Chapter Twelve: Fort Leavenworth

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I was awakened about four in the morning by Carol. "Darling, it is time to go." I got up all groggy and still very much hurt and lonely. Our flight was at 7:00 AM but we had to be at the airport two hours in advanced. I threw on whatever clothes I hadn't packed. I brushed my hair as best as I can as my head hurt so much from crying all day and night.

We got to the airport and boarded our plane. The next six hours couldn't get her fast enough, that is if we were allowed to see him. We landed in Kansas City, Missouri, this was the closest airport to Fort Leavenworth. We rented a rental car and made our way to our Hotel.

Once we arrived to our hotel, Mr. Abernathy called to the J.R.C.F., he got great news. Charlie was already booked into the system. However, it wasn't a day for visitation, his visitation days were on Fridays, it was only Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Abernathy were able to talk to a lawyer who met us there. I couldn't be in the meeting because I didn't have a legal relationship with Charlie.

Mr. and Mrs. Abernathy found out that Charlie was AWOL due to not finishing up his contract. His contract stated that he had to serve four-year active duty and four years' inactive duty. Since he didn't show up for his first weekend of inactive duty he was considered as AWOL.

Charlie's parents argued that it was a simple mistake and that he meant no harm to any of this. Charlie's attorney Mr. Harlen, said that he will fight this as a minor error. However, the hopes of him coming home soon were slim. The minimum amount of time that he could serve is a year and half, and up to six months of pre-trial time. Two years without Charlie is a chance that everyone would have to take to get him home.

Friday came along and we were all granted permission to see Charlie. Charlie listed me as his Fiancé so that I could see him physically. I was shocked but I didn't care because it meant I could see him.

We all got one hour with him. He saw his parents first because he didn't want me to see him cry. I let them know that he was safe and fine. He didn't mean to not finish his term, he didn't know that he had to do four years of inactive service.

He said this was something that wasn't told to him by his recruiter.  He didn't even know it was something in his contract. Charlie asked if any of the MP's went to their house, they said no. They were completely shocked when I had called them.

Charlie said he was curious of how they knew where he currently lived if his parents hadn't told them. When my time came to visit with him I tried not to let him see me crying but that was near to impossible. He could tell I was my face was red and puffy. He also knew that I had not slept well.

When I got to table I was able to hold his hand but not give him any affection. His parents could visit him through the glass but since I was listed as his fiancé I could have a physical contact visit with him. "Baby girl!!" "My love" "are you ok?" I asked. "Baby girl you know that I'm ok, prison is not going to hurt me. I've been in places far worse than this."

"Please baby girl, don't cry anymore and please stop crying". "Re-Anne please don't be mad at me but the only way I could hold you is to list you as my fiancé." "Baby I'm not mad at that, I love you Charlie!!" "Baby girl when I get out of here I'm going to make it real. I want you as my wife." I cried a little more, knowing that the love of my life wasn't going to be in my arms for another two years.

"Re-Anne promise me by the time I'm out you're almost done with college. I want our lives to start as soon as I get home." "Yes, baby I will work hard to finish sooner. My parents will give you the address and my register number. I want to know everything that happens while I'm away." "I love you so fucking much Re-Anne" "I Love you too baby!!"

We sat and talked and I felt better knowing that he was going to be ok. I hope that his time here won't be as long as they think. "Re-Ann, I know you're going to have some "needs", but baby please wait until I get out." "I don't want anyone else touching you but me." "Charlie!! Seriously!!?? Do you think I'm going to let anyone just come hit it.?"

"Yeah it took me nineteen years, right?" We both laughed and I loved seeing his beautiful smile. Our hour was over.  I felt at easy and relaxed knowing that the love of my life will be A-OK.

We stayed in Kansas for another week so we could talk to Charlie's lawyer. We did this to try and reduce the amount of pre-trial time. His lawyer was the best that money could afford. Mr. and Mrs. Abernathy were the least to say loaded. They never flaunted their money and for as long as I have known them. I never knew that they had more money than God. They both came from families who had money.

Mr. Harlen stated that when Charlie and myself were pulled over for speeding on December 31st, is when his name was red flagged as being AWOL. Mr. Harlen looked through his file and said that he had a warrant out for his arrest but the police officer didn't look at the second screen. If he did he would have been taken in right then and there. Mr. Harlen also stated that It was good that he didn't have much time being AWOL cause his time could have been extended.

I was able to attend the attorney family meetings as I was listed as the fiancé. Every time I was called that I had little butterflies flying around in my stomach. I am so in love with that man and I had no idea what to do with myself.

On Saturday morning, we took our flight back home. Mr. and Mrs. Abernathy stayed at our house for the day after we returned.  Flying six hours and then having to drive three house back home would be too much on anyone. They stayed in my room. I wanted to smell Charlie and hold onto that smell of him. It would be the only thing I have for the next two years to keep me going.

Mr.and Mrs. Abernathy left in the morning, they told me if I need anything theywere just a phone call away. I went to my guidance counselor Mrs. Thatcher tolet her know that I didn't need the full three weeks. I would start my classestomorrow.

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