chapter two

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Chapter two:

It took a little longer than the former German general had anticipated for his feeble ally to return from his little shopping spree. This made Ludwig feel both a bit frustrated and a bit happy. He had plans, and he had counted on the shopping spree to be quick, and is what frustrated him. On the other hand, it also made him happy because it gave him more time to watch her, and get more information on the child. After a bit, he evaluated she was about three or so months old when he noticed her attempts to crawl to get something that interested her, though he never saw what had spiked the child's interest. Though he didn't really care that much to notice what had spiked her interest so much that she would attempt to crawl. He guessed it was probably shiny, girls and babies enjoyed things that were shiny.

Though he wouldn't admit it, he did begin to "bond" with her. After all, if she was going to stay with him, he minus well develop some sort of a relationship with her on good merits, right? So, he took her with him when he took his dogs out for a short walk, which she seemed to enjoy quite a bit. She even sat a bit quietly when he gave her some old jewelry to play with while he sat in his office to catch up on some paperwork he had been neglecting lately since he felt a little sick. That's basically al he did until he heard the door slam open, and two unmistakable voices Germany had come to recognize as Italy, and his temperamental brother Romano. Germany sighed, and looked at little Italia, who had twisted her head slightly to the sound of the new, angry sounding voice. The baby looked back at Germany with a curious expression. The German soldier sighed heavily, and picked up the child as he stood to walk out to the two brothers.

"Looks like there is no peace for either of us for a while." Germany whispered softly to the child, and then walked out to help the other two people in his house...

Sometime later, Romano sat on the opposite side of the couch staring at the baby on the other side of the same couch as if she were an infectious disease.

"Why the hell do they put me in charge of watching you? I don't know anything about babies!" He complained, glaring at the small baby as if she understood him. Of course, being too young, she couldn't respond back, and merely gave him a pouty look. Clearly, she was used to be loved and held constantly. "What? Why are you looking at me like that? I'm not going to pick you up. I don't even wanna touch you." He stated as if someone had just dared him to touch something gross. Again she pouted, jutting out a full pink lip. Romano merely looked at her, and then awkwardly down the hall where his idiot brother and the Potato Bastard where setting up the child's room. He really hoped they would be done soon. He didn't want to be around the child any longer, but he couldn't just leave her unsupervised. Even if he hated kids, and the whole concept of kids, he wouldn't leave her alone. He would just try his best to stay away from her with as little contact as needed. So, with that in mind, he looked back at the kid. "What? Stop looking at me like that." He said in a hard voice refereeing to her poutiness. She continued to pout. "I'm not touching you." He repeated his earlier thoughts. She twisted her head, as if confused or to ask why, and then began to cry loudly.

Romano's eyes darted to the hall again, and back to the crying several times, panicking. He reeeeeeeeally hoped they would be done any moment so one of them could take care of her. He wasn't exactly the "comforting "type in the least bit. Finally seeing he had no choice but to do something, he picked up the crying child, and held her at arm's length, his face twisting into an expression that would probably match one being tortured, or someone forced to do something they didn't want to do. Which in his case, was probably a little bit of both.

"Uhhh, stop crying? Stop crying?" He attempted to coo while gently moving her up and down at arm's length, sounding like he was afraid of her.

After a few more moments of this, Italia hiccupped, and then began to rock as her little fingers held onto Romano's military jacket's sleeves, and giggled. He stopped this, and sighed with relief.

"Good, I thought you'd never shut up." He chuckled, but once he stopped bouncing her, Italia gave him a sad look, and then cried again, causing him to freak out. "Stop it!" He yelled out, gently bouncing her again. She immediately stopped crying, and began giggling again. "You're such a brat..."He mumbled under his breath as he continued this awkward bouncing.

About ten minutes into the awkward, and tiring, bouncing Italia fell asleep. Romano looked at her sleeping, and sighed in relief as he gently her sat her on the couch as if she were a bomb that would explode at the simplest of touch, and then slowly moved to another corner of the room where he pretended to look at some books that were stashed there. He would look at her every moment or so, just to make sure she didn't "accidently" roll of the couch, and hurt herself. He really didn't want to sit there, and listen to Italy crying over the baby being hurt, and he certainly didn't want to hear either Germany or his idiot of a brother to yell at him for "not keeping a closer eye on the baby.”He rolled his eyes, and then moved around the room more, always making sure to keep tabs on the child.

Sometime later, Italy finally came out of the room, and looked at his brother. Romano looked at him, and scowled.

"Are you two done in there? You had no idea what I went through watching that stupid baby! "He scolded, but his younger brother didn't pay attention to him for once as he crossed the room, and looked at the baby sleeping. He smiled slightly at her peacefully expression.

"Ve~ she's asleep! Can't take the chance to wake her up now. "Italy smiled, and then turned his back as he started walking back to the room. He suddenly stopped half way, as if remembering his brother, and then smiled slightly. "Hey, Fratello think you could watch her a bit again while we finish her room? Grazi!"With that he went back into the room, leaving the door open. Romano merely stared at his kid brother surprised, and then grumbled as he sat on the same couch as the child, but keeping as much space between her and him as possible.

"You know this is all your fault right?”He complained, crossing his arms, and glaring at the child. His response this time? A gentle snoo, snoo as Italia slept peacefully...

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