Chapter Eight: The Bitch Friend (Charlie's POV)

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Re-Ann went to go take a shower after her last class, she said it made her relax and take some of the stress off from the day. I wish she would let me shower with her but she wasn't there yet. I didn't want to push her to do anything that she wasn't ready for.

She left her phone charging in the living room. It started to ring for a good minute or two so I decided to answer it. It was that dumb bitch who believed she was her best friend. Mattie was shocked beyond believe when I answered Re-Anne's phone. I had to explain why I had her phone.

Mattie jumped to conclusions really fast so I just played along. I knew I shouldn't have done that but it was fun to mess with that little bitch. When I got off the phone,

Re-Anne got out of the shower, and I told her that Mattie had called and of course Re-Anne was pissed at me. I've grown used to that she was always pissed at me.

I did see why she felt so hurt. I only answered her phone. I didn't know till later that bitch wrote her a nasty email. In the email, she explaining that Re-Anne was a bitch and a whore and that she stole her man (me her man, fucking gross bitch). Re-Ann showed me the email I wanted to beat the living shit out of that little two-faced bitch.

I had never felt that much anger towards a person in my life. I knew this was my fault and I had to comfort Re-Ann. I caused this problem. I caused her to lose her so called best friend.

That night Re-Ann mad as hell asked me if I could crawl into her bed.  She needed me to comfort her. I did because I knew this was my fault I knew I caused this pain. I knew I had to be there for her. I had to be her new best friend.

I know I wanted to be the one she came to for comfort when she needed someone. I wanted to be that someone for her. As much hatred, she had for me that night she still came to me so that I could comfort her. I felt this was a win-win on my part. I knew my fight for her love and for her trust wasn't over. I knew I'd only have to fight harder for the woman I loved.

Waking up early beside that beautiful woman gave me an instant hard-on. I knew I couldn't wake her up with my giant cock. She'd freak the hell out and never trust me. I knew we were growing closer. Losing her as fast as I've gained her small amount of trust was something I didn't want to lose.

I woke up and tried to do something that wouldn't remind me that I was a walking hard-on. I decided to make coffee and to take it to her maybe she will forgive me for all the wrongs I've done so far. She looked so beautiful sleeping but I guess she heard me walking to her room.

She woke up pretty grouchy. After our cat and mouse game as we always play. She acts like she doesn't know how much I want her. I mean come on I've wanted her since as long as I can remember. I don't know why she still acts so damn surprised that I would do anything to get into her.

I hope she doesn't think that I'm going to leave her after I get to make love to her. This man is going nowhere after and finally when she decides it's our time. I do hope it is soon because this beating off shit in the shower has to stop. I can't take much more of palmala.

Now that her and I are both doused in coffee, I must wash her sheets because will I'd do anything for her. Although she has to know that I won't be doing this forever, I'm not being chauvinistic I'm just saying I'm horrible at washing clothes and cleaning up.

One thing lead to another and well there she goes again getting mad at me for hiding the truth. I know this is the last truth I have hidden. Her parents were sending me money to take care of her. I had told them I didn't want any of their money but they said they didn't feel right if they didn't help me out.

They felt that if they didn't help out that I pretty much bought their daughter. I wish it was that easy that I could just buy my bride but it wouldn't mean anything if she didn't love me. I knew Re-Ann loved me but I just have to make her see that I'm her best match.  I'm the one who loves her more than any of those snots faced little shits she dated in high school. Especially that one loser who she was fucking all last year.

I see why she was mad, she need for me to sit down and explain everything to her. I just know right now her head isn't really here right now. She is very hot headed and can't ever think clearly when she is mad. When she is ready for my explanation I will give it to her. She is just plain pissed and it didn't matter what I said that wouldn't make her even more mad. I better let her just say her peace and when she comes to her senses I'll explain my side of the story.

While she got, ready and went to school I had to make it up to her somehow. I knew I had given her flowers once before and it made her day. I drove to the local floral store and bought her a dozen of her favorite color roses and one single rose. I drove around her campus and found her car. I placed the single rose under her windshield wiper with a note (see you at home baby).

I decide to go for a run to keep up with all of the food I've been making at home.  I'm no longer in the service, I can't eat the way used and not work out. I also need to go for a run to stay fit and to work out all of this pent-up energy since I haven't been able to fuck anything. I have a lot of pent up energy that needs to leave my body.

I went running for about an hour and it felt good to go out for a run. I ran around the block and around to part of the campus. The weather was nice outside not too cold and not too hot. When I ran up the driveway I saw that Re-Anne's car was in the driveway. I ran all the way up the stairs and into the house.

As soon as I got into the house. Re-Anne through her arms around my neck pulled me down and gave me a sweet but deep kiss. It almost knocked me down. I knew I was missing something but I didn't know it was her kisses.

She gave me an instant hard-on. I pushed her up against the wall in our hallway and almost nutted on myself I was so excited she finally kissed me. She said she missed me, I thought damn maybe she can miss me more.

When she said that she wanted to celebrate by living together for six weeks. I thought that was cool. Then she   brought up not killing each other something horrible came to mind when the words kill and death. I guess it has to do with being in the Air Force.

You see a lot of things that you either had to do to keep your men safe or see things that your men had to do to keep you safe. I was stationed away in some Arab country that will make you wish you were at home surrounded by your loved ones. I will never forget what I heard, smelt and saw over there. Being away from everyone sure opens up your eyes. It made me miss my Re-Ann so much. I knew this wasn't the life for me. I wanted to be home as soon as I could be.

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