Chapter 61

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"So who's sleeping where?" Rocky asked.

"Well there four bedrooms so I'm thinking couples take those and, sorry Rubble, you get the sofa." Sweetie shrugged.

"Sounds good to me." Rubble yawned. "I can sleep anywhere."

"Glad to hear it." Marshall laughed.

"Bright and early in the morning guys! Alarms set for five thirty." Skye smiled, jumping on Chase's back for a piggyback ride to their room.

"Good night everyone!" The group yelled.

Everest was sat on the bed, looking at her phone and laughing.

"What's so funny?" Marshall asked as he took off his t-shirt.

"Your Mum just sent me some pictures and videos of Savie from today." She smiled as Marshall sat behind her and put his arms around Ev's waist, his chin resting on her shoulder. The pair scrolled through the picture and videos, smiling as they saw their not so little girl.

"Hard to think she's nearly one." Marshall kissed his lover's cheek.

"I know." She put her phone down. "Don't get me started." She laughed as she blinked back a tear. "She's growing too fast."

"Yeah. She's starting to look more like you now."

"Poor thing."

"Ev don't say that." The black haired boy sat on her legs so the two were face to face. "Please stop having these negative views on your appearance. You're beautiful and I love you not just for your looks but mostly your personality. Don't you ever forget that. Okay?"

"Okay." Everest whispered, a small smile upon her face. Marshall leaned in and gave her a soft kiss before rolling to his side of the bed. A thud echoed through the room as he fell off and onto the floor. Everest looked over to see her boyfriend raise his arm in the air and give a thumbs up.

"I'm good."

Skye was stood leaning on the windowsill, looking out over the city. Chase stood behind her, slipping his hands around his girlfriend and kissing along her neck. Skye smiled and leaned her head to the side slightly to give Chase more access to her neck.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" She sighed happily.

"It certainly is." He smiled. Skye pulled the curtains across and turned to face her boyfriend again. He leaned down and kissed Skye, his hands resting on her hips as hers found their way to his back. Feeling the heat of the moment, Skye pushed her tongue into Chase's mouth, surprising him slightly but nonetheless he returned the favour. Skye couldn't help but let out a quiet moan as they continued to move their lips together.

Before he knew it, Chase was sat on their bed with Skye on his lap, still kissing roughly. Feeling the need for oxygen, they pulled away and stared into each other's eyes, panting heavily.

"Do you maybe..."

"Are you..."

"I am if you are."

"I don't have any..."

"I'm on the pill." Skye breathed out "Woah." She found herself laying down, Chase leaning over her with their lips pressed tightly together. She smiled into the kiss and ran her nails down his back, feeling the heat from his skin.

"Wanna watch a movie Track?" Sweetie called into the bathroom.

"Sí bella."
(Yes beautiful.)

"What one shall we watch?" The white haired girl opened up a bag of popcorn and a bottle of cola.

"Whatever you want mí chica."
(Whatever you want my girl.)
Tracker walked back in wearing sweats and a t-shirt. He looked at his girlfriend who was in a pair of pyjama shorts, his 'squad' hoodie, a pair of purple fuzzy socks and her hair tied in pigtails.

He smiled and lay on his stomach next to her, kissing along her cheekbones. The Scottish girl giggled and returned the kiss on the cheek.

"So what movie did you pick?" Tracker asked while Sweetie played with the white streak in his hair.

"Mean girls."

"Ay ay ay." Tracker shook his head and laughed.

"You did say whatever I want." She reminded him. Tracker smiled and kissed his girlfriend.

"That I did mí amore. That I did."
(That I did my love. That I did.)





"Please Zumy!"

"No! I am not watching wed dwawf with you."

"Whyyyyy?" Rocky pouted.

"Because it's not wealy my thing." Zuma sat next to his boyfriend and tried to kiss him but Rocky playfully moved his head. "Wocky." Zuma laughed.

"Hmm." Rocky raised an eyebrow.

"Do I get a goodnight kiss?"

"Nope." It was Zuma's turn to pout.

"Fine. I see how it is." The two lay under the covers, back to back and were silent for a few seconds.

"Fow each kiss we can watch and episode."

"Thank you." Rocky jumped out of bed and grabbed his laptop while he and Zuma laughed.

Rubble was laying on the sofa under his blanket. He could hear all of the couples having a good time together. He stared blankly at the ceiling and sighed.

"I hate my life sometimes."

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