Chapter Sixteen: The day my world stopped (Charlie's POV)

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I woke up early as I always do but this morning felt different. I'm not sure what it was but I had an uneasy feeling that made me get out of bed. I couldn't sleep any longer it was 7:30 AM. I made my way to the kitchen to make my baby some coffee and some oatmeal. I wanted her to eat because it was cold outside.

I knew she started her classes back up today. She was excited to start her second semester of college. I asked her if she had wanted coffee and she yelled out of her bedroom for some. I served a bowl of oatmeal and coffee.

Re-Anne came out of her room all bundled up with a big coat, scarf, mittens, and beanie. She looked really funny all bundled up. She laughed at me when I told her that it wasn't storming outside. I offered to take her to campus so that she didn't have to be all bundled up. We sat there drinking our coffee and Re-Anne eating her oatmeal.

There was a huge knock on the door that startled us both. What the fuck and who the fuck was knocking on my door like an asshole. I went to my room to put on a shirt because I was going to punch the mother fucker who was banging on my door. When I reached the door and opened it I saw two military police officers.

I could feel all the color drain from my face. I didn't know why they were there but when an MP shows up at your door it isn't a good feeling. The first MP spoke my full name Senior Airman Charles Edward Abernathy, I told him that I was he. He stated that they believed I was AWOL.

AWOL means (Absent without leave) I didn't understand it at all. I did my time I submitted all of my paperwork, everything was signed off on. I wouldn't spend four years and several tours to foreign countries if I wanted to go AWOL. They were going to take me to J.R.C.F. that was the military prison in Kansas.

I stood there in shock and filled with a million questions. Fuck, Re-Anne she doesn't know what is going on. I asked them if I could go to my kitchen to talk to my future wife. She will be my wife soon. They stated as long as they could see and that I didn't run anywhere.

I spoke to Re-Ann and let her know where they were going to take me and what she needed to do next. She needed to calmly call my parents. I gave her a ferocious kiss and I know she could feel my fears and my shaking. As they told me it was time for me to go I shed a single tear from my eye.

They ushered me out of our home and placed me in the back of the military issued sedan. I saw Re-Anne standing on the porch crying and crying it broke my heart into pieces. At that moment, my world felt as if it was ending. All I was worried about was Re-Anne my Re-Anne.

They took me to the closest Air Force base in Boston, Massachusetts. I would be held there until they could fly me out. I didn't know if it would be tonight or tomorrow morning. When I was entered into the system, I was told that I would be flying out tonight to J.R.C.F.

It was about 5:00 PM when I was boarded onto the flight out to my new home. I didn't know how long I was going to be there. If I was going to be able to talk to our family attorney or if my family was going to be able to see me. I hope Re-Anne is ok, I hope she was able to get a hold of my parents. I'm so scared that she is about to lose her mind.

The flight to Fort Leavenworth was six hours long. You would think I would have napped or slept during that time, nope my mind was racing. I was trying to figure out why I was considered AWOL. I signed off on everything. I was so confused about everything that was going on around me.

We arrived in Kansas and I was transported like a hard-core criminal to the J.R.C.F. I was entered into the J.R.C.F. system issued the standardize issued clothing. I was told that in the morning if my family was here I was going to be able to speak to them. When I saw Mr. Harlen our family attorney he informed me that my family was nearby in Missouri but I couldn't see them until Friday.

My visitation days were on Friday, its only Tuesday. I was questioned by Mr. Harlen about who was Re-Anne Valeria Lewis. I told him she was my future wife. This bumped her up to the top of my list above my parents.

Mr. Harlen informed me that I was considered AWOL due to not finishing up my contract. I looked at him in disbelief and told him I did everything I was told by the commanding officer. I signed everything and turned in everything. I was very confused. Mr. Harlen explained to me that my contract stated that I had to serve four-year active duty and four years' inactive duty.

Since I didn't show up for my first weekend of inactive duty I was listed as AWOL. I understand now and I couldn't believe how stupid I was for not reading my contract correctly. I was a good soldier in the service. I hope my impeccable service record will help me fight my case.

If allowed I told Mr. Harlen will return to the service so I can get out of the J.R.C.F. Mr. Harlen informed me that it is possible that they can accept me back into my flight.  If they don't accept me back into the service with their conditions I could be facing minimum of two years here. I am willing to do whatever I need to do. I just needed all of this to be behind me and so that I can get back into Re-Anne's loving arms. I'm hoping that she still loves me and that her feelings for me don't change. I hope that she can wait for me no matter how long will be away from her.

It was Friday and I was so excited that I was going to see my future wife and my parents. I saw Re-Anne walk into the visitation area, I could tell she had been crying and hadn't slept. I don't blame her she saw the love of her life ripped out her arms how could she be in any comfort. She was really worried about me, I told her not to be worried.

I had been shipped out to far worse places than this. I know prison is not going to be easy but I can manage. I was just completely worried about the love of my life. I reassured her that I was going to be fine and that she needs to concentrate on school.

I hoped that she wasn't going to be mad at me because I listed her as my fiancéwithout actually asking her to marry me. Thankfully she wasn't she knew I would do anything for her. I also told her to keep her head in her books because once I get out of here I'm going to make us a family. I want us to focus on that when I'm a free man. I knew I could make her laugh I told her she wasn't allowed to let anyone meet her needs while I was away. If I had to suffer so did she. She laughed and laughed and all I wanted was to see her beautiful smile.

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