Chapter Thirty-Two: Life Changing (Charlie's POV)

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I knew Re-Ann was still worried about a lot of stuff. Her parents never really got sick, except for when Re-Ann was really young. Dr. Valeria beat Cancer. Re-Ann was on the phone with her counselor at her college. She was letting her know all that happened to her mother. She let her know that she was going to be out of school for the first week of the next semester. Mrs. Thatcher let her know to contact her professors via email and to CC her on all those emails.

We headed out the door and to the hospital to see Dr. Valeria and to get an update on her condition. She was awake and smiling and without any breathing tubes in. I saw her huge smile and I saw the way that Dr. Ryan was happy that she was doing much better. I also saw the smile that Re-Ann had on her face after she saw her parents.

I went over to Dr. Valeria and gave her a hug and she gave me a strong hug and I walked over to Dr. Ryan he gave me an even stronger hug. He told me "thank you, thank you, thank you" "Son you saved the love of my life." "Sir, I only did what I was trained to do." Dr. Valeria was retiring, which is a good thing she had a life-changing event. She made a joke because she said she is now going to become a trophy wife. Something she has always hated. This is one of the reasons she has always pushed Re-Ann to worry about her studies. So that she didn't have to depend on anyone.

We left the hospital with a good feeling, knowing that Dr. Valeria was going to be A-OK. Re-Ann started to clean up her parent's house because her mom needs to be on bed rest. The house wasn't dirty or out of place. The only thing that had to be done was the laundry. I was helping out Re-Ann and moving all of the heavy laundry baskets closer to her. Re-Ann asked me if when we have a home of our own would I be helping her out with all of the laundry. "Absolutely not, I'm not washing clothes!" She yelled at me and used my whole name. I knew she was being serious. I told her I was just kidding. She knows that I would do anything for her. She is my world, and she is carrying my future, our future. I have loved her since the moment I saw her all those years ago. I will love her forever.

I know Re-Ann has been preoccupied with her mom's accident. So I looked around for OBGYN's in either New Paltz or Kingston. I found a local OBGYN and good news they had an opening on Wednesday for new patients. Dr. Valeria was coming home on that day as well. Re-Ann wanted to stay with her mom but she knew she had to go to her new OBGYN appointment. This was the first appointment with this doctor so she knew it was going to be a long appointment. They had to get all of our family histories and it took us a while to remember all of our histories. Re-Ann's vitals were great and there on the screen, you could see our little future. The nurse said that we were about six-weeks pregnant.

We met with Dr. Matterson is a great OBGYN and he knew his stuff. I felt that I picked, we picked a great OBGYN to delivery our sweet bundle of joy. Dr. Matterson told us our approximate due date and Re-Ann busted out laughing like if I was tickling her. We both looked at her like she was crazy. She just yelled out "April 20th are you kidding me! National Pot smoking day! 4/20 our Child is going to be born on 4/20!?" I just smiled and chuckled a little. Oh, how I love this crazy woman of mine.

We made it back to my future In-Law's house and sat down in the living room and we told Re-Ann's parents that yes we were definitely pregnant. Dr. Valeria said she knew we were pregnant, and she asked us what our due date will be. We told her our due date and she was shocked she knew what it meant. I felt too old at this moment. She asked us about name selections, I was just shocked because it's really starting to hit me. I created a life someone who will have my name. I didn't even think about giving our baby a name yet.

We took a drive out to the construction site to check up on the progress of our new home being built, with everything going on we haven't come out in a while. We used the address that the realtor gave us. As we turned the corner we saw our house frame starting to take shape. We drove up to the address and got out of our car and did a tour of the framed house. Re-Ann took many pictures of our new home. It was a great feeling knowing that our first home is on its way.

When we got back home to my In-laws and saw them cuddled up on the couch taking a nap. They looked so cute and I hope Re-Ann and I look that cute at that age. I hope we both age well. It would be a shame if we didn't age well. We are both great looking people.

We talked about baby names, and we picked out middle names so far. We like the idea of giving our child's middle name as one of our parent's name. We both like the idea of having double middle names. If it's a boy we want to have one of the middle names as Alexander and if it's a girl then Valeria as the middle name as it is Re-Ann's middle name. I know it sounds conceited to name your child after yourself but it is a beautiful family name that I would love to keep in the family.

We made our way up to Re-Ann's old room, and she was excited to start to google baby names. I got to say it's kind of exciting to pick our baby names. We both liked the name Orion, and we also picked Elijah, and I already picked Alexander and of course our last name Abernathy. My son's name will be Orion Elijah Alexander Abernathy. Re-Ann asked me if I was going to fight her for the name, I told her no. I really liked the name. "My love I'm not going to fight or argue with you I love that name." "I don't know the name we can choose for a girl?"

Since they say that if you have a girl they are usually daddy's little girls. I thought that I should name our little girl if we have a girl I chose Hailey Rose Valeria Abernathy. I was excited about our next appointment. Re-Ann's hormone levels were really high so she has her next appointment in two weeks. They wanted to make sure everything will be normal.

We drove back to Providence so that Re-Ann can finish her last semester for now at Brown University. I know she wants to eventually obtain her doctorates degree. As of right now, her Bachelor's degree is what I want her to finish. She doesn't have to work nor does she have to go to school, but it is her dream to do these things. I will not stand in her way so that she can accomplish everything her heart desires. It is my dream to go to school and become a lawyer but I want us to be more settled in before we take on more challenges. "I love you Re-Anne Valeria Lewis Abernathy."

The next couple of weeks flew by and it was time for Re-Ann's next OBGYN appointment. Vitals were checked and we were sent back to the small examination rooms. Dr. Matterson walked in he shook both of our hands and said congratulations you're officially eight weeks pregnant. We were scheduled for our first ever sonogram. Dr. Matterson left the room and a technician came in to do a normal over the stomach sonogram. She took all the measurements that she was required to take. We were both excited as she punched away at the keyboard.

The technician left with the sonogram machine and told Re-Ann she was able to clean up her stomach. I took that job because that is what a fiancé/husband is supposed to do. She let us know that Dr. Matterson was on his way back because he needs to talk to us. We kind of looked worried a bit because we thought we just had to do the sonogram. Dr. Matterson knocked on the door and walked back into the room and said "Well mommy and daddy, I have big news for you. You're having twins!"

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