I was gonna save this chapter until next week buuuuuut I love y'all way too much. I just wanna thank you for the feedback I've been getting about this story as I was really unsure about doing the pups as people but I think it's going alright so far. Enjoy guys ☺️
It was three weeks after Rocky had fully moved in with Skye's family. All the gang, bar Skye and Rocky, were waiting by their lockers for the pair. It was the last day before the Christmas break and everyone was buzzing with excitement.
"Whewe is he? I haven't hidden mistletoe in his lockew fow nothing you know?" Zuma muttered.
"Ooo getting romantic are we Zuma?" Everest teased.
"Ah shut it you! You fowget, I can wuin Decembew twenty-fifth fow you!"
"What've you got me?!" Marshall asked excited.
"Not telling." Everest smirked.
"Aw that sucks."
"Oh he does know." Zuma giggled, earning a slap around the head from Marshall's girlfriend. The rest of the group laughed as Zuma rubbed his head.
The familiar pattern of footsteps could be heard. Judging by the rhythm, it sounded as if Skye was skipping and Rocky was slowly walked behind her. The five friends stared in amazement as they said them.
Skye was wearing skinny jeans, t-shirt and a leather jacket but she had tinsel wrapped around her messy bun and candy cane earrings. She was smiling from ear to ear but they couldn't help but notice that she looked paler than normal.
Rocky however, looked less enthusiastic. He was wearing a pair of reindeer antlers.
The group spluttered with laughter as the two approached them.
"Which one are you Rocky?" Rubble asked. Skye turned and looked at the grey haired boy.
"Put it on." She said, resting a hand on her hip.
"Absolutely not."
"No way."
"Put it on or I will send that mug of you to Zuma." She held up her phone which was also dressed for the holidays in a red and gold glittery case.
Rocky sighed and produced a red nose from his pocket and put it on. Skye waved her hand, implying there was more. Rocky groaned and pressed a small button, making the nose light up.
"Happy now?" He asked but it was slightly muffled as his nose was squished.
"Very much so." She smiled and turned back to everyone else.
"What're we waiting for? Let's have one hell of a great day!" She linked arms with Chase on one side of her and Everest on the other. Everyone joined the chain and walked off together laughing, pretending to ignore the comments from everyone else.
Chase couldn't help but notice how thin Skye's arm felt, even under her jacket. He shook it off as a figment of his imagination and was determined to have his first last day before Christmas with his friends.
Chase was waiting for Skye by their lockers at lunch. He wanted to have a private conversation with her. She slowly approached him but she looked tired and very very pale.
The boy knew something was wrong.
Skye opened her locker and pushed her binder inside with the others. She struggled to lock it again and quickly got frustrated with the key.
"Here let me." Chase said gently and effortlessly turned the key, hearing the lock click closed.
"Thanks." Skye mumbled, taking her lanyard back. Chase knew he had to find out what was going on but Skye wouldn't give in easily.
"Skye don't kill me but...what's wrong? You have t seemed yourself today."
"W-what do you mean? I've been fine." She stammered.
Her vision became blurry and she could see a white dot like light in front of her despite there being nothing there. She felt her knees shake and become weak. In a desperate bid to stay upright, she leaned against her locker but Chase wasn't fooled and could see something was seriously not right.
"Skye! What's wrong?" Chase asked her, holding her arm to help her support herself.
"I...I...n-need..." she struggled, now finding it difficult to breathe. She knew it was hopeless and that she couldn't hold it any longer.
"Ch-ch-Chase. H-help." She murmured, her voice broken and barely noticeable. Before he could react, Chase saw the blonde collapse and caught her just before she collided with the floor.
"Skye! Skye! Skye this isn't funny! Come on!" He cried. Their friends heard him and came rushing into the corridor to see Chase holding Skye in his arms.
"Come on Skye please wake up." His voice cracked as he tried to hold back tears.
"Rubble get the nurse now!" Marshall ordered and he ran to join two of his best Friends on the floor. He placed two fingers on Skye's wrist, allowing Chase to continue holding her to him. Marshall knew that this was bringing back memories for the brunette so he didn't question his actions.
"Her pulse is weak but she's still breathing, just." He stated.
Rocky, seeing this knelt next to Marshall and whispered in his ear. He explained that he'd noticed Skye wasn't eating properly again and that her fatigue was going downhill fast.
"What?" Chase asked. The black and grey haired boys remained silent, not wanting to break his heart.
"Guys tell me!" He demanded.
"Chase..." Marshall said softly, placing a hand on his shoulder. He bit his lip as he thought about what he was telling him. "I think...I think her organs are starting to shut down."

From underdogs to top dogs
FanficThe paw Patrol reimagined as humans in high school. Each one facing their own emotional and physical problems not to mention the bullies. By meeting and befriending each other one by one, will they overcome their struggles? This story won't be updat...