again.
        “I flirted with America.” He said. Italia froze for a second, and then burst out into uncontrollable laughter.” SHUT UP! IT ISN’T FUNNY!”
        “Yo-you’re right it isn’t…It’s absolute to die for, hilarious!” She said through laughter. Nicolai puffed out his cheecks, and looked away, but she could see the smile painted on his face. God, she missed that smile.
        After a moment, he looked back at her, smiling fully.
        “So, how are you?” He asked. Italia shrugged.
        “I’m doing better,” She admitted. She had been sick lately. Nicolai nodded.
        “I’m happy to hear that.” He said with a smile, touching her upper most thigh, and left it there for a moment before Germany called the meeting to begin, he recuantly moved his hand away with a blush. Italia swallowed hard, and listened to what Germany had to say.
    Nicolai,on the other hand, could harldy pay attention. He was too busy watching Itaila, the way he alwasy did. Sometimes it made him feel like a stalker, or something, the wya he would always watch her. The way her eyebrows knitted together in the slightest of ways whenever she was conentrated,the way he eyes darkened from a beautiful blue, to darker colors as she contuined to think, and contrated. He noticed at some point he jaw suddenly went taunt, and her eyes darkened to a brownish color. It was then he looked at her as she rose up, and turned on her heel.
        "I have nothing to say."She said stiffly, walking out. Everyone, Nicolai included, watched in surprise as his friend stormed out. He bite his lip, and stood to follow her. However, Spain, who was seated next to him, gripped onto his sons arms, and shook his head. Nicolai looked at his father, and in the direction Italia had gone off in. He then snapped his arms from his father's grip, and went after her.
        He caught her in time before she ahd the chance to get in her car, and get away. She looked at him as he took her hand, stopping her from getting away. She blushed heavily, and glanced back at him, her eyes had changed to their normal color, and he knew she was calm.
        "Come back in. Please. Don't leave me all alone with all these old people."He half begged, his hot breath on Italia's skin. She wasn't sure why her body was suddenly hyper-aware of everything going on around her. The way Nicolai's plam felt against hers. The way his accent suddenly drove her crazy. She always liked his voice, espically when he spoke Spainish. He always had a cute, little lisp when he spoke in painsh that wasn't present when he spoke any other language, and she wasn't sure why that was.
        "C'mon, Italia. Come back in. All you got is another hour, and then you can go home."He smiled that irresitable smile that always seemed to drive her crazy. What made it worse, was that he knew this drove her crazy. She couldn't tell him no when he smiled at her."Vamos Italia, vamos a volver a entrar usted sabe que usted desea.(1)" There it was again. His freaking adorable lisp that he always had when speaking that language. Italia sighed heavily, hanging her head in defeat.
        "Ja, ok."She threw in the towel. Niclai still didn't go of her wrist. She blushed, realzing that his hand was wrapped around hers for too long.
        "What do you want, you idoit?"She asked irriatbly. He smiled a lazy smile
        "You sound like Daddy when he's speaking to Papa when you get that sound in your voice."He siad softly, his face getting closer than it was already. She blushed again, and her heart sped up as their lips were practically touching one another.
        "Well, you're both idoits. Now tell me what you want, idoit."She tried to sound threatening, but it came out about as threatening as a kitten jumping on you.
        "You're like a little kitten trying to be appear tough by pawing the air. Are you trying to me somehting?"He said with a laugh, looking inot her eyes, and rested his forehead against hers.
        "I just want you to tell me what you idoit."She said, breathless again.
        "Dame un beso, eso es lo que quiero de ti.(2)" There it was again, that cute lisp as his lips brushed against hers....Wait? What? She blushed heavily, and pushed him away. She turend from him, and got into her car.
        "I'M GOING HOME!!"She shouted nervously, still blushing. Nioclai merely shook his head from the impact, and then rushed over to her car. He put his hands on the hood, stopping her from leaving.
        "No, Italia. Stay. Por Favor, you already promised me-------------------------------" He jumped when she honked her horn. He glared at her, and again she Italia felt butterflies in her stomache. She wasn't sure why, but she loved it when he scolwed like that. He looked so much like Romano, scowling like that..Well, he looked like him as was...Almost a perfect copy of the Italian, execpt with Spain's lovely green eyes, and slightly tanish skin."Don't do that!" He yelled out. Italia smirked. She just loved messing with Nicolai sometimes."Get out of the car Italia, before I make you get out of there."He warned. Italia rolled her eyes, and stuck her tongue out at him. He smirked, and walked over to her car door, crouching like a cat stalking his prey, and just when he about to open the door, Italia opened the door, hitting him hard on the head.
        "Door check~! "She shouted innocently, and smiled at Nicolai."Guess what Nicolai? It works!"She laughed. Nicolai glared as he rubbed his aching head.
