Chapter 73

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"Oh yes! Beat that Skye!" Marshall taunted the blonde who was leading his team today at the inter-school sports competition. Marshall had just finished his performance with the girls and up next was Skye with the boys. It was the two leads first time seeing the others routine and Skye had to admit, she was impressed yet still maintained the idea hers was better. She had a slightly easier job as there were only five boys in their dance group, including Marshall so she only had to teach four where as Marshall was stuck with about twenty girls, one of which was his girlfriend. Skye gave the boy a jokey glare and confidently walked out to the performance area with the four boys.

Meanwhile, Rocky and Chase were in the grey haired boy's room. Said boy was panicking and now refused to leave the house without the protection of his boyfriend. Seeing as Zuma was also at the sports competition, he was staying put. It'd been a couple of weeks since his dad's escape and he still hadn't been found, a fact that terrified Rocky.

Chase watched as he paced and flinched at every irregular sound. Rocky's eyes were bloodshot from lack of sleep. Chase's phone beeped, alerting him and spooking Rocky.

"It's ok Rocky, just my phone." The brunette reassured. The grey haired boy nodded briefly as Chase looked at his phone. Chase smiled and sighed in relief.

"What? What is it? What happened?" Rocky panicked himself again.

"They've found him. He's back in custody." Chase said. Rocky looked at him in shock.



Rocky hugged Chase in relief as all the stress from the past few weeks melted away. The younger of the two boys started crying into the brunette's shoulder and after a few minutes, when he still hadn't let go, Chase noticed his friend had gone quiet.

"Rocky?" Chase carefully looked around to see that the sleep deprived teen had fallen asleep on his shoulder. Chase laughed to himself and sat back on Rocky's bed, switching the TV on.

Something tells me that I'll be here a while.

Back at the competition, Zuma was stood with his basketball, and the other sports teams and the dancers except for Marshall and Skye who were stood in front of their teacher who had been in charge of taking pictures. The duo were stood back to back but slightly turned towards the camera.

"Skye your shoulder blades are digging into my back!" Marshall complained.

"Just deal with it!" Skye hissed, nudging him with her shoulder forcefully, making everyone laugh.

"Okay we're good." Their teacher laughed, leading the teams back to the bus to get home. Zuma carried the basketball trophy and Skye the dance one.

"Champions three years running." Chelsea smiled, high fiving Skye.

"Of course we are. We have an amazing squad." Everest said.

"And two amazing leads." Sweetie nodded.

"Lets Go Guys! Come on! I wanna get back to Wocky." Zuma yelled over his shoulder.

"Awww." The others teased. The brunette took it with a chuckle and a shake of the head.

"Yeah yeah alwight."

Skye and Zuma arrived back to the blonde's house and walked upstairs to find their partners. They heard the TV in Rocky's room so assumed they'd both be in there. The two saw Chase watching the screen and Rocky asleep on his friend's shoulder.

"His dad's been found and taken back into custody. About five minutes after we heard he fell asleep." Chase whispered, laughing a little.

Zuma smiled at his boyfriend as Chase managed to shift away without waking him. He and Skye walked to the girl's room, leaving Rocky and Zuma alone. Zuma sat closely to Rocky and pulled him into a hug. The grey haired boy mumbled some incomprehensible words in his sleep.

"Shh." Zuma whispered as he ran his fingers through his boyfriend's hair soothingly. '"You'we safe now."

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