Chapter Thirty: What!?? (Charlie's POV)

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I didn't realize that when you put a ring on it is like it opens up a magical box down there. Re-Anne and I have been having sex like there is no tomorrow. Like literally every single day. Somehow, she isn't getting pregnant, I hope I'm not the problem. I know her mom had problems when she was younger, I hope Re-Anne didn't inherit that trait. This woman is everything to me and having a family of my own with her is all I have ever wanted.

I know she has been really stressed with school. I think she takes on too much at once and doesn't realize it till she is backed up into a corner. Now, this that she has not gotten pregnant yet I bet is eating her up inside. I wish I knew a way to comfort her. When she kisses me, I turn into an unstoppable machine, I can't get enough of her. I have been reading up on why she may not get pregnant. I know we have to slow it down and let our bodies rest.

Re-Anne had an OBGYN appointment today, she didn't want me to go with her. I guess she wanted to handle this on her own. As I suspected her OBGYN recorded a video for her to let me know to slow it down and to keep it in my pants. I acted shocked and hurt that I couldn't keep it in my pants. I laughed at the video because I knew she knew that I wouldn't believe what the doctor told her to tell me. We decided to take conceiving seriously and only have sex around the days that she was most fertile. It was an exhausting scheduled we created. We craved each other on a daily basis but had to hold it if we were serious about starting a family.

It was summer time and as I've seen Re-Ann loves to continue school even during the Summer. She loves school, this woman is so smart and so dedicated. I knew that she was going to take the whole summer to advance herself. She is going to graduate before we have a new place to live. I wanted to buy her a house. Well, a house for us, our first family home. I started to look for houses back in Kingston. We both loved Providence, but it isn't home. I talked to my father about what are some options for a home for us.

Re-Anne came home from school one day so excited, she told me that she was going to graduate Magna cum laude, she is one of the highest honors you can have. I was so excited that could show off to the world that she is a smart and dedicated woman. After her excitement wore off she was laughing at my attire. I was wearing jeans and an apron. I was cleaning up the kitchen and didn't want to get a t-shirt dirty. Her beautiful smile Is what makes my day that much brighter.

We picked a date for our wedding, this is something we hadn't thought about at least I put it on the back burner. Re-Anne chooses the date actually. She wanted to honor my birth month. I proposed to her in December which is her birth month. So, she wanted to honor my birth month and get married in May. We chose Saturday, May 22nd, 2022. It seemed far away from being almost a year and a half away. I know weddings take a long time to prepare. My father told me that if he buys us a house that Re-Anne's family was going to pay for our wedding. Re-Anne thought that was a fair deal. The house we loved was over 500K, so she knew our wedding wasn't going to be anywhere near that price.

Re-Anne woke up the next day really sick, she said she felt like she had a hangover but she didn't drink a drop. She ran to the toilet and threw up all over the place. I grabbed her hair so that it wouldn't get full of throw up. I asked her if she was ok, of course, she wasn't she just threw up. She said she thinks she might have eaten something bad or it could be a stomach bug. I put her back to bed. I went to make her some soup and then cleaned the bathroom.

I wanted to go back home this week as we had one last week of summer off before her final semester as a college student. I knew she wasn't feeling well, we stayed home all day. The next morning Re-Anne went running to the toilet, this time she made it. This didn't settle with me, she has never felt sick like this before. I told her I was going to take her to the hospital. She didn't fight me and she let me take her.

We got to the hospital and I started to get worried they started taking her vitals and started her on an IV. The nurse said because she hadn't been eating and throwing up she needs to have a Saline mixture to bring her fluids up. I get nervous seeing people when they are connected to machines and IV drips. They ran a series of tests and found out the best news I could ever hear. Re-Ann is pregnant. I went over to her bedside and I wrapped my arms around her and couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with joy and tears. The ER doctor told us we had to follow up with an OBGYN to get specifics on our pregnancy.

We packed our bags and headed home for the little of time we have left of summer. We promised not to tell either one of our parents that we are pregnant. I hope I don't slip up and it comes out on accident. Every morning Re-Anne would run to the bathroom and throw up. Every morning I would have her glass of water and crackers by her bedside. I have always been possessive of her but now that she is carrying my seed, our seed. My possessiveness is only going to come out more.

We drove back home and dropped off our bags at my house and went over to Re-Anne's house. Dr. Valeria opened the door and greeted us. I still love the fact that Dr. Valeria acts as she loves me more than she loves Re-Anne. Re-Anne always gets annoyed by it. She sees it as she is their only child she should have all the credit first. She is childish sometimes but I love her no matter what.    

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