chapter seven

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Chapter Seven:

            It seemed to each of the four nations that Italia's personally differed depending on who she was with, and what she could get away with when with those people.

            For example, when Italia was with Germany, she was sorda quiet and playful. Though when he when he was busy researching, or doing paperwork, or reading (if she wasn't "reading" with him), she would be quiet, and play with something he had given her to keep her busy. Though most of the time when he was reading, she'd be sitting on his lap, looking at the pages with him until she'd fall asleep in arms. She was generally happier with Germany than when she was around most of the five others involved in her life.

            But, for polar opposite of that, she hated being around Romano. All she ever did around him was cry, even though he was trying to be nice to her for his brother's sake. She wouldn't stop crying until Italy or Germany came and got her, which would annoy Romano. After all, he was just trying to be nice to her, and all she did was cry. It was things like that, that made him wonder if Italia didn't cry just to annoy him. Which he didn't doubt in the least bit. In his mind, children like her could be mental terrorists at times. They did things to mess with your mind, and you wouldn't even know it for days. It would just sit, and boil in your mind. It didn't exactly help, in his opinion, that she was a girl. Girls could be just as bad as babies at messing with people's minds in ways that couldn't be done by others. Though, Romano at least tried to be nice to her, Italia still hated being around him.

            Then, there was Prussia. Her trouble-making side came out when she was around Prussia for any given time. She would constantly get into things she wasn't supposed to, she would make messes, and then, on top of it all, Prussia would use her to pick up chicks, which she ruined half the time.  Italia wouldn't listen either once she got done with spending time with her "uncle" Prussia. Them being together caused Germany nothing but headaches wondering what mess they would create together that he, no doubt, would have to clean up.   

            When the infant was with Italy, she was engertic, and very happy. Sometimes, Italy would give her something, and have her create "art" with it. Other times, Italy would sit her in the high chair while he made pasta, which she thoroughly enjoyed. Sometimes, Italy would feed her pastines(1). She also seemed to enjoy that as well. Sometimes, Italy would tell her stories

        Italia was calmer around Japan. With Kiku, she didn't do much since Japan wasn't use to being around kids. Though, he did try to bond with her a little. He would tell her some folk stories, and even draw her some things. The thing she seemed to like most though was listen to his stories. Italia's favorite story he told her about was the one with the mountain god that lives in Mount Fuji.

        However, it was Germany that spent the most time with her. He was always the one who would change her diapers; since Prussia wouldn't go near the dirty diaper and Italia never sat still long enough for Italy to do it. He was also the one who would put her down for naps the most, since Japan was almost never around when she was taking a nap, and Prussia was doing whatever it was Prussia was doing to get out of taking care of her. However, if Italia wouldn't go to bed when Germany tried, she always fell asleep when Italy would come in and sing her a lullaby. However, if she was left completely alone, she would cry, and cry until someone (usually Germany since she never calmed down enough for the others) would come in, and put her back to sleep. It seemed to Germany that Italia and Italy shared a common trait: They both didn't like to be alone.

        However, Italia was a very calm, well behaved child. It seemed to the four nation’s involved in the child's life, that not much really bothered her. She seemed to go with the flow of things, and enjoy most everything that came her way. However, when she lost her temper, it was very difficult for anyone to calm her down.

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