Chapter 18

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"Alright pal!" Skye used her usual, and surprising greeting to the camera. Her and Everest were in the basement, ready to start decorating.

"So as you know, my parents gave us the basement for Christmas and me and Ev have been given the honour of decorating it. Rubble's dad was kind enough to install the bathroom, well toilet and over in that corner," she turned the camera. "Made a soundproof booth that has our mics and stuff ready for recording songs and stuff."

"Come on Skye! Let's get this thing started!" Everest yelled happily.

After an hour, they had painted all the walls and lay all of the tiles down on the floor.

"Now we just have to add furniture but we have a plan." Skye now was using her front camera on her phone. "Follow us." Her and Everest ran up the stairs and got into her dads car.

"Let's go!"

The girls heaved the last piece of furniture, a small round table into the kitchen area of the basement.

"Rubble will be happy." Everest laughed. "We've got a mini fridge, kettle, microwave."

"And none of this stuff was actually expensive. Thank god for charity shops eh?" Skye nodded.

"Preach it girl!" They high fived and flopped down on a sofa that was decorated with colourful tie dye cushions and Everest rested her heels on the shaggy rug that her and the blonde had made.

"This does look wicked." She smiled. "Gonna have to take some pics of when we're all in here for the video."

"Yeah. I'm just thankful for the cupboard over there for our lights and tripods."

"Yeah. Oh pass me the boys keys." Everest did so and Skye hung them on the key hooks that, of course, were colour coordinated by the door.

"This was kinda fun. I think you and me should do some diy videos every now and then."

"Oh my god yas girl!" Everest cheered.

"Never say that again. You sounded like the brats." Skye laughed. Everest giggled in response.

"Shall we call the boys now, they've been at Zuma's all day."

"Well Chase and Marshall were hanging out so it was just Rocky and Zuma, shock horror, and Rubble was at home."

"I dibs calling boyfriends!" Everest lunged for her phone. Skye rolled her eyes and text Rubble before calling her brother and his boyfriend. She also asked them to go to the shop and grab some food and drinks to have ready in the pair den. The girls hung up their phones and lay back on one of the sofas.

"Where are they?" Marshall whined, sat on the stairs next to Everest. The girls had refused to show them the den until everyone was there. Zuma and Rocky were talking their time at the shop.

"They're probably stocking up for Rubble." Chase laughed, ruffling the youngest boy's hair. Suddenly, Skye's phone rang.

"Rocky where are- Rocky? Rocky what's happening?! Where are you?!" The panic was clear in the girls voice as she frantically pulled on her trainers with her free hand and leaned against the wall to keep her balance.

The others began to get a sick feeling in the pit of their stomachs.

"Turn on your Snapchat location and hang in there. We're on our way!"

"What's happened?" Chase stood up.

"I'll explain on the way. Hurry!" With no further words, the group ran out of the door.

As his vision came back into focus, Rocky groaned in pain and lifted his head off the pavement.

His phone was now a mere few inches away from his hand. He tried to stand to get it but fell back to the ground as he put pressure on his leg. He cried in pain and slowly, the events leading up to this came back to him. The punches, kicks, slaps, shouts of abuse.

"Z-Zuma?" He called in a broken voice. "Zuma? Babe where are you?" Tears once again began to roll from his eyes.

"Rocky?!" He heard a female voice call him followed by the quick beat of footsteps as they ran to him. His phone was picked up and given to a second person. The girl bent down so that the two were eye level. Rocky was relieved to see that it was just his sister, Skye.

"Rocky what happened?" She asked, looking at his bruised arms and scarred face. He couldn't speak for a while out of pure shock and horror.

Instead he just hugged the blonde tightly and cried. The other person, now known to be Everest, called the boys.

"Yeah we've found Rocky. You found Zuma? Oh thank goodness! Wait, what do you mean it's not good?"

Before she got an answer, the sound of ambulance sirens filled the air.

"Oh shit."

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