//Chapter 12//

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We finished breakfast and Newt gave me a warm smile before standing up.

"sorry guys, I can't come with ya to this trial, been put on work with the Track-hoes. Alby wants to see the trial for some reason though."

I raised my eyebrows in surprise at Newt, why would Alby be interest in watching? Great, one more person to embarrass myself in front of when I flunk it, and its Alby. God, I wish I could just go to work with Newt in the gardens, at least I actually want to do that.

I gave Minho a look, but he was just sitting with his arms folded nodding his head, his shut off meaner projecting right now. I looked back at Newt as he waved, turning to leave, he didn't seem right today, just a little weird. He didn't say good luck to me this morning like he did with all the other trials, did he care I was doing the runner trial?

"Come on then Greenbean, let's go impress General Alby, I'm sure he's waiting"

Minho said with a heavy roll of his eyes before he stood from his seat, I did the same before stepping over Bark to follow behind Minho out of the kitchens and into the warmth of the Glade.

No sun, like always, it made me wonder if we were so high up that not even the sun could greet us, but how does that even happen, that's impossible. The sun can't just disappear, can it?

I shook the thought from my head as I lowered my eyes from the sky. People were already making their way to their jobs, there were a few boys patching up the pens near the blood house, a few boys cutting up wood as well. Along with some of the Baggers walking around like they owned the place, looking for people who looked like they wanted to start a fight. The Track-hoes were already hard at work, Newt speaking to Zart a few before he was on his hands and knees pulling weeds from the soil. I might have enjoyed the day had I been a Track-hoe.

Bark let out a woof next to me as he nudged the back of my foot. How could I be a runner anyway, look at me, I've got scars on the backs of my leg that symbolize my injury, I can't walk properly let alone run, I could already be a tripping hazard. I'm going to walk up to Alby today and he's immediately going to lay me off. Banish me to Track-hoe work which I want.

I glanced over to look at Minho who was just walking silently, contemplating a few things by the blankness in his face. Probably thinking about the trial or why Alby decided to come and watch, apparently that's not normal. Why would it be? Minho was already here, like he would lie.

I could already see Alby at the entrance of the south side door where we were heading, I don't have to go into the Maze do I? but there was a rule, never go beyond the walls unless you're a runner, I'm not a runner I can't go. The onetime rules come in handy.

"Minho? What do I have to do for the trial? I don't go in do I?"

I still had the urge to ask if I had to, better safe than sorry. Minho gave me a screwed-up look, like someone had told him that grass was purple, I guess I'm not going into the maze than, well that's good at least.

"No way, can't have you getting lost, poor Newt would be mortified"

I didn't know whether I should blush or punch him in the arm at that... so I compromised, I did both. With a vivid red haze hovering over my face I swayed to one side and punched Minho hard in the arm, which probably hurt me more than it hurt him.

Soon we were close enough for Alby's voice to travel into my ears, he wasn't shouting but still he sounded so grumpy all the time, well I guess he is the boss of this place, he must get frustrated something fierce. I didn't mind Alby, he's cool, I can respect him.

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