        "That's wonderful!"He shouted angirly, and then pulled her out of the car. Italia blushed again as their hands touched He held her against the concerte, his body hovering over her, smirking slightly. Italia blushed heavily, and looked around.
        "Nicolai, get offa me! My dress is hiked up! Of someone comes out and sees this, they'll think nasty things! I'll never be able to face these guys agian! Get off of me!"She shouted. Nicolai smirked, and then looked at her with an eyebrow rasied.
        "Apologize for door checking me, AGAIN! And, I'll consider it."Italia blushed deeper, and micked his back.
        "I'll yell and scream bloody murder if you don't get off of me!"She shouted loudly."GET OFFA ME, NICOLAI! BEFORE I KILL YOU UNTIL YOU'RE DEAD!"She shouted. Nicolai tensed up as he was kicked, ad then blushed when he noticed her underwear was now exposed. He froze, face red, trying not to stare too much. Meanwhile, Italia was thrashing, yelling, and after a bit, finally calmed down,a nd noticed Nicolai was frozen like a statue."What the hell si wrong with you?"She asked irratly, and then followed his gaze. She blushed heavily again, noticing where his gaze was."YOU PERVET!"She shouted, hitting him. This seemed to snap him aback, and he looked at her, his face competely red.
        "I-I-I'm sorry, Italia!"He shouted, getting off of her,, and standing up. Italia's heart fluttered with the realaztion that he was looking at her underwear...No, it was more! He was staring at her underwear..Did that mean....
        "It's fine. Let's go back in damn it."She said quickly, walking ahead of him, and into the building where the meeting was being held. Nicolai didn't need to be told twice, and quickly followed her.
        When they got back, everyone looked at them. Spain, and Romano looked at them with questioning looks, France had his classic perverted smile. Germany looked at them a moment, and then went back to trying to calm down the child in his arms. Italy smiled, competely oblvious to anything going on. Everyone seemed to have a diffrent expression on their faces. The two blushing teens took their seats next to each other,and waited out through the meeting.
        The rest of the meeting went by smoothly. Italia didn't walk out, but Nicolai contuined to look at her, ignoring the rest of the nation's presentaions. The meeting ended too quickly, and Nicolai wanted to talk to her, but she was busy catching up with everyone. So, he waited.
        "Does she speak yet?"Italia asked, refeering to her...In a way, Little Sister. Germany smiled, and nodded.
        "She says a few words. So how have you been? It's been too long."Italia nodded, and blushed slightly. Why was she blushing?
        "I've been good. Nicolai and I have been spending a lot of time together, well execpt lately. I've been sick."Italy looked at her, his eyeborws arched in worry.
        "That's why you haven't come to many meetings?"Italy questioned. Italia nodded slightly.
        "I'm ok now."She sounded as if she were trying to reaasure them from further worries, and she could tell it worked. Italy relaxed, and smiled. Italia contuined to talk for a bit, before she found talking to them to be simply uncomfortable. It had been like this ever since she became independent. SHe could only talk to them for a a few mintues at a time before it became unbearably uncomfortable. Turns out, she had a save.
        "Italia, can you come here a moment?"Britian asked, tapping her shoulder gently. Italia smiled at him, silently thanking him for the save, SHe smiled at Germany, and Italy.
        "I'll see you guys later."She said, giving a quick hug to them both. Itala followed Britian, and smiled.
        "How have you been? Nicolai told me annd Belguim you've been sick lately."He asked worridly. Italia shrugged.
        "I'm ok, no need to wrry. How are things between you and America?" Britan shrugged. Not that those two would ever admit it, but everyone knew those two had started dating some time ago, though she couldn't remeber when she was told that.
        "We're good."SHe nodded slightly, and then looked around. Nicolai was leaving.
        "I have to go."Britian nodded, and then Italia chased after Nicolai. She tackeld him, and held him against the wall. He looked at her, his green eyes wide. Italia smiled at him, and cupped his face.
        "Küss mich, du Idiot(1)."She whispered, before her lips crashed onto his. His eyes went wide for a moment, and then kissed her back, wrapping an arm around her body. She felt his tongue gently whisp over her lips, as if he were pleading to let him in. SHe opened her mouth slightyl to let him in, and their tongues danced together, each fighting for control over the other. After a moment of the heated kiss, each with their face flushed. Italia pulled back, and smirked at him. Then, she slapped hi hard. He blinked, surpirsed and angered by the monTION."That was for looking a tmy underwear, and trying to rape me you pervert."Italia said, winking, and then walked off. Nicolai looked at her, confused for a moment. Did she kiss him because he did what he did, or slap him for doing that? He finally shrugged, and left the building. He was looking foreward to seeing Italia again, he was so gonna get  her back....
(1)- this is spainsh for Come on Italia, let's go back in. you know you want to.
(2)-this is spainsh, and it means:kiss me, that's what I want from you.
(2)- this german,. it mean kiss me idoit

end of story

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