Chapter 8

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Six of the seven friends stared at Skye as she ate the last prawn off of her plate.

"Is there anymore? I'm actually still hungry." She smiled, knowing that this was good progress. All but Chase stared at her open mouthed while he replied.

"Skye, that was your entire portion."

"Yeah but I only eat smaller portions of food so shouldn't there be some leftover on the kitchen?"

"No I mean when I put it on your plate, I got carried away and gave you the whole thing."

"You mean...I ate a normal, healthy sized meal?" She said, smiling.

Chase nodded, swallowing a mouthful of rice. His plate, thankfully plastic and now empty, flew onto the floor as Skye tackled him in a hug. He fell back into the sofa in surprise while Skye laughed.

"Sorry its just I've been waiting for that for ages!"

"Heh it's fine." He smiled back.

Little did they know that Everest had taken a picture of them and put it on her snapchat story. There was a ping from Skye's phone as a message popped up from Ashlynne.

How did she get my number?

She thought. Skye ignored the message and turned her attention back to her friends.

"We have music homework don't we?" Rubble asked.

"Yeah we had to set up a YouTube channel and make a music video. I'm so glad we can work together as a group." Marshall smiled.

"Well let's start! We'll need a username." Skye Said as she started to set up the account.

"How about the underdog squad?" Everest giggled.

"Actually." Chase said. "That's not bad."

"It rolls off the tongue." Rocky nodded.

"Sounds good." Zuma joined in.

"Okay. Let's do this. Everyone pick a song and I'll do a random generator thing." Skye said.

They all chose a song and Skye pressed a button on her phone making the digital decision wheel spin. Each of them had their fingers crossed.

"Yes!" Skye cheered as her song was chosen. "Change your life by Little Mix it is!"

"But dude that's sung by giwls." Zuma pouted.

"Well it's not gonna kill you. We can all sing and I already have an idea in my head for this." Skye smiled.

"Seeing as it's Saturday tomorrow, we can start then."

After many hours of watching movies and talking, everyone decided to try and sleep.

"Ok who's bunking with me?" Skye laughed. She had a double bed so usually her and Everest shared but she seemed to be getting closer to Marshall.

The mentioned black haired boy shoved Chase towards Skye, an indication that it was him. This caused the brunette to blush and the blonde to look down and giggle.

In the middle of the night, Skye awoke with a quiet scream, covered in sweat and gasping for breath. Tears rolled down her face and she sat up in bed, grabbing her phone. She read the text messages she received from her bullies earlier.

Why? She thought. Why do they do this? Why am I reading these?!

"Are you ok?" Chase whispered from beside her.

"Oh my god! You scared me!" She whisper shouted back, placing her phone on her nightstand.

"What's wrong?"

"Bad dream." Skye lied. Well it wasn't really a lie but it was more than just some dream.

"Wanna talk about it?" He asked. The blonde shook her head.

"I could be up for a while now, so..."

"Wanna hug?" He offered. Skye giggled and nodded. The two shared a hug but neither wanted to let go. After a while, they reluctantly did so and lay back down. Skye shivered, now suddenly cold.

"Wanna wear my hoodie?" Chase asked, lifting his hoodie over his head, revealing his slightly toned chest.
"Thanks." Skye smiled, sneaking a glance in his direction. The navy material was a little too big for her but hey, a girl loves that right?

The two lay down and Skye cuddled into Chase, wrapping her arms tightly around him. He didn't seem to mind, he was just a bit surprised.

"Just for comfort." She said after realising her actions.

"Oh ok." Chase followed her lead and hugged her back as she nuzzled her face into his t-shirt, breathing in his scent.

"Thanks." She smiled.

Do I tell? Or is it too soon? They thought. I'll wait.

"What're friends for?" He chuckled.

"Goodnight Chase."

"Goodnight Skye."

I love you.

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