Chapter fourteen: The Betrayal

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On Friday, Charlie called me and I told him everything that happened. He was upset at me because I punched Mattie in the face. "Baby girl, I fucking love you so much but you shouldn't have punched her. I know you were only protecting me and you were mad.

She can come back and file assault charges on you." "I know baby but I was just so mad that she has put you through all of this." "Baby girl, it was I who didn't read my contract right, it was me alone who didn't follow orders." "Please I don't blame anyone else but myself, I actually thank her because if it wasn't for her father's crew in giving me a bogus speeding ticket. I could be facing five years in here.

"Five years' baby?" "Sweetheart that is the maximum time I could spend in prison. For this crime, since it wasn't during a time of war." "So, next time you see her thank her for me." "Uhhmm... like hell I'm going to thank her or much less see her. She's a bitch and she belongs in the trash."

"Baby girl, I know you're mad but you're going to give yourself wrinkles." I laughed because at a time when I was so mad Charlie could always make me smile and giggle. "Wait, you just said because it wasn't in a time of war, what does that mean?" "Baby girl if I was currently stationed in Iraq or in a foreign country that we (The United States) was at war with I would most likely be serving a death sentence."

"Oh, my god, why is that such a serious offence?" "Baby girl I left my post as a solider, that is my job is to guard America." "But baby girl, don't worry I'm not going to get a death sentence, I was state side when I left my post. Don't worry baby I'm coming back to you."

"Ok my love, I just fucking miss the hell out of you. I want you home already." "I do too, I miss being with you every single waking moment." "I love you Re-Anne Valeria Lewis, the future Mrs. Abernathy."

The moment Charlie called me, Mrs. Abernathy my heart fluttered. It was the first time it actually fluttered. I felt like all those women who melt when Charlie is around. I could feel as if my veins turned to mush. I love that man with all of my being.

"I'll talk to you again soon, please stay out of trouble Mrs. Abernathy". "I love you too Mr. Abernathy." I hung up the phone with my love and had dinner with all of my parents including Carol and Alex. We were becoming one big happy family. The only person missing was Charlie.

Saturday morning arrived and, I packed up my stuff and drove back to our home. I caught up on all my readings and prep work for the coming weeks of school. By the time, I knew it April came and left it was already May. I was passing all my courses with flying colors. I was on my way to be on the Dean's list for this semester. I knew I was going to be on that list ending my first year of College with a great start.

I was loving college and everything that was going on except for Charlie being away. Sure, enough just as Charlie mentioned I had receive a summons for court. I had files charged on me for battery and assault. I was furious, but I had Alex and Carol help me because they had a family lawyer on retainer at any time.

I had a meeting with their paralegal, and I didn't really get his name. He stated that it would be dropped down to a misdemeanor or even thrown out of court. This is due to never having a record. Two weeks later my court case came up and I went to court and yes, my charges were thrown out because I didn't have any prior records.

I hugged Alex and Carol tightly and I thanked them for all that they did and all they continue to do for me. "Baby, you're a part of our family and we take care of our family." "I love you guys, and Charlie is very lucky to have to you!" After my court hearing and seeing that it went in my favor. I started getting texts from some of my old high school friends. There were asking me if the rumors were true?

I asked what were the rumors about? The rumor was that I got away with assault because Charlies family paid the judge off. I was annoyed that Mattie had to stoop to this level. I tried not to let the crap rumors that she was spreading me get me too mad.

I needed to finish my first year of college. I simply knew it wasn't true. I knew I messed up and I knew I assaulted her and I knew I was in the wrong. I did have a better lawyer than she did. All this little immature girl had on me were crap rumors. She was holding a big grudge. All because she was still so in love with my future husband.

She couldn't see that he was never going to love her or want her. Charlie started reading up on different laws and different proceedings. He was thinking of being coming a lawyer. I was so proud that he was going to make the decision to go to college.

In high school, he had taken all of his entrance exams and did very well. He just chose to be a solider and not a college student. The idea of being married to an attorney was so hot. Not to mention a sexy attorney at that.

I know he would make a killing as a family law attorney. He would have a lot of future divorcees wanting him to be their attorney. Would I be up for the challenge to have my future husband have beautiful women always around him? Am I kidding myself, there are always beautiful women who want my Charlie! I knew I could handle it because Charlie only wanted me.

My finals schedule was posted on my online account. I saw that one of my finals was to go to a local museum. The exam was to be in my opinion of what I knew to be of Egyptian decent and why I felt that way. It was a fun way for me to get out of the house and not be always worried about Charlie.

I had three other final exams and I knew I aced them. I was worried about the museum exam because it was going to be graded on my opinion and not a set of answers.

Iloved going to museums I guess this is why I wanted to be an Egyptologist. I'mnot sure what or where my degree is going to take me. I would love one day togo to Egypt or be a part of an excavation team. I knew I would have to go on tofurther my education. I would probably have to get my doctorates if I wanted togo that route. As of right now I am willing to work for a museum.

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