chapter five

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Chapter five:

            Germany stayed in Italia's room awhile longer, talking to her, and bonding with her while his Campion dressed himself. Like she always was with Germany, Italia laughed, and giggled, and was happy in general. Mostly, while he spoke to her, she'd listen calmly, and play with the iron cross he wore proudly on his neck. Soon enough, he merely took off the badge of courage and honor, and handed the infant the badge. The baby smiled at the small gesture, and then played with it more while Germany smiled. Germany then began to wonder what the hell was taking Italy so long to get dressed, but then he figured that the other nation was probably just giving the two more time together, which Ludwig didn't totally mind. The more time he spent with the German child, the more his first opinion of the child still stood. She defiantly wouldn't be bad to have around. At least then, with her around, he wouldn't be totally bored.

        That thought made the Germanic nation smile even wider, and then he continued to talk to Italia, but this time in German. After all, if she were truly German, it wouldn't hurt her to know her own language.

            "Oh good. She’s still awake."Germany looked up, surprised to see Prussia standing there in the doorway."Geez, West give you one baby, and you go gaga over her like she was some hot lady or something walking down the street, but secretly giving you bedroom eyes."Germany blushed slightly at his brother's teasing tone.

            "You don't know what you're talking about. I couldn’t leave her in here by herself. What if she got hurt?"Germany stated matter of factly. Prussia snickered slightly.

            "Boy, West you sure do worry over simple things. She's just a little baby, what kind of trouble could she really get into?"Prussia asked, and then shrugged slightly as if the matter no longer interested him."Well, I'm going to make something to eat...Have fun "bonding” with the baby."Prussia laughed as he walked out towards the kitchen. Germany sighed in annoyance.

            "He's such a bother."Germany smiled down at Italia.

            "Ve~~ Germany, Italia is ok?"Italy said as if he were afraid of the child.

            "Ja, she's fine."Ludwig answered as he looked up at his ally. Italy smiled, and walked into the room.

            "Here, lemme see her."Italy said softly. Germany nodded, and then awkwardly handed the squirming child to her rather weak caretaker. Italy cooed at the infant, and then began walking out the door."I think I'll call Japan, and see if he'll help me paint your room tomorrow Italia. It'll be fun, no?" Venezaino cooed to the kid as he turned, and walked out of the room. Germany watched the Italian leave the room, and then got up, and went to his own room. He laid down on his bed sheets, and stared at the white ceiling above him. He began wondering what Japan's reaction would be towards the child....

        Japan arrived early two days later, though he seemed wary of the child at first, when Italy had told him about her, but he warmed up to the idea of the kid, even if he hadn't seen her just yet. So, he quickly grabbed the paints and brushes he had bought, and then followed Italy to the child's room where he helped his friend paint the room.  Gilbert and Ludwig had taken the infant out with them while they walked the dogs. Meanwhile, Kiku had painted some anime faces of the three of them, and then painted other things. Italy, once the paint had dried, put some little stickers on the room, and then got some nails where he got a few pictures, and other things he felt she'd like to have in there, and things Germany wouldn't miss much at all.

            "Well, I think we're done here."Japan said as he looked around the room, all the while wiping sweat from his brow. They were both happy that the room didn't look so bland anymore. In fact, it actually looked like a little nursery."So, where's the child I have not yet seen her."

            "Ve~~, she's with Ludwig and Prussia right now walking their dogs or something, but if you wait just a bit more you can see her!" Japan nodded in agreement, and then sat back in the room. Italy sat next to him, and took a look around the room they had both spent the better part of the morning working on.

            With it being decided that Japan would hang around a bit longer to see the child, the two previously mentioned nations by Italy arrived with a happy, giggling, bouncing, seven-month old infant. She, of course, had thoroughly enjoyed her morning out with the dogs and the two Germanic brothers, but she had gotten herself all dirty, which greatly annoyed Germany. Her plain, white shirt was brown in places where she had crawled around in the dirt.

            "Well...That is the child, right?"Japan asked with some hesitancy as he looked at the squirming child in his serious ally's arms.

            "Yupp! Didn't I tell you she was pretty?" Italy beamed proudly, then walked over, and took the child from Germany.

            After a few moments of coddling the child, he walked over to the island nation, and handed him the squirming child. Kiku held the child awkwardly in his arms, and looked at the infant in his arms with slight wonder and curiosity. He couldn't be too sure if she was indeed a human child, like Italy had claimed she was, but if she were indeed human than it would be a wonder indeed to see how this child would grow up to be like. After all, since it was important for a country to keep it a secret of who they truly were, it wasn't very often that a nation decided to take in a human child. In fact, he couldn't recall a situation like this happening in all of his time of living. Now, he was rather inrested in the unique arrangement between Italy, Germany, and now Prussia.

            "Yes, I suppose she is."Japan said after a moment of silence after he had cleared his throat. He then handed the child back to Italy, though his eyes still lingered on said infant. It will be most inresting to see how she grows up with these three nations raising her. I wonder how many of the other nations they're planning on showing Italia to. How will they react to her? Well, it'll be interesting to see in the least. Japan thought as he looked at the cooing child, who was now back in Germany's arms."So, what's her name? Where did you find her?" The lone nation asked as he looked from the happy, cooing infant to his other, more serious friend. He had a feeling that German could better explain a little bit of the background on the child, and where she had come from.

            "Well, I was during my usual drills where I always do them, and I heard her crying form an old building that had recently been abandoned. There was no one else around, and I had looked everywhere, but there was nobody around. It was as if everyone had left the building, but left her behind. Since there was nobody else around to take care of her, I couldn't leave her by herself, so I decided it would be best for us to raise her." Germany explained, then, as if to add empahize to what he had said, he looked back at the child, and smiled slightly, which surprised Japan a bit. He hadn't seen the overly serious nation smile hardly ever in all his time of knowing him, which at that point had been a very long while. Not that I blame him. She is rather cute. Japan thought with a nod, as if agreeing with what Germany had done.

            "Nobody has told me her name yet, so what is it?" He asked in his usually soft manner, looking into the eyes of each person in the room, waiting for someone to speak. Prussia, of course, was the one to answer when he saw that nobody else was going to do answer. Or maybe they were just hesitating, but that didn't matter to the cocky nation. He'd answer for them if they were too chicken to answer.

            "Her awesome name is Italia Beilschmidt.”Prussia answered proudly, giving the child his last and his brother's last name since nobody had bothered giving her one.

            "Italia means 'Little Italy', in Italian." Venezaino announced proudly, and then tickled the child's chin slightly. Italia giggled softly, and then clasped her chubby hand around his fingers tightly. Everything is intriguing about this situation. No doubt she'll grow into an interesting child. Japan again thought as him, and the other three nations sat around on the couch, each taking turns to hold the child, though Italy had quickly gotten up, and taken the child to get another bath, which the outcome of the bath situation rather amused the Japanese nation.

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