Chapter 26

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"Do me and yourself a favour Skye." Chase said as he walked into her room with a mug in his hand. Skye was dressed and trying to pull on her boots but another coughing fit stopped her. She looked up at her boyfriend. She was pale and looked tired. Her hair was all over the place and you could tell she was ill just from looking at her.

"Get undressed. Go back to bed and stay there til you're better."

"Which of those is for your benefit I wonder." She smirked.

"Very funny." He placed the mug of hot black currant juice on the bedside cabinet.

"Chase I'm find." She pleaded.

"Say fine without a 'd' on the end."

"I'm fineeee-d. Hmph." Chase smiled triumphantly. He walked over and kissed Skye's head.

"I'll see you after school Yeah."

"No you're going home. You spend so much time here I think your mum might miss you."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. Rocky'll be here. I'll be find." She pulled a face when she heard her muffled voice again.

"Ok I'll see you tomorrow then." He kissed her cheek and left with Rocky to go to school.

When they got to school, the boys approached their usual group of friends who all looked grave. The two exchanged a look of confusion and walked up, asking their friends what was wrong.

"Well..." Everest began.

"You know how Skye didn't want anyone else to know about her anorexia?" Rubble asked.

"Yeah." Chase looked around.

"Well Everyone knows. And finds it funny. And are likely to target her because of it." Marshall finished.

"What why?! Who am I decking?!" Chase was angry to say the least. Tracker pointed to a sign on the wall that someone had typed up about Skye's condition.

"But who would...?" Rocky wondered before they all heard laughing from behind them. The two boys turned around to see none other than Ashlynne, Brianna and Carley stood behind them, waving a few pieces of paper in their hands.

"What the actual fuck did you do that for?" Rocky yelled, not caring if a teacher heard him.

"Oh like you can do anything about it." Ashlynne sniggered. That's all she liked, the fact that no one would stop her.

"He can't but I can." Everest stepped forward and slapped the bleach blonde across the face.

"Everest Miller!" The head teacher shouted from the end of the hall. Everest turned and looked deadpan at her friends then perked up and looked at the teacher.

"Yes Sir?" She asked innocently knowing full well that she was in deep trouble.

"My office. Now."

"Shit." She mumbled. "Wish me luck." She walked in the direction of the office but smiled to herself, quickly pulling one of the girls posters off the wall, earning a gasp from the trio.

When Everest and the head teacher were out of earshot, the group turned to the brats.

"I suggest that you find someone else to mess with." Rubble said boldly. The girls were about to fire back but Marshall stood in front of the blonde boy.

"Because we're through with your shit." He smiled. The group looked at them, dumbfounded. The friends smiled at each other, satisfied with their actions and made their way to class.

At about half four in the afternoon, Skye was feeling better and had caught up with all of her chores. She was putting one last glass away when she heard the familiar sound of the front door unlocking.

Rivit scampered to the kitchen door, looking out happily and wagging his tail.

"Who is is Riv?" Skye asked in that baby/animal talking voice most girls possess. "Is it Rocky? Is Rocky home?" The poor grey pup was getting more and more excited. Skye stood next to him and leaned against the doorframe. The door opened, revealing her brother, and his pup charged at him.

"Hey Rivet." Rocky knelt down and scratched the pup between his ears and also showing Everest behind him.

"Hi you two." Skye smiled.

"Hey. Do I smell coffee?"

"You sure do. Come into the kitchen."

"Feeling better then?"

"One hundred percent. I've done all my chores around the house. Oh speaking of chores, Rocky you still have to clean the bathroom." Skye smirked, checking the chore chart.

"Ugh why me? It's not my hair that clogs the shower." He groaned.

"I did it last week." Skye defended. "Anyway why are you two an hour late?" Skye said, finally realising the time.

"I got detention." Everest rolled her eyes. Skye looked at Rocky.

"She got me detention." He gave his auburn haired friend a glare. Skye laughed and shook her head, sitting at the table.

"Tell me what happened."

"We will but first..." The two anxiously looked at each other.


"Everyone knows about your anorexia." Everest sighed. They swore that they could see her spirit break like glass.

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