Chapter Nineteen: July 22nd

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Tuesday morning, we flew out to Missouri to check into our hotel. Carol, Alex and I went shopping at the local mall for items that we liked. We all bought new outfits for Charlie's trial. Carol and I got manicures and pedicures. She wanted to use to fill relaxed and pampered in the event Charlie's trial didn't go as we expected.

The next five days went by so slow but I was still able to talk to Charlie on three occasions. He said he felt good about his trial. Still not completely comfortable because he didn't know if he would be let off easy. On Monday, July 22nd we got up super early and headed to the N.R.C.F. This is where his trial will be held at. We waited outside of the courtroom what like hours. Finally, at 11 AM Charlie's case was brought up on the docket.

We were able to go into the courtroom and we were able to see Charlie. He was dressed in his dress uniform. The SJR reached the podium. He reviewed Charlie's case. Charlie's attorney Mr. Harlen informed the SJR that this was an honest mistake. He didn't commit a violent crime. The SJR continued to review and announced his sentencing. "In the case of AWOL for Senior Airman Charles Edward Abernathy. I find him guilty of AWOL."

GUILTY!! Carol and eye both started crying heavily. Charlie was guilty, I didn't know how long he was going to be away but the thought of more time away broke my heart. Sentencing for Senior Airman Charles Edward Abernathy I sentence him to six months of confinement at the N.R.C.F. I cried, even more, thinking that Charlie was going to be away for another six months. Mr. Harlen was smiling really wide. I wanted to slap him because we were really upset.

Mr. Harlen told us that Charlies time already locked up was going to be used. This meant that he will be coming home in the next couple of days. When Mr. Harlen told us that I wanted to jump up and down and yell. I couldn't but my heart had felt as if it wanted to fly out of my chest.

After Charlie's trial, Charlie had to go back into custody. I blew him a kiss and a big smile. Mr. Harlen told us that he needs to complete all of the paperwork in the next couple of days and then Charlie would be released. One condition of Charlie release was that he would leave the Military as Other Than Honorable discharge. This would impact him as a veteran. He would lose all of his veteran benefits. Charlie was crushed because he had a great service record. His service record is what saved him from doing more time at the N.R.C.F.

Losing his veteran benefits would mean that he was never in the service. As a proud veteran, he hurt him very much. However, he wanted to be home so much, that this was yet another sacrifice he made to be home safely. We stayed in Missouri until Mr. Harlen finalized all of the paperwork. On Wednesday, July 24th we were called to go to the N.R.C.F. this was the day we could take Charlie home.

I saw him being released, as he was walking out. I had a huge smile on my face. I held my arms out, "My love!!!" "Baby girl," as he ran towards me. "oh, my god it feels good to be in your arms again!" He gave me a big deep kiss. We pulled away and he gave his mom a hug and a kiss and his dad a big embrace.

We made our way to Mr. Harlan's Mid-Western office. He stated all of what Charlie was giving up. He was free and clear but no longer listed as a veteran. A tear rolled down Charlie's face but he understood what he had to give up. It broke my heart to see him cry. I never want to see him so sad ever again. "Charlie, you are now home, and you will never leave my side again." "Baby girl, I won't!" he leaned his head down and touched my forehead with his.

We got arrived back at the hotel in Missouri, Alex told us, "Kids, we know you need some private time" and shot us a wink. I blushed like nobody's business. I know he knows we are intimate but geez it feels weird coming from your parents.

We walked into our hotel room, and we held each other very tightly. I missed his hugs so much. I looked up to him and brought him close to me and I started to kiss him. His kisses seared into my lips. I felt the same spark that I used to feel when I first kissed him in our living room. We started to strip off all of our clothes as our lips didn't leave each other. Our clothes flew all over the place. His kisses were something I desperately missed and needed. He started to kiss every part of my body as I did to him. We made it to our bed and started to explore our bodies as if it was our first time. We made love to each other after six months apart. Charlie may have gotten me pregnant, I stopped taking my birth control pills after he left.

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