Chapter 58

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"Guys where's Skye? She came to school this morning but I can't find her anywhere." Chase asked the boys who were stood by their lockers.

"Didn't they just have dance?" Zuma asked.

"Probably. That would explain why Marshall isn't here." Rocky nodded. Sure enough, Marshall, Sweetie and Everest walked to their friends in their dance kit, confirming their previous class. Skye however, was nowhere in sight.

"Where's Skye?" Rubble asked.

"No idea." Sweetie said.

"She wasn't in dance. I was supposed to be practicing partner moves with her." Marshall rolled his eyes.

"I'll give her a call in a sec." Everest said, opening her locker and checking her timetable. "Free afternoon, I think I'll go back home Marsh." She grabbed her jacket and bag, slinging it over her shoulder and pulling the bemused boy into a deep kiss. The others rolled their eyes.

"Save it for tonight you guys." Rubble cringed.

The pair pulled away and Everest was just about to go when a red haired girl ran over to her.

"Hey Ev, can I borrow your chem notes?" She asked.

"Sure." Everest handed her folder to the girl who was also wearing a dance uniform and smiled.


"No problem Celeste, see ya tomorrow." She turned to the others. "Right I'm off. Buy guys. See ya later hot stuff." She winked at Marshall.

As Everest walked away to sign out, a couple of boys walked over.

"Hey guys what's up?" One asked.

"Hey Brandon." Chase nodded.

"Nothin' much just wandering where Skye is."

"Yeah she's literally disappeared." Marshall shrugged to the football captain.

"Oh Zum." The second Said, gaining the boy's attention. "Coach wanted to see us. Like now."

"Okie dokey. See ya baby." He turned and gave Rocky a kiss before heading off with his teammate.

"Wait, you're looking for Skye? Do you guys not know?"

"Know what?"

"She's on a weeks suspension."


"Hi Ev love." Fiona called from Skye's living room. The auburn haired girl walked in to see Marshall and Skye's mother's sat on the couch with a cup of coffee. Everest smiled.

"Hi Fiona, hi Sam." She looked to the floor and saw Savannah playing happily with some plush building blocks. When she heard her mother's voice, the small girl looked up and giggled, clapping her hands in excitement.

"Hi baby." Everest cooed as she scooped up her daughter. "Where's Skye? She's nowhere at school."

"She got suspended for the week. I believe she did nothing but oh well. She's in her room." Skye's mother shrugged.

"Oh dear, what's your Auntie Skye done now?" Everest laughed.
Savannah laughed as Everest stuck out her tongue. "Come on. Let's go find her." The pair found themselves at Skye's door and Savannah reached out, hitting it to get the girl's attention.

Skye appeared, teary eyed and sniffing. Everest gave a sympathetic smile and motioned to the room.

"Come on. Explain." She said.

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