Chapter Twenty-Seven: Call the Paramedics

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Sunday Morning, we started to pack up so that we can go back to our temporary home in Providence. I can now officially call it our temporary home because well we are starting to purchase our own home. Charlie made sure everything was packed away and as always didn't let me do a thing. I was glad he didn't carry me to the car. He was so protective and I loved it but he needs to lighten up a bit.

I was about ready to head downstairs when my father yelled out "Oh Shit, Valeria!" I heard a loud thud coming from downstairs in the kitchen area. I heard my dad yell "Valeria, baby Valeria". I ran down the stairs to see my mother was unconscious laying on the floor. I ran to the house phone and I dialed 911. "911 what's your emergency", "come quick to 9811 Chestington Dr. Kingston, NY My mother collapsed, she is unconscious." I was feeling like a panic attack was about to start. Charlie ran inside and assessed the situation in a matter of seconds. He took the phone away from because he saw that I was starting to panic. He proceeded with the instructions as given by the 911 operator had given him.

As much as I wanted to be by mothers side my father told me to go sit at the dining room table to wait for the paramedics. My father was shaking as he saw Charlie starting to give my mother CPR. I was so scared and I had a flood of tears rolling down my face seeing him care for my mother. I was at a loss for words, actions, and thoughts. I was like a zombie at the table. I heard the paramedics arrive and I went to the door to let them in.

Charlie saved my mother's life because he got her pulse to come back. The paramedics put her on a stretcher and rolled her out to the ambulance. They were keeping her stable so they can get her to the hospital to run the tests to see what happened. Charlie came to my side. My father left with the paramedics in the ambulance. We followed close by in Charlie's car.

When we arrived, we were met with the waiting room area. I didn't know how long we were going to be there or what was happening. We saw my dad come out of a room that he was being held at. He looked tired and worried and in utter shock. "Dad!" I ran up to him. "What happened, what's going on? How's mom?" He gave me a big hug and started to run my back. "Don't worry baby girl momma is going to be ok." He kissed me on the forehead to reassure me that everything was going to be ok. He released me and gave Charlie a really big hug almost like a bear hug. "Thank you, son, you saved my wife's life. I can never repay you."

An older looking Doctor came down the hallway and made his way into the waiting room. "Dr. Lewis?" My dad looked up and went to talk to Dr. Callanen. "Dr. Lewis, your wife suffered from an episode of Cardiomyopathy. This is a disease that causes the heart muscles become weak. She is ok, and she is stable. However, there isn't a sure cure for Cardiomyopathy but she does have to change her lifestyle. No more greasy foods, more protein in her diet, and absolutely no more stress. Stress is a big factor on whether she will be having another episode. She may need to look into retiring so that she doesn't have any additional stress.

"Doctor Callanen, can we go see my mother?" "you can go see her but she will be asleep, we gave her some medicine so that she can rest." My father shook the doctor's hand and gave him his thanks. "Dr. Callanen when will my mother be able to go home?" "Well Ms. Lewis we would like to keep her under a 48-hour observation, if all of her levels come back fine then she can return home." "Ok thank you Dr. Callanen." Charlie took me into his warm embrace and reassured me that everything was going to be A-OK." "Baby, thank you for saving mom's life." "Sweetie, I did what I had to do for our family." "I love you and I love our life, I can't see you sad or angry or depressed. I'll do anything for us."

We went into my mom's room, and we saw her hooked up to all of these tubes and cords. We heard her heart monitor beeping. It was a sight that I will never get out of my mind. My mother had been sick before but that was before I was born. Dr. Callanen said that this could have been a very late side effect of the Chemotherapy she had to do before I was born. I was very lucky I was born healthy and safe.

My father stood at the foot of her bed at a loss for words. I knew he was hurting seeing her like this. I was sad just looking at him look at my mother with so much worry. I sat in the chair that was next to her bed. I took her hand in my hand. "Mama, I hope you can hear me, I want you to know that we love you, we want you to get better. We want you to come home." I bent over and kissed her hand. I got up so that my dad could sit with her. "Papa we are going to go home, to Charlie's parent's house. We need to let them know what is going on." "Ok my love, I will be here with your mama." "Dad make sure you eat." "Ok, my love I will."

Charlie and I left the hospital and headed home. The car ride was complete silence. I felt Charlie's hand held mine. I knew this was his way of saying he could hear me without saying a word. We pulled up to his house and we went inside. Carol and Alex ask what happen and Charlie told them. Carol gave me a big hug, "It's going to be ok baby girl", Carol has gotten used to calling me that since she hears Charlie and my mom call me that. Alex soon took me into his arms and rubbed my back.

Charlie took me upstairs and laid me in bed and cuddled with me until I fell asleep. When I woke up in a panic and in a sweat. I yelled out "Daddy", I heard Charlie run up the stairs. "Re-Anne are you ok?" I yelled out my arms so that he could hold me and cradle me. Charlie put me on his lap and was shushing me into a calm place. "Charlie, did you check up on dad?" "Yes, baby girl, he called me and I took him so food." "He said that your mom woke up." "She did?" "Yes, and that she is doing well." "Can we go see her?" "Baby girl it is 1:00 AM, I don't the hospital well let us see her at this time. I need you to go back to sleep and rest." "Did you forget that you're supposed to be resting?"

"My Love, what are you doing downstairs?" "Father and I are looking at the home plans for our house." I sat up on Charlie's lap "What!!?? Why aren't WE deciding these things? It is our house!" "Baby girl, he's arguing with me about taking out the porch. I told him no way, that this was our house and not his, even though he is buying it." I laughed because I know how much having a porch means to Charlie. Charlie placed his hands on my stomach and said: "You need to not worry, you need to take care of our bundle of joy." I gave me a kiss on the lips, he deepened his kiss as if he missed me all day. It was only understandable I wasn't available for him all day. One thing led to another and Charlie and I made love. He was very gentle he was afraid of hurting our baby.    

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