Chapter Fifteen: I couldn't be any happier (Charlie's POV)

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I can feel the love that I have for Re-Anne growing stronger and stronger day by day. I love her so much and I can now see it in her eyes that she is feeling it too. She is the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. She is the one I want to make my wife, the mother of my future children and my forever.

I know winter break is coming up and she would be off nearly a whole month from school. I wanted her to spend time with her family and with mine. I want us to start being a bigger extended family. I know she loves being with them and I love to see her happy, no matter what the costs are. I made the arrangements for us to stay with my parents.

Re-Anne's parents both are professors and well they are home for the holidays. Since we've been fucking non-stop, she has been driving me crazy and making me blow my load every night. I don't want Re-Anne's parents to hear us or walk in on us.

I might have to change our schedule to someday fucking instead. For this reason, and this reason alone we are staying at my house. My parents aren't on vacation like

Re-Ann's parents. My parents work on the military base but are not military personal. They are what you call civilian's or civil service workers.

Re-Anne and I still haven't gotten our fills of each other. I'm surprised I have gotten her pregnant yet. Re-Anne made an appointment with a local OBGYN, she thinks we are not ready to be parents yet. I'm respecting her wishes and letting her get on the pill.

Oh, I got an ear full the morning after we first made love. She yelled at me so much telling me that I purposely wanted to get her pregnant. I didn't think that was too bad of an idea. She stunned me by telling me to take her. This was something I've been dreaming about since my cock could get hard just thinking about her.

My greedy cock just went for it, and it was the best greedy decision I could have ever made. My love doesn't want to have my children right now. One day she will just not yet. Sadly, I didn't get her pregnant this time, but believe me I will.

The day of Re-Anne's last final I packed all of our bags. I made sure everything was unplugged and ready for our little home to be away. I loaded up my car, and stuffed our bags as best as I could. My car was very small. I didn't want to leave my car at home since it was considered a collector's item.

I would be so angry if something happened to my Porsche. Re-Anne got home at 10:30AM she finished her last final quickly. We started our way back home. We arrived home in a little over three hours.

Neither one of our parents were home. I took her up to my room and finally was able to make love to her in my childhood bedroom. Sadly, she wasn't the only girl I've taken in here. However, none of them matter though, she's the only one who mattered at this point in my life, I hope she will be my last.

After I made her scream my name countless of times, we took a bath together and made love once again in the bathtub. I can't get enough of her, I'm trying to make up for all the years we were apart and that she's been legal. I mean I would have love to have taken her virginity but since I was older than her I didn't want anyone to press statutory rape charges on me.

I know her parents wouldn't but I didn't want to chance it. After our bathtub love making session we were both spent and went to take a nap in my bed. I we woke up about three hours later to my parents arriving home. We got dressed and went downstairs to see that we were invited to Re-Ann's house.

Dr. & Dr. Lewis are their formal names, I can call them Dr. Ryan and Dr. Valeria. Since we've made ourselves official they call me son. I know it's a little early in our relationship I mean extremely early but they have always considered me their son as Re-Anne is their only child.

The next day we decided to go to the movies to catch up on what was good playing. Re-Anne and I never really went out back in Providence because she was always so busy with school work. I knew she needed time away every now and then but she chooses to focus all of her time and energy into school work. I mean I do get a little jealous of it but that was the point of her living here and with me.

When we got to the movie theater we bought our tickets and a popcorn and a drink. I saw that little bitch Mattie up head in the distance with her stupid little friends. I know Re-Anne didn't see them. I turned to her and I told her not to get mad at me and she looked confused.

I took her in as close as I could without spilling the popcorn and gave her a big passionate kiss right in front of Mattie. When I pulled away she had the goofiest smile on her face. She turned to the right and saw Mattie with her mouth hanging open. Her goofy smiled turned to a look as if she could kill me with her eyes.

She knew I did that on purpose. I knew I did it to piss off Mattie. I hated that she put Re-Anne through so much hurt and emotions. I would have sex with Re-Anne right in front of Mattie, if Re-Anne let me. I want Mattie and the whole world to know that Re-Anne is my forever.

I will make her my wife and the mother of my children one day. There is nothing in this world that will ever change it. The holidays were coming to an end, Re-Anne would walk around the house with her stomach pushed out. She was acting like she gained this massive amount of weight from eating so much. She looked so cute and told me that she was going to start running with me when we got home. I thought that was the cutest thing ever, Re-Anne didn't need to work out or lose weight she was perfect.

I got my love a diamond necklace with a pendant in the shape of a "C". She gave me her heart and a gift card to the local video game shop. What more could I want? We needed to leave back home and said goodbyes to our parents.

As we got closer to state lines I saw flashing lights behind us. Re-Anne saw that I was upset and she was calming shoulder. I was given a bullshit speeding ticket. I'll take care of this once we get home.

We made it home and saw that they were setting up for the firework show after all it is New Year's Eve. We packed up a picnic and headed out to the edge of the river bank. There were many other people setting up picnic blankets and preparing for the show. The set-up was going to be off of two small Islands (Gingerbread Island and Pancake Island) off of the Seekonk River.

The islands were funny names for such a refined area of Providence. As the New Year rang in we had an amazing passionate kiss under the fireworks. We promised that this would be our year. We got home and made love like we were one soul, it was better that great it was amazing. I never want to leave this woman she is my heart and my soul. I love her with every ounce of my being.

